Powwow Report for ポルトガル - Coimbra (Jul 12 2003)

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Report from  Sonia Almeida
16 of us ProZ members got together for our 4th Portuguese Powwow. We had decided to try a different location so we tried Coimbra. I was overwhelmed by how positive the response was, mainly in terms of a cheerful disposition!! It was great to meet the people we�ve been talking to and enlightening to share opinions, experiences and ideas...
The restaurant did a great job and we found the food to be excellent. Everyone said it went really well, and appreciated being able to come. I would just like to say what a marvelous time we had, with a very relaxing environment. In a word, it was fantastic! One of the reason is the people we met... made some new friends, who made the meeting into a really enjoyable one.
No one really wanted to leave, we were having such a good time. But Sunday is a working day (aren�t they all?!?) and those alarm clocks go off mighty early, so we started leaving around 6 p.m., with a 2 and a half hour journey ahead. I haven�t mentioned any names, but you know who you are!! We WILL be doing this again!!

Report from  Sonia Almeida
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Report from  António Ribeiro
Este almo�o de Coimbra foi uma excelente oportunidade de franco conv�vio entre alguns amigos (e tradutores) que n�o se conheciam sen�o atrav�s da internet. Obrigado a todos os participantes.
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Report from  Andreia Silva
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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Sandra Nunes
Jorge Freire
Andreia Silva
Gabriela Frazao
António Ribeiro
Aida Macedo
ana claudia jorge
Vasco Veloso
Sonia Almeida
Fernanda Barao
Carla Araújo
Maria Luisa Duarte
Katya Russo (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jul 14 '03  Sonia Almeida: Ola
So vos queria dizer que ja enviei para o Proz o relatorio do Powwow e queria da-lo a conhecer em primeira mao. Tambem ja tenho as fotos e dentro de dias devem estar no site. Beijinhos a todos

16 of us ProZ members got together for our 4th Portuguese Powwow. We had decided to try a different location so we tried Coimbra. I was overwhelmed by how positive the response was, mainly in terms of a cheerful disposition!! It was great to meet the people we’ve been talking to and enlightening to share opinions, experiences and ideas...
The restaurant did a great job and we found the food to be excellent. Everyone said it went really well, and appreciated being able to come. I would just like to say what a marvelous time we had, with a very relaxing environment. In a word, it was fantastic! One of the reason is the people we met... made some new friends, who made the meeting into a really enjoyable one.
No one really wanted to leave, we were having such a good time. But Sunday is a working day (aren’t they all?!?) and those alarm clocks go off mighty early, so we started leaving around 6 p.m., with a 2 and a half hour journey ahead. I haven’t mentioned any names, but you know who you are!! We WILL be doing this again!!