Powwow Report for イスラエル - Tel-Aviv (Sep 16 2008)

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Report from  Anne-Sophie Cardinal
Although 13 had confirmed, we were 7 in the end. Perhaps if we had been a larger group, we couldn't have heard each other very well.
It was nice to hear stories and share experiences and opinions.
For example, we talked about the "most embarrassing moment/situation" as a translator. And also some interesting truths and lies were shared!

Thank you to everyone you made it.
It was a pleasure to meet you all!

When is the next Tel-Aviv / Israel Powwow? ;)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Baruch Avidar
Zehavit Ehre
Yakir Lavie
Anne-Sophie Cardinal
ruti assouline

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Sep 19 '08  Dana David Kogan: impressions on the meeting anyone?
Hello to all participants at the last POWWOW.

Will anyone post some impressions of this meeting?

I would love to hear from you.
