Duits naar Engels
Frans naar Engels
Nederlands naar Engels

Colm Macqueen
Technical and environmental translator

Fairlie, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Lokale tijd: 21:54 BST (GMT+1)

Moedertaal: Engels Native in Engels, Scottish Gaelic Native in Scottish Gaelic
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Diensten Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Copywriting
Gespecialiseerd in:
Medisch (algemeen)Financieel-economisch (algemeen)
Techniek (algemeen)Zaken / handel (algemeen)
EconomieInternet, elektronische handel
Energie / stroomopwekkingJuridisch (algemeen)
OctrooienMarketing en marktonderzoek

Portfolio Proefvertalingen ingeleverd: 3
Duits naar Engels: Lease agreement clause
General field: Juridisch / patenten
Detailed field: Vastgoed
Brontekst - Duits
§ 4 Lieferung des Mietobjektes, Haftung des Vermieters

Dem Mieter ist bekannt, dass der Vermieter das Mietobjekt erst von einem vom Mieter ausgewählten Lieferanten erwerben muss. Zu diesem Zweck beauftragt der Mieter den Vermieter hiermit, soweit nicht eine abweichende Vereinbarung getroffen wurde, in die vom Mieter beim Lieferanten getätigte Bestellung einzutreten mit der Maßgabe, dass dem Vermieter aus der Bestellung sämtliche Rechte zustehen und ihm ausschließlich die Verpflichtung zur Bezahlung des Mietobjektes sowie - soweit es sich bei der Bestellung um einen Werkvertrag handelt - die Verpflichtung zur Abnahme obliegt. Alle Verpflichtungen, die über die Bezahlung oder eine gegebenenfalls erforderliche werkvertragliche Abnahme hinausgehen, verbleiben beim Mieter. Der Vermieter behält sich vor, den Bestelleintritt vorzunehmen unter Zugrundelegung seiner eigenen Bestellbedingungen. Soweit der Mieter bereits Anzahlungen geleistet hat und diese Anzahlungen vereinbarungsgemäß vom Vermieter erstattet werden, tritt der Mieter schon jetzt seine diesbezüglichen Rückzahlungsansprüche gegen den Lieferanten an den dies annehmenden Vermieter ab. Sollte sich der Lieferant mit dem Bestelleintritt des Vermieters nicht einverstanden erklären, so ist der Vermieter berechtigt, von diesem Vertrag durch schriftliche Erklärung zurückzutreten.
Vertaling - Engels
§ 4 Delivery of the rental property, liability of the lessor

1. The lessee is aware that the lessor is firstly required to purchase the rental property from a supplier selected by the lessee. To this end, the lessee hereby instructs the lessor, unless agreed otherwise, to enter into the order placed by the lessee with the supplier on condition that the order states the lessor’s entitlement to all rights, and the obligation to pay for the rental property is exclusively the lessor’s responsibility, as well as, insofar as the order specifies that the contract is for work and services, the obligation to make the purchase. All obligations which go over and above payment or acceptance of work and services which may be required, remain the responsibility of the lessee. The lessor reserves the right to enter into the order on his/her own order conditions. Insofar as the lessee has already made advance payments and these advance payments are reimbursed by the lessor as agreed, the lessee hereby transfers his/her repayment claims against the supplier to the accepting lessor at this point already. Should the supplier not agree to the lessor’s entry into the order, the lessor is entitled to withdraw from this contract by making a written declaration.
Nederlands naar Engels: Excerpt from school textbook on ancient history
General field: Kunst en literatuur
Detailed field: Geschiedenis
Brontekst - Nederlands
3. De heilige spelen
Het was een oud gebruik bij de Grieken, dat zij niet alleen ter eere der
goden, maar ook der afgestorvenen, feestdagen aankondigden, en deze door openlijke wapenspelen allen luister bijzetteden. Aldus hield de held
ACHILLES, gelijk wij boven gehoord hebben, op het graf van zijnen vriend PATROKLUS, plegtige wapengevechten ter zijner gedachtenis. Vooral werden zulke feestdagen voor de goden daar gehouden, waar men geloofde, dat hun lievelingsoord was. Het feest begon en eindigde met offerhanden.

In Elis bijna aan de westkust van den Peloponnesus aan den oever der
liefelijke rivier Peneus was een overoud bosch, langs hetwelk eene groote platte vlakte liep, welke men Olympia noemde. Zij was sedert onheugelijke tijden aan JUPITER toegewijd, want HERKULES, wiens lotgevallen en heldendaden overal door de oudheid zijn gevierd geworden, zoude hier ter eere van JUPITER plegtige speelgevechten ingesteld hebben. Doch deze plegtigheid onderbleef langen tijd, uithoofde der onlusten en oorlogen, die daarop volgden, totdat eindelijk IPHITUS, koning van Elis op aanraden der godspraak van Delphi in het jaar 888 voor J.C. dezelve vernieuwde. Sedert dien tijd hadden deze wedspelen alle vier jaren in de maand Julij regelmatig plaats; en elke vrije Griek, op wien door zijn gedrag geene schandvlek kleefde, kon aan dezelve deel nemen. Gedurende deze plegtigheid werd alle twist ter zijde gesteld, zelfs gezworene vijanden legden de wapenen neder, en kwamen als broeders op deze algemeene plegtigheid bijeen. Vrienden en verwanten, die ver van elkander’ verwijderd waren, ontmoetten zich hier, waar zij handelsverbindtenissen aankneopten, en over de staats - en familiebelangen met elkander’ spraken. Aldus, door hune denkbeelden aan elkanderen mede te deelen, werd de kiem gelegd tot vele verbetering.
Vertaling - Engels
3. The sacred games
It was an ancient custom for the Greeks to hold holidays, not only in honor of the gods, but also the deceased, and to celebrate these in all their glory through public weapon games. Thus the hero ACHILLES, as we learned above, held ceremonial weapon fights on the grave of his friend PATROKLUS, in his memory. Such holidays for the gods were primarily held where their favorite place was believed to be. The holiday began and ended with sacrifices.

In Elis, almost on the west coast of the Peloponnesus on the bank of the charming river Peneus, there was an ancient forest alongside which a large flat surface ran that was known as Olympia. Since time immemorial it was dedicated to JUPITER, because HERKULES, whose fates and heroic acts became celebrated throughout all antiquity, is said to have established competitive battles here in honor of JUPITER. However, for a long time this ceremony was neglected due to subsequent riots and wars, until finally IPHITUS, king of Elis, on advice of the oracle of Delphi, restored them in the year 888 B.C. From that time, these tournaments took place regularly in the month of July: and every free Greek who was not tainted by his conduct could participate in them. During this ceremony all disputes were set aside: even sworn enemies lay down their weapons, and met as brothers during this general ceremony. Friends and relatives who were distant from each other met here, where they sealed business deals, and discussed state - and family - concerns with each other. Thus, by sharing their ideas with one another, the seed was sown for great improvement.
Frans naar Engels: External auditor's opinion on the annual accounts
General field: Zakelijk / financieel
Detailed field: Boekhouding
Brontekst - Frans
1 - Opinion sur les comptes annuels-

Nous avons effectué notre audit selon les normes d’exercice professionnel applicables en France ; ces normes requièrent la mise en oeuvre de diligences permettant d’obtenir l’assurance raisonnable que les comptes annuels ne comportent pas d’anomalies significatives. Un audit consiste à vérifier, par sondages ou au moyen d’autres méthodes de sélection, les éléments justifiant des montants et informations figurant dans les comptes annuels. II consiste également à apprécier les principes comptables suivis, les estimations significatives retenues et la présentation d’ensemble des comptes. Nous estimons que les éléments que nous avons collectés sont suffisants et appropriés pour fonder notre opinion.

Nous certifions que les comptes annuels sont, au regard des règles et principes comptables français, réguliers et sincères et donnent une image fidèle du résultat des opérations de l'exercice écoulé ainsi que de la Situation financière et du patrimoine de la société à la fin de cet exercice.

Sans remettre en cause l’opinion exprimée ci-dessus, nous attirons votre attention sur le 2ème point de la note « Faits caractéristiques sur l’exercice » de l’annexe figurant en page 10 concernant les circonstances empêchant la comparabilité des comptes de l’exercice par rapport â l’exercice précédent.

2 - Justification des appréciations

En application des dispositions de l'article L. 823-9 du Code de commerce relatives à la justification de nos appréciations, nous vous informons que les appréciations auxquelles nous avons procédé ont porté sur le caractère approprié des principes comptables appliqués.

Les appréciations ainsi portées s'inscrivent dans le cadre de notre démarche d'audit des comptes annuels, pris dans leur ensemble, et ont donc contribué à la formation de notre opinion exprimée dans la première partie de ce rapport.

3 - Vérifications et informations spécifiques

Nous avons également procédé, conformément aux normes d’exercice professionnel applicables en France, aux vérifications spécifiques prévues par la loi.

Nous n’avons pas d’observation à formuler sur la sincérité et la concordance avec les comptes annuels des informations données dans le rapport de gestion du conseil d’administration et dans les documents adressés aux actionnaires sur la Situation financière et les comptes annuels.
Vertaling - Engels
1 - Opinion on the annual accounts -

We have carried out our work in accordance with the professional standards in use in France; these standards require due diligence to ensure with a reasonable degree of certainty that the consolidated financial statements do not contain any significant anomalies. An audit involves examining, through surveys or using other selection methods, the elements that support the amounts and data contained in the consolidated statements.vIt also involves assessing the accounting principles followed and any significant estimates used in the drafting of financial statements. We consider the elements we have collected to be sufficient and appropriate to form our opinion.

We certify that the consolidated financial statements for the period are, in regard to the French accounting rules and principles, honest and sincere, and provide a reliable picture of the preceding year's operations, and the company's financial position and assets at the end of this financial year.

Without calling into question our opinion expressed above, we would like to draw your attention to point 2 of the note “Significant events and transactions of the financial year”, contained in the Appendix on page 10 concerning the circumstances preventing comparison between the statements for this financial year and the preceding financial year.

2 - Justifications for our assessments

As stipulated by Article L.823-9 of the Commercial Code regarding the justification of our opinion, we would like to inform you that the assessments we made focused on the appropriateness of the accounting principles applied.
The assessments we made of these items form part of the framework of our audit approach to the financial statements as a whole and therefore contributed to the opinion expressed in the first part of this report.

3 - Specific verifications and information

We also carried out, in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, the specific verifications required by law.

We have no comments or reservations about the information regarding the company's financial position and the financial statements provided in the Board of Directors' Management Report and in the other documents provided to the shareholders, nor do we have comments on their consistency with the financial statements themselves.

Vertaalopleiding Bachelor's degree - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Ervaring Jaren vertaalervaring: 9. Geregistreerd op ProZ.com: Oct 2014.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Getuigschriften Duits naar Engels (University of Strathclyde)
Frans naar Engels (University of Strathclyde)
Spaans naar Engels (University of Strathclyde)
Lidmaatschappen N/A
Programma's Across, Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, Fluency, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, iQube, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Website https://societyofauthors.org/translator-Profile?itemID=1521
CV/Resume CV available upon request

Technical and environmental translator and editor, working from German, French, Dutch and Spanish into English

  • Native English speaking First Class Honours business and languages graduate 
  • Qualified Member, Institute of Translation and Interpreting
  • Accurate, timely, quality-focused service provided for over 7 years.
  • 1.6 million words translated and 1.5 million proofread or edited to date
  • Excellent quality delivered within tight deadlines, even while working on several projects simultaneously
  • Very high linguistic proficiency and deep cultural understanding obtained through working and studying in source language environments
  • A member of the Emerging Translators Network, my writing has been published by literary journal 404 Ink 
  • Attended the International Literary Translation & Creative Writing Summer School at the British Centre for Literary Translation in 2017

Texts handled include

  • Patents, trademark registrations and legal correspondence in relation to inventions and products in a wide range of domains such as chemistry, engineering, manufacturing, energy, electronics and telecommunications
  • Texts covering renewable energy, recycling, conservation, climate change and sustainable development, such as discussion papers, CSR reports, cleantech operating manuals and web content 
  • Operating procedures, safety regulations, assembly instructions, product and process descriptions, dangerous substance licences, manufacturing inspection plans, requests for proposal, tenders, equipment standards and legislation
  • Contracts for industrial supplies and infrastructure, leases, loan agreements
  • Marketing communications, advertising, investor relations, financial statements, audits
  • Short stories, essays on arts and culture, synopses for feature films.

Examples of recent projects


  • Guidelines for lithium-ion batteries (German into English, 13,000 words)
  • Employee surveys (Dutch into English, 17,000 words)
  • Contract for a major electricity supply project (French into English, 14,000 words)


  • Operating manual for a multifunctional document-handling machine (English, 37,000 words)
  • Instructions for bike fitting software and systems (English, 107,000 words)
  • Financial reports for an agricultural company (French into English, 33,000 words).


  • Proofreading of English subtitles for a Flemish television series (9 episodes, 50 minutes each)
  • English subtitles for various documentaries shown at the 2017 GLITCH film festival in Glasgow 
  • Subtitles for video presentations on technical products (German, Dutch into English).

Trefwoorden: From German, French, English, Spanish, Dutch into English, medical, technical, financial, legal, native English speaker

Profiel voor het laatst bijgewerkt
May 11, 2022