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Search results: (868 matches)
Italian L'area KudoZ è diventata inutile? 10 minuti? [quote]Claudio Porcellana wrote: ora,
calcolando 10 minuti tra leggere la domanda,
ragionare, trovare la risposta e aggiungere i
link, e moltiplicando il dato per 750 risposte da
Gianni Pastore Jan 28, 2010
Italian L'area KudoZ è diventata inutile? Amen [quote]lanave wrote: Non sono la Bibbia, ma se
non ci fossero sarebbe comunque uno strumento in
meno. Concludo dicendo che ci sono anche
tantissimi colleghi che vi partecipano con
Gianni Pastore Jan 28, 2010
Italian Messaggio per i giovani traduttori (e per i meno giovani) Dato di fatto? [quote]Emanuela Casola wrote: (...) sono pochi
i traduttori a tempo pieno che si mantengono da
soli e conducono una vita dignitosa con
quest'unica attività. È un dato di fatto.
Gianni Pastore Jan 25, 2010
Italian Messaggio per i giovani traduttori (e per i meno giovani) È anche vero il contrario [quote]Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
wrote: questo discorso avrebbe senso se
tutti traducessimo a tempo pieno e se la
traduzione fosse la nostra unica fonte di
guadagno. Ma non �
Gianni Pastore Jan 25, 2010
KudoZ My fantasy I don't understand what you mean [quote]ScottishWildCat wrote: I think there is
no need for development of those grey areas as
long as you know you can trust the person/company
hiring the freelancers ;). Everything t
Gianni Pastore Jan 24, 2010
Health and lifestyle for language professionals What do you like to watch on TV? If I were you... [quote]Aleksandar Stanković wrote: Luckily,
the latest episodes of pretty much every show on
the planet can be downloaded via torrents within
minutes of their airing in the USA. They s
Gianni Pastore Jan 24, 2010
KudoZ My fantasy This is what I'd like to see in the future [quote]Nicole Schnell wrote: For some highly
creative jobs I have hired translator colleagues
for brainstorming (brand name development,
development of board games) at a three-digit
Gianni Pastore Jan 24, 2010
Italian L'amore, la passione, i soldi e la traduzione La cosa è meno scontata di quel che si crede [quote]sabina moscatelli wrote: Io non solo NON
farei la traduttrice. NON farei nessun altro
lavoro. Girerei il mondo. O forse no.
[/quote] Proprio l'altro giorno, parlando con
Gianni Pastore Jan 19, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you blog? Yep! Nothing to do with translations, it's only for a
laugh, really, but I have quite a few faithful
readers :)
Gianni Pastore Jan 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you read a "Translation for Dummies" book if it existed? Yes There could be a trick you don't know or think
about it, even if you're in the business since
forever. So it might be worth it. :)
Gianni Pastore Jan 14, 2010
Off topic Show me your desktop and I'll show you mine Mine [IMG]
Gianni Pastore Jan 13, 2010
Business issues Do you really know your job/market, as a pro? (10k wds, legal, 5 langs: How much, via agency?) Exactly [quote]inkweaver wrote: By the way, you don't
need to call me a "pro". For me, translation is an
art, so "artist" is just fine, thank you.
[/quote] Besides, when an artist signs to a
Gianni Pastore Jan 12, 2010
Translation Project / Vendor Management To which extent do you think we are expected to re-write a source text through its translation? To the extent... ...of explaining in the simplest way (target)
what's the real meaning of source text. At least
it's what I do in order not to get complains once
I have delivered. Bad source text happens n
Gianni Pastore Jan 4, 2010
KudoZ Isn't the KudoZ system having an unintended effect? Besides [quote]Nicole Schnell wrote: Why should a
translator who is highly specialized in a
particular field but never bothers to help
colleagues have a higher ranking than people who
are w
Gianni Pastore Dec 27, 2009
Italian master in screen translation Qui dice cos'è
Gianni Pastore Dec 24, 2009
Italian Che più off non si può: Curre curre guagliò Questo?
%B3 Wiki dice che è il primo album, sebbene
non abbia capito se ti stai riferendo a una
versione in particolare o a quella da studio.
Gianni Pastore Dec 17, 2009
Off topic Anyone need a laugh? Hahaha!!! And a heck of players too! :D Cheer up
Jane Thanks G
Gianni Pastore Dec 15, 2009
Italian Obiettivo di fatturato Il rischio d'impresa... ...ormai non è più ristretto al solo libero
professionista. Se non consideriamo i pubblici
dipendenti (che non si sa per quale motivo non
possono essere licenziati, se non per gravissime
Gianni Pastore Dec 14, 2009
KudoZ New KudoZ rules (proposal) Agree on slogans I very much like the idea of a special section in
Proz where to post marketing/advertising slogan
which obviously require a very creative thinking.
Each job poster would buy some kind of c
Gianni Pastore Dec 6, 2009
Hardware SATA issue on Mobo Asus P5QL-E (warning: computer geek wanted) Solved! At last! Thanks a lot guys, Boyan's link did the
trick. I changed the registry entry and now the
system boot up regularly with HDD in SATA mode. I
know it's not a huge difference in perfor
Gianni Pastore Dec 5, 2009
Hardware SATA issue on Mobo Asus P5QL-E (warning: computer geek wanted) Hi all I have built my first PC (desktop)
purchasing bits and pieces all over the web in
order to have a decent performance on a budget
(400 EUR) The PC is made by: Thermaltake
Gianni Pastore Dec 5, 2009
Italian Off topic: una piccola risata prima di andare a dormire Beh almeno Scooby Doo è un cartoon vecchio Se è quello che penso io, deve essere un cartoon
di fine anni '70, a meno che non abbiano fatto una
riedizione. Invece adesso in radio si sente una
pubblicità in cui, per dire di tele
Gianni Pastore Dec 2, 2009
Getting established Which specialisation for someone just starting out Why not? [quote]Mike Alizade wrote: I have a variety of
other interests e.g health fitness, martial arts,
environment for example, but could I count them
among my specialisations? [/quote] O
Gianni Pastore Nov 30, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: You get a translation you don't like, you: Other As I have only one field of specialization (which
also happens to be a major passion of mine) I
never get a translation I don't like. :D G
Gianni Pastore Nov 29, 2009
Subtitling New theatre subtitling device I agree [quote]Ioana Daia wrote: I'm not sure I got
it... So, you look either your small (and
ingenious, I must admit) screen, either what's
happening on the scene, the images etc. It's
Gianni Pastore Nov 27, 2009
KudoZ Obviously Wrong Answer Filter them out What is the point in answering questions of
somebody who clearly doesn't know what is doing,
despite several "agrees" given to the right
Gianni Pastore Nov 17, 2009
Off topic More than ten years later, this still sends shivers down my spine Aaaahhh... Great track, best trumpet solo ever, amazing feel!
Thank you for the reminder :) G
Gianni Pastore Nov 15, 2009
Italian Come dovremmo farci selezionare? Personalmente, [quote]Riccardo Schiaffino wrote: Per conto
mio, una vera perdita di tempo: una volta che ti
sei reso conto che il revisore non era all'altezza
che fai? [/quote] deduco che non
Gianni Pastore Nov 10, 2009
Italian OT: Saluti e ringraziamenti Non ti crucciare Per quanto ricordi, attacchi personali (pubblici e
privati) e ripicche ci sono sempre stati sul
forum, e te lo dice uno che li frequenta dal 2001.
Addirittura l'altra settimana qualcuna mi
Gianni Pastore Nov 9, 2009
KudoZ How many Kudoz users are on your blacklist? 25 Most (if not all) of them because of several Kudoz
"just closed" with no explanation whatsoever,
which is quite rude behavior to me.
Gianni Pastore Nov 2, 2009
Off topic Arcade games. What were your favorites? Did you use to play these games? I've spent
zillions on Asteroids and the likes. My fave
three: [IMG]
cc273/jani66/Asteroi1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http:
Gianni Pastore Oct 26, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Grazie a tutti! Grazie a tutti! Per fortuna la giornata ci ha
risparmiato la pioggia (anche se praticamente ora
sono sordo dall’orecchio destro per il vento, ma
chissene). Contentissimo aver dato un vol
Gianni Pastore Oct 24, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy More useful info Per chi viene da Roma in auto: · Prendere la
Cassia Bis sul raccordo anulare in direzione
Viterbo · Arrivando a Monterosi, proseguire
dritto verso Capranica (tenersi sulla sinistra,
Gianni Pastore Oct 22, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Per coloro che hanno bisogno di un passaggio da Orte Vi pregherei di fare in modo di arrivare in
stazione tra le 10 e le 10:30. Per qualsiasi
evenienza sto per inviarvi in privato il mio
numero di cellulare. Ciao!
Gianni Pastore Oct 22, 2009
Off topic Couples who met through ProZ Ouch! [quote]Paola Dentifrigi wrote: Hi Prakaash you
could come here Look what our
Gianni organized :-D :-D Paola
[/quote] That's a punch below the
Gianni Pastore Oct 21, 2009 job systems Allow site members/users to rate each job posting Could not say it better [quote]Peter Moor wrote: It took me quite a
while to read through this post, but it was well
worth my time. It should concern all of us since
most of us are doing this on a full-time
Gianni Pastore Oct 21, 2009
Off topic Couples who met through ProZ Found and lost So, alas, no TV program for me. Unless there's
some kind of TV program about dating a translator
:D G
Gianni Pastore Oct 21, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy More info Ciao a tutt*. Allora il risto è stato prenotato
ed è questo
qui Sono
riuscito a spuntare un menu che
comprende Antipasto: fagioli pasticciati a
Gianni Pastore Oct 20, 2009
Italian DOVE ti vorresti svegliare domattina? In un bungalow delle Maldive, in riva al mare. Qui ci sono 4
gradi e io odio il f*##*#o freddo. :D G
Gianni Pastore Oct 19, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Update info Ciao! Su suggerimento di smarinella, ho esteso
l'invito ai traduttori di Langit (ci sono già tre
adesioni). More networking opportunities x
everyone! :)
Gianni Pastore Oct 19, 2009 job systems Allow site members/users to rate each job posting Poll [quote]James A Walsh wrote: Question: How do
you respond to requests for 'Best Rates' in job
postings? [/quote] I don't. Whoever ask such
question is in no way interested in quali
Gianni Pastore Oct 17, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Ah, per il vino rosso... No preoccupa, io provvede :) Gianni Pastore Oct 17, 2009
Italian Thread sulla possibilità di "valutare" le offerte di lavoro pubblicate su Io continuo a nuotare Sarò miope, ma io davvero non ne vedo l'utilità.
Voglio dire, un'agenzia posta un lavoro a
0,0000001 cent/parola e riceve 3.500 note di
biasimo dai traduttori di un sito. Pensate davvero
Gianni Pastore Oct 16, 2009
General technical issues How to create a "registered electronic signature" What I do When I receive WO in pdf format, I open the file
with Acrobat (full view, i.e.: the whole page
displayed on the screen). I then hit the
***print*** key on the PC, open Microsoft Paint,
Gianni Pastore Oct 15, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Viterbo - Italy Conferma (se possibile) entro sabato Ciao a tutte! Ragazze, entro questo sabato vorrei
che confermaste o meno la vostra presenza al
Powwow. Ho bisogno di contattare il ristorante e
di organizzare altri dettagli, per cui mi fa
Gianni Pastore Oct 15, 2009
Off topic What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? More about the Big L The White Russian. I just had to try the drink
because the Dude seemed to enjoyed so much. Not
bad, I must say, not bad at all :D
Gianni Pastore Oct 15, 2009
Off topic What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? Well [quote]Liliana Roman-Hamilton wrote: Wow, who
would have thunk... I know the Big Lebowski has
a lot of fans, some friends of mine raved about
it, that's why I gave it a shot...but de
Gianni Pastore Oct 14, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp You are working too hard on your computer when... Hahahaha!!!! [quote]FarkasAndras wrote: Someone told me that
once he actually glanced down to the bottom right
corner of the book he was reading, to check the

[Edited at 2009-10-14 17:1
Gianni Pastore Oct 14, 2009
Off topic What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? Great idea! [quote]ICL wrote: How about starting an
"International Federation and/or Association of
Translator Fans of The Dude"? (just kidding,
David...) P. S.: I take this opportunity to
Gianni Pastore Oct 14, 2009
Off topic What's the worst movie you've ever seen in your life? No way, ma'am :) [quote]Liliana Roman-Hamilton wrote: The Big
Lebowski (didn't get it...what was all that fuss
about bowling???) [/quote] It's not about
bowling, Lilith, it's about "the duuuuude"
Gianni Pastore Oct 14, 2009



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