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Comparing MadCap Lingo and Lokally.io

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name MadCap Lingo Lokally.io
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(2 reviews)
(2 reviews)
Most helpful review
Great tool, would recommend to all my colleagues, must have for Flare translation
Lingo is a must have tool for the proper translation of MadCap Flare resources. Lingo packages content from any of the programs in the MadPak Suite into a Lingo project which can be exported into XLIFF files so you can translate the files in the CAT tool of your choice. Then you simply import the XLIFF back into Lingo and you can export back to Flare. Lingo makes the process go very smoothly. Updates and project alignment are also handled very efficiently.
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Worth to try
I am a translation students and I found this tool online to translate my documents. The results are generated so fast and precise to I highly recommend this tool for other students like me

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Product description MadCap Lingo is a translation management solution designed to assist technical writers, documentation specialists and professional translators in the translation and localization process.
Improve translation efficiency with a streamlined workflow using built-in Translation Memory technology (TMX support), detailed reporting capabilities, and advanced translation features such as alignment, termbases and more.
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This app is a global machine translation tool based in Vietnam that is made to help translators optimize the whole translation process and generate results at fast speed and high quality. We aim to provide convenient translation because Lokally.io can be: - FAST: Translate multiple files at the same time and translate multiple languages for one file at once in less than 10 seconds and the accuracy is up to 90%. - FLEXIBLE: Translate documents in common file formats (word, pdf, xlsx, pdf) to 111 languages in the world. - CHEAP: For any new sign-in, users will receive 3000 FREE words immediately to their balance. - EASY: Lokally.io is a user-friendly tool suitable for translators at all levels. Users don’t need to be tech masters to use this tool.
Price $599.00 US Users will be received 3000 words FREE every month. In case translators need more words to translate, Lokally.io provides various word packages that users can choose to purchase 1, 2 or more packages.
File formats Microsoft® Word™ documents (no local install required) PowerPoint files Adobe® InDesign® XLIFF files HTM and HTML ResX files and much more! Lokally.io supports 4 common file types: Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX), WORD, Portable documents format (PDF), Power Point (PPT)
License type Available as perpetual or time limited Software as a service (subscription)
Operating system Windows Linux, Other, Android, Apple iOS, Windows, MacOS
System requirements Intel Pentium 4 or better processor 4096 MB memory (RAM) 400 MB available hard drive space Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 - This tool is a online machine translation. With Internet connection, users can use this tool everywhere and every time even at midnight
Compatibility Supports standard file formats XLIFF, DITA, HTML, TMX, and TBX. Also all MadCap filetypes, SDLXLIFF, TTX, TXML, .resx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .fm, .book, .mif, idml, .dita, .htm, .rtf, .txt.
No data
Support and upgrades offered/included Free community support, Installation support, Free updates, but not upgrades Free technical support via support ticket center, N/A - Software is free
Support and tutorial links Product Overview
https://help.lokally.io/ or you can send us questions to [email protected] for more detailed support
Free trial
No data
Lokally.io users have 3000 FREE words every month
Languages supported Left to Right and Right to Left Lokally.io is able to support translating to 111 languages worldwide.

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