The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

indonésio para inglês Geral/conversas/saudações/cartas Translation Glossary

indonésio term inglês translation
Drs./Drg. BA/DDS
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
dunia barat The west
gebyah uyah to weave all pieces over the same loom
Entered by: Eddie R. Notowidigdo
gelombang para penista dari zionis Yahudi wave of blasphemers from Zionist Judaism
genangan bendung reservoir
gerak jalan santai fun walk
gunung yang teduh/dingin shaded and cool mountain
Entered by: Regi2006
hengkang dari daerah-daerah yang diduduki selama ini Withdraw from the currently occupied territories.
Entered by: Arfan Achyar
hubungan sosial budaya socio-cultural relationship
Ikatan cendikiawan Muslim Indonesia The Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals
Istri Siri sirri wife
Iyo to kaka. You're right, bro.
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
jalur pelayaran/jalur pelayaran laut route
jalur pemukiman area of settlement
jamahan tangan dingin Midas touch
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
janji toh tetap tinggal janji the promises remain just that, promises.
jo in connection with
jor-joran avoid excessive privatization
kajian yang telah, tengah dan terus akan dilakukan past, present and future studies
kaki tangan accomplice
Entered by: Monica Arifin
Kalau tidak mau dibilang sebagai suatu Pemalsuan Or a Falsification, to say the least
kam camp
Entered by: Regi2006
karakteristik kawasan tinjauan characteristics of assesment area
Kartu Keluarga Family Card
Entered by: Ramona Ali
ke depan onwards
keagenan distributorship
Entered by: Regi2006
kebutuhan publik public necessity
kedondong great hog plum
Kegiatan yang berkembang customary activities
kehilangan kehormatan lose her / their dignity
kehilangan tempat tinggal dan tempat belajar lost their home and school
kekeringan water shortage
kelebihan mereka their strength
kelembagaan institutional
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
keluarga besar extended family
keputusan tertinggi highest mandate
kesulitan artikulasi dalam bahasa inggris difficulty in expressing their thougts in English
ketentuan stipulation
ketika dia telah dewasa when they reach adulthood
ketika singgah ke nusantara calling in port at the archipelago
Entered by: Regi2006
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