CHARACTER TABLE (ALT+ 3 or 4 digits)
投稿者: Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
ドイツ語 から スウェーデン語
+ ...
Oct 9, 2002

ALT Number Combinations, obtainable in WORD format from [email protected]

Four digits

¤ = ALT+0164

† = ALT+0134

× = ALT+0215

÷ = ALT+0247

= ALT+0182

‡ = ALT+0135

± = ALT+0177

— = ALT+0151

– = ALT+0150

§ = ALT+0167

ˆ = ALT+0136

˜ = ALT+0152

« = ALT+0171

» = AL
... See more
ALT Number Combinations, obtainable in WORD format from [email protected]

Four digits

¤ = ALT+0164

† = ALT+0134

× = ALT+0215

÷ = ALT+0247

= ALT+0182

‡ = ALT+0135

± = ALT+0177

— = ALT+0151

– = ALT+0150

§ = ALT+0167

ˆ = ALT+0136

˜ = ALT+0152

« = ALT+0171

» = ALT+0187

¦ = ALT+0166

‰ = ALT+0137

© = ALT+0169

® = ALT+0174

™ = ALT+0153

á = ALT+0225

à = ALT+0224

â = ALT+0226

ä = ALT+0228

å = ALT+0229

Á = ALT+0193

à = ALT+0195

Ä = ALT+0196

Å = ALT+0197

À = ALT+0192

 = ALT+0194

æ = ALT+0230

Æ = ALT+0198

ç = ALT+0231

Ç = ALT+0199

ê = ALT+0234

é = ALT+0233

ë = ALT+0235

è = ALT+0232

Ê = ALT+0202

Ë = ALT+0203

É = ALT+0201

È = ALT+0200

ï = ALT+0239

í = ALT+0237

î = ALT+0238

ì = ALT+0236

Í = ALT+0205

Ì = ALT+0204

Î = ALT+0206

Ï = ALT+0207

ñ = ALT+0241

Ñ = ALT+0209

œ = ALT+0156

Π= ALT+0140

ô = ALT+0244

ö = ALT+0246

ò = ALT+0242

õ = ALT+0245

ó = ALT+0243

ø = ALT+0248

Ó = ALT+0211

Ô = ALT+0212

Õ = ALT+0213

Ø = ALT+0216

Ö = ALT+0214

Ò = ALT+0210

š = ALT+0154

Š = ALT+0138

ú = ALT+0250

ü = ALT+0252

û = ALT+0251

ù = ALT+0249

Ù = ALT+0217

Ú = ALT+0218

Ü = ALT+0220

Û = ALT+0219

ÿ = ALT+0255

Ÿ = ALT+0159

ý = ALT+0253

Ý = ALT+0221

ª = ALT+0170

Þ = ALT+0222

þ = ALT+0254

ƒ = ALT+0131

ß = ALT+0223

µ = ALT+0181

Ð = ALT+0208

º = ALT+0186

• = ALT+0149

„ = ALT+0132

… = ALT+0133

= ALT+0172

¿ = ALT+0191

¡ = ALT+0161

¥ = ALT+0165

£ = ALT+0163

¢ = ALT+0162

¹ = ALT+0185

² = ALT+0178

³ = ALT+0179

½ = ALT+0189

¼ = ALT+0188

¾ = ALT+0190

ALT+3 digits

128 Ç

129 ü

130 é

131 â

132 ä

133 à

134 å

135 ç

136 ê

137 ë

138 è

139 ï

140 î

141 ì

142 Ä

143 Å

144 É

145 æ

146 Æ

147 ô

148 ö

149 ò

150 û

151 ù

152 ÿ

153 Ö

154 Ü

160 á

161 í

162 ó

163 ú

164 ñ

165 Ñ

167 º

168 ¿

248 °

250 •


133 à 0224

131 â 0226

135 ç 0231

130 é 0233

138 è 0232

136 ê 0234

137 ë 0235

140 î 0238

139 ï 0239

œ 0156

147 ô 0244

151 ù 0249

150 û 0251

183 À 0192

182 Â 0194

128 Ç 0199

212 È 0200

144 É 0201

210 Ê 0202

211 Ë 0203

215 Î 0206

216 Ï 0207


226 Ô 0212

235 Ù 0217

234 Û 0219

174 « 0171

175 » 0187


160 á 0224

130 é 0233

161 í 0237

164 ñ 0241

162 ó 0243

163 ú 0250

129 ü 0252

Á 0193

144 É 0201

Í 0205

165 Ñ 0209

Ó 0211

Ú 0218

154 Ü 0220

168 ¿ 0191

173 ¡ 0161


133 à 0224

138 è 0232

141 ì 0236

149 ò 0242

151 ù 0249

À 0192

È 0200

Ì 0204

Ò 0210

Ù 0217


ã 0227

à 0195

135 ç 0231

128 Ç 0199

149 ò 0242

Ò 0210

162 ó 0243

Ó 0211

õ 0245

Õ 0213


225 ß 0223

129 ü 0252

154 Ü 0220

132 ä 0228

142 Ä 0196

148 ö 0246

153 Ö 0214


129 ü 0252

154 Ü 0220

134 å 0229

143 Å 0197

132 ä 0228

142 Ä 0196

148 ö 0246

153 Ö 0214


129 ü 0252

154 Ü 0220

145 æ 0230

146 Æ 0198

134 å 0229

143 Å 0197

155 ø 0248

157 Ø 0216

[ This Message was edited by: on 2002-10-09 08:55 ]

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:59
英語 から イタリア語
+ ...
Alternative method for obtaining special characters Oct 9, 2002

There is another trick, not very well known, for obtaining some special characters in Word.

Note, the ALT+3 number or ALT+4 numbers method will work in any Windows program, while the following technique can be used only in Word.
If you need one of the characters in another program, you can produce it in Word and then copy and paste it where you need it.
It can be used in any keyboard. I use it, most of times, with my UK keyboard to type the Italian characters with an acc
... See more
There is another trick, not very well known, for obtaining some special characters in Word.

Note, the ALT+3 number or ALT+4 numbers method will work in any Windows program, while the following technique can be used only in Word.
If you need one of the characters in another program, you can produce it in Word and then copy and paste it where you need it.
It can be used in any keyboard. I use it, most of times, with my UK keyboard to type the Italian characters with an accent.

As first example, I describe how to obtain a character with the grave accent:

1. Press the CTRL key
2. Keep it pressed while pressing the key ´
3. Now release both keys and just press the desired vowel (any lower or upper case)
That's all. No numeric codes. Only 3 keys to press.

Two first, to prompt the special combo, and then simply the desired key. It will come out with the chosen CTRL+attribute.

I hope it is very clear, try it now!

A similar method can be used for other sets of characters:

Press CTRL + ´ and [a,e,i,o,u] to get [á é etc...]
Press CTRL + / and [o,O] to get [ø,Ø]
Press CTRL + ~ and [n,N] to get [ñ,Ñ]
Press CTRL + : and [a,o,etc...] to get [ä,ö,etc...]
Press CTRL + , and [c,C] to get [ç,Ç]
Press CTRL + ^ and [a,e,etc...] to get [â,ê,etc...]

While the list of characters obtainable with this method is not as complete as the numeric list, it has the advantage of not requiring to remember or to have a long list of numeric codes at hand.


[Edited at 2008-07-22 12:14]

PAS  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
ポーランド語 から 英語
+ ...
Fully agree with Gianfranco Oct 9, 2002

I discovered this \"technique\" some time ago, quite by accident.

The good thing is that most of the diacriticals are fairly intuitive on the keyboard (press CTRL and the keyboard character you _think_ looks like the diacritical you need.

The only thing - for capital letters you also need to press CTRL + \"sign\" and then SHIFT with the letter.

For \"signs\" like :, ^, > you must press CTRL+SHIFT and then the letter.

But this was obvi
... See more
I discovered this \"technique\" some time ago, quite by accident.

The good thing is that most of the diacriticals are fairly intuitive on the keyboard (press CTRL and the keyboard character you _think_ looks like the diacritical you need.

The only thing - for capital letters you also need to press CTRL + \"sign\" and then SHIFT with the letter.

For \"signs\" like :, ^, > you must press CTRL+SHIFT and then the letter.

But this was obvious, isn\'t it?

For other signs (paragraph, copyright, trademark etc.), if you use them often, take the time and program your own keyboard shortcuts.

I use ALT+s for §

ALT+c for copyright and so on.

You assign the shortcuts from the Insert - Symbol menu.

Sven Petersson
Sven Petersson  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
英語 から スウェーデン語
+ ...
RemoteKeys Oct 9, 2002

My geriatric brain is unable to remember all those numbers so I have programmed it (and the HTML codes as well) into the application RemoteKeys.

You will find RemoteKeys and lots of other goodies on

[ This Message was edited by: on 2002-10-09 10:11 ]

Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
ドイツ語 から スウェーデン語
+ ...
We in Sweden are lucky Oct 9, 2002

Thanks Gianfranco but we don\'t have to use your method.

Our keyboards already have the signs on top of the vowels except the slavic inverted ^.

The cédille in French is not there though but:


For someone ordering my table in Word, the applicable codes could be distilled from it, so that it becomes practical.

Personally, I use the 3 digit one since 15 years.

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
ポーランド語 から ドイツ語
+ ...
Why so complicated? Oct 9, 2002

Word is a very good and very adaptable tool.

You can programm it to print all characters you need by only pressing two keys together (ALT GR +character). So for example in Polish to get an \"a\" with \"ogonek\" you will only need to press ALT GR+a (or, if you wish it works even with ALT+a).

What you need is to go to \"paste\" (or similar, it is a menu, which allows you to put in a graphics, manual page and objects and so on - as I have only the german Word, I do not know the
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Word is a very good and very adaptable tool.

You can programm it to print all characters you need by only pressing two keys together (ALT GR +character). So for example in Polish to get an \"a\" with \"ogonek\" you will only need to press ALT GR+a (or, if you wish it works even with ALT+a).

What you need is to go to \"paste\" (or similar, it is a menu, which allows you to put in a graphics, manual page and objects and so on - as I have only the german Word, I do not know the right english names for menus) and select \"Symbol\". There you need to choos \"usual text\" or \"normal text\" (it is the first position in the long list of availlable fonts). Then select each character you need to define a keybord shortcut for and press \"keyboard shortcut\". Then define your own shortcut (ie. \"ALT+o\" for gettin an \"ó\" amd so on). You can define as much shortcuts as much you need. After that you will never need to remember their ANSI-Codes (those myterious codes given by Mats). Thats all - and it works, I´m using this method since several years.

This is a very simple method, you do not need three keys as in Gianfranco´s method, and it allows you to set the shortcuts in a most convenient way.


Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
ドイツ語 から スウェーデン語
+ ...
Because one writes too many eMails and Forum contributions Oct 10, 2002

You\'re right Jerzy but:

I use your method in Word but less and less because eMails and \'Notes\' do not play ball so I\'ve got used to using the 3 digits.

I disabled Word as an Outlook editor due to a number of complications.

This very forum does not accomodate your method either.

Otherwise AltGr is a good tip. I\'ll use it.


Nikolai Muraviev
Nikolai Muraviev  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:59
英語 から ロシア語
+ ...
General rule Oct 10, 2002

For best results, use \'standard\' application Character Map (Charmap.exe). Much easier

Susanne Rosenberg
Susanne Rosenberg  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
デンマーク語 から ドイツ語
+ ...
For longer texts I change the keyboard setting... Oct 11, 2002

I use Mats\' and Gianfranco\'s methods when I only need to type a few \"foreign\" characters, but when translating longer texts I do prefer to change the keyboard setting so that this corresponds with the target language.

It only takes a minute to configure this, and afterwards you can switch between the settings using a simple key combination. Here\'s a short instruction - just in case somebody does not know how to proceed:

- Klick on the \"keyboard\"
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I use Mats\' and Gianfranco\'s methods when I only need to type a few \"foreign\" characters, but when translating longer texts I do prefer to change the keyboard setting so that this corresponds with the target language.

It only takes a minute to configure this, and afterwards you can switch between the settings using a simple key combination. Here\'s a short instruction - just in case somebody does not know how to proceed:

- Klick on the \"keyboard\" icon in the control panel

- Select \"language\", then \"add (a language)\"

- Choose the language you need (e.g. German if you have an \"English\" keyboard) and press \"OK\" - when selecting an exotic language I think you might be asked to insert the programme CD

- Select a keyboard combination to be used for switching between the keyboard settings

- Press \"OK\" and you\'re done!

Have a nice week-end, everyone


PS: I hope that the English system terms which I have used are correct - in German it would be \"Systemsteuerung, Tastatur, Sprache, Hinzufügen, Sprachumschaltung\" etc.


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CHARACTER TABLE (ALT+ 3 or 4 digits)

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