frequently asked questions



  • 1 - フォーラムとはなんですか。 フォーラム は比較的自由に互いに興味のある事柄について話し合うことのできる ユーザーに開かれたディスカッションの場です。

  • 2 - どのような内容の投稿ができますか。 のフォーラムは翻訳分野、、あるいは コミュニティに関連したディスカッションを提供しています。その他の目的はありません。より詳細なフォーラムの領域を表す定義はこちら

  • 3 - フォーラム利用上のルールにはどんなものがありますか。

    フォーラムのルール へはフォーラムからリンクがあります。ユーザは投稿の条件としてこうしたルールの遵守を承諾しなくてはなりません。

  • 4 - What should I do if I consider that site rules are being violated in a forum?

    In this case you should refer the issue to the forum moderator or a member of site staff. At the bottom of each forum thread page you will see a little box with the name of the corresponding moderator(s) and a "Call to this topic" link:

    When you click on this link, a small box will open to let you describe the rule(s) violation you perceived in the thread. This is a mandatory field. When you submit this information it will be included in a profile email to be submitted to the moderator.

    You may contact site staff on the issue via support request, in the case of a forum which has no assigned moderator.

  • 5 - Why should discussion of administrative actions be carried out through the support system and not in forums?

    Moderating site forums is not an easy task. Sometimes, moderators may face a situation in a thread that they feel is not correct and that requires immediate action. Also, it may happen that, when deciding on the most appropriate actions to take in such threads, no other fellow moderator is around to check, leading the moderator to take honest and well-meant actions that they consider most appropriate.

    These actions, however, may prove to be incorrect when evaluated later, without the pressure, and this is why contacting site staff to request the re-evaluation of administrative actions taken by moderators is encouraged. Experience has demonstrated that discussing moderators' actions in the forums basically produces more ill feelings without solving the issues at hand.

    Reporting via the support system what may be considered improper actions by moderators allows site staff to look at the issue and provide a "second opinion" that tries to be calm and objective.

  • 6 - フォーラムを利用できるのは誰ですか。 の登録ユーザーであればだれでもフォーラムに投稿できます。

  • 7 - フォーラムの投稿には審査がありますか。

    身分認証済みのメンバーやユーザーによるフォーラムへの投稿はすぐにサイト上に現れます。* そうでない投稿は確認作業を経て見えるようになります。たいていの投稿は12時間以内に受け付けられます。

    * ネットワーキング機能へのアクセスは、本質的に他のメンバーに影響を与えることであり、 チームの判断により、修正されるか無効とされる場合があります。

  • 8 - How do I post in the forums?

    To start a new thread in a forum you should visit its page and then click on the "Post new topic" link, on the upper left part of the screen. This will show you a posting window where you should write a good title in the "Topic subject:" field (instructions provided in the same page) and the body of your post in the "Topic body: " field.
    If the planned thread will be on some of the tolerated off topic exceptions described in the Definition of's Scope you should click on the "This post is 'off-topic', ie. more play than work." box.

    To answer to an already existing thread you should click on the “Reply / comment” button to create a new post or on he “Reply with quote” link inside a previous post to reply to this post in particular keeping it in a box inside your own reply.

  • 9 - How do I select the forums I would like to see listed on the homepage?

    Go to your forum dashboard and click on the "Homepage forums" tab. There you can select the forums you would like to appear on the homepage.

    To see a brief introduction to the forum dashboard and its features, check out this video.

  • 10 - I have a question I would like to post to the forums. What is the best way to make sure I get an answer?

    Here are some tips to keep in mind when posting a question to the forums:

  • Do a forum search before posting. There are detailed discussions on the forums on many subjects and problems we all have to deal with on a daily basis as translators. Chances are, your problem has already been discussed several times and good solutions have already been suggested. To make a forum search, go to the Community tab; Forum search is the second item from top.

  • Choose the most relevant/appropriate forum to post. There are many forums on the site, under generalized tabs, and users who are not familiar with the forums sometimes post in one of the most visible forums. These are usually moved by moderators to more relevant forums, but sometimes moderators may miss them, too. Result: a thread that would normally draw a lot of attention from the frequent visitors and posters of a technical forum, might sit in a site-related forum for ages without getting a reply.

  • Always try to summarize your main point / request / problem in the title of your thread. Posters are expected to write detailed titles and post in the most appropriate forum. The more detailed your title, the more likely it is to draw the interest/help of those able to respond.

  • 11 - How can I include smilies in my forum post?

    Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile :) or a frown :( To see a list of smilies and how to make them, just visit the article Smilies & Other Basic Text Formats in Forums: Quick Reference Guide.

  • 12 - What is BBCode and how can I use it in the forums?

    BBCode is a variation on the HTML tags you may already be familiar with. Basically, it allows you to add functionality or style to your message that would normally require HTML. You can use BBCode even if HTML is not enabled for the forum you are using. You may want to use BBCode as opposed to HTML, because there is less coding required and it is safer to use (incorrect coding syntax will not lead to as many problems).

    URL Hyperlinking

    You can create true hyperlinks using the [url] code. Just use the following format:

    In the example above, the BBCode automatically generates a hyperlink to the URL that is encased. It will also ensure that the link is opened in a new window when the user clicks on it. Note that the "http://" part of the URL is completely optional. The URL will hyperlink the text to whatever URL you provide after the equal sign. Also note that you should NOT use quotation marks inside the URL tag.

    Italics and bold face

    You can make italicized text or make text bold by encasing the applicable sections of your text with either the [b] [/b] or [i] [/i] tags.

    Hello, [b]James[/b]
    Hello, [i]Mary[/i]


    You can make bulleted lists or ordered lists (by number or letter).

    Unordered, bulleted list:

    [*] This is the first bulleted item.
    [*] This is the second bulleted item.

    This produces:

  • This is the first bulleted item.
  • This is the second bulleted item.

    Note that you must include a closing [/list] when you end each list.

    Making ordered lists is just as easy. Just add either [LIST=A] or [LIST=1]. Typing [List=A] will produce a list from A to Z. Using [List=1] will produce numbered lists.

    Here's an example:

    [*] This is the first bulleted item.
    [*] This is the second bulleted item.

    This produces:

    1. This is the first bulleted item.
    2. This is the second bulleted item.

    Adding Images

    To add a image within your message, just encase the URL of the graphic image as shown in the following example (BBCode is in red).


    In the example above, the BBCode automatically makes the graphic visible in your message. Note: the "http://" part of the URL is required for the [img] code.

    Quoting Other Messages

    To reference something specific that someone has posted, just cut and paste the applicable verbiage and enclose it as shown below (BBCode is in red).

    [QUOTE]Ask not what your country can do for you....
    ask what you can do for your country.[/QUOTE]

    In the example above, the BBCode automatically blockquotes the text you reference.


  • You should not use both HTML and BBCode to do the same function.
  • BBCode is not case-sensitive (you could use [URL] or [url]).
  • Do not put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.
  • End brackets must include a forward slash (e.g. [/url] )

  • 13 - フォーラムへの新規の投稿を通知してもらう(フォーラム・トラッキング)にはどうすればいいですか。


    フォーラム全体でフォーラム・トラッキングを有効にしたい場合はフォーラムのメインページの左側にあるオプションを使います(メニューの[Forums]リンク click here)。各フォーラムでは3つの選択肢があります:

    'New threads'を選択すると、新規のトピックが投稿されたときに通知が送られます。'All new posts' では新規のトピックとすべての新規投稿の両方について通知をおこないます。[Off]を選択することでそのフォーラムのすべての通知を解除します。設定が終わったら、ページ下の [Track] ボタンをクリックして変更を保存します。

    ひとつのスレッドをトラッキングする場合は(たとえば、そのスレッドが属するフォーラムをトラッキングするのでない場合)、 スレッドを読むときにページの上にある [Track thread] リンクをクリックします。トラッキングが設定されると、リンクは [Stop tracking thread] に変わります。トラッキングをやめたい場合はそこをクリックします。


  • 14 - プライベート・フォーラムもサーチエンジンでインデックス化されるのですか。


  • 15 - ホームページ上で特集にのぼるフォーラムのスレッドはどのように決まりますか。

    ホームページは、メンバーの注意と時間の多くをひきつけるという点において、 のコミュニティにとって最重要な基盤であるといえます。最良の仕事場を提供する意味から、 のスタッフはホームページに現れる内容について編集的コントロールをおこなっています。(出版の世界では一般的なことです。)


  • 16 - What is the RSS feed for forums?

    RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication, a family of Web formats used to publish frequently updated content such as news headlines or blog entries in a standardized format and that allows users to subscribe to it.

    A feed reader is client software or a Web application that is used to subscribe to and collect syndicated web content in a single location for easy viewing.

    You can subscribe to your favorite public forums in your RSS feed reader by clicking the orange button in the forum page to get started.

    You can subscribe using any news reader that you would like. If you encounter any encoding issues or have questions, comments or concerns, please contact site staff via a support request.

  • 17 - なぜ件名が変更されたのですか。

    投稿の内容が充分に説明されていない件名には のモデレータやスタッフが手を加えることがあります。(これは投稿および返答フォーム、フォーラムのルールでも触れています。)

    その理由として、ひとつには件名は のトップページに現れるからです。誤解をまねいたり不充分な件名では利用者が効率よく興味のあるトピックにたどりつくことができません。 また、件名はそれらのトラッキング・トピックへと伝わる要約の一部にもなり、それにより古いスレッドのなかから探すことができます。 こうした理由から、件名が可能なかぎりスレッドの内容を伝えるような体裁をとることが重要なのです。


    - KudoZ (問題点: 一般的すぎる)
    - 翻訳家諸氏へ (問題点: 内容に触れていない)


    - 損害保険 - 必要? どれに入る?
    - フリーランス初心者、翻訳ソフトについての助言を求む


  • 18 - Why is the editing option disabled after the first 24 hours since the original forum post?

    This is aimed at preserving the original content of the discussion as much as possible and ensuring that the flow of the discussion works smoothly so that participants in the thread can reply to each other and quote posts whose content is unlikely to change in the future.

  • 19 - 自分の投稿が見つかりません。


    * ネットワーキング機能へのアクセスは、本質的に他のメンバーに影響を与えることであり、 チームの判断により、修正されるか無効とされる場合があります。

  • 20 - 好ましくないエージェントや翻訳者について、投稿することはできますか。

    絶対に許されません。Blue Boardがクライアントに望むことについて意見交換をするにふさわしい場所です。

  • 21 - フォーラムで他人に向けてひどい業者に対する警告をしてはいけないのはなぜですか。


    さらに、数千人の登録ユーザを有する では、1000人に満たない既存の有料会員リストとくらべて不安定要素が多いのです。こうした理由から、 へのひとつの批判的な投稿へは、管理者、モデレータ、第三者それぞれの立場で何時間もの注意を要します。

    悪意のない批判の数々と格闘した結果、 のスタッフは、批評がどれだけ正当なものであるとしても、そうした批判を許容する開かれた公のフォーラムを管理するのは不可能であるという結論に達しました。そこでわれわれはBlue Board を作ったのです。そこでは秩序があり、管理可能なかたちで批判情報のニーズにこたえることができます。

    Blue Board は役に立つでしょうか。そのとおりです。そこには望むものがすべてあるのでしょうか。そうではありませんし、そういう性質のものではありません。しかし、つねに改良をつづけており、われわれの事業の規模を考えれば確実なペースでそれは進められています。

  • 22 - Can I use the forums to denounce a scam?

    Yes, as long as your posts are in line with forum rule #8 . In other words, you can post the emails you received or describe the situation, but no names should be mentioned.

    The purpose of avoiding naming names in a case like this is to prevent possible issues with libel, since the names used in these cases are not always made-up and can be the names of actual, innocent, persons. In general the messages themselves are sufficient to warn other translators.

  • 23 - 金銭にまつわるトピックをとりあげてもいいですか。

    はい。しかし、フォーラムの [money matters] のセクション内に限ります。

  • 24 - 政治的あるいは物議をかもす話題を禁止するのはなぜですか。

    サイト主催者の願いはこうです。たとえ“現実”世界で何が起ころうとも、われわれは というヴァーチャル空間にいて、そこにはさまざまな文化があり、異なる視点をもつ人びとがいて、なおも言葉にかかわる仕事を一緒におこなうことができる――争いなしに。

    この方針はすべての物議をかもす可能性のある投稿に継続的に適用されると考えてください。モデレータの個人的な見解には関係ありません。(ですから、あるトピックがロックされたり、削除された場合、そのことがロックした人物の個人的意見をしめすものではないのです。) モデレータがつねに目を光らせているわけにはいかない事実にかんがみ、投稿が閉鎖になるまで数時間かあるいは数日を要することもあることをご承知おきください。


  • 25 - 自然災害や政治的でない災害についてはフォーラムで話すことはできますか。



    - 自然災害関連の投稿は [off topic] の分類とすること。
    - 政治的な意見をふくむ自然災害のトピックについての投稿は、公表された意見の如何にかかわらず削除されること。
    - 個人的な救援活動を企画提案する投稿はいかなる著者によるものであっても削除されること。

  • 26 - If a forum thread has been locked, does that mean the topic cannot be discussed ever again?

    When a forum thread has been locked, forum rule 6 helps to protect this action and allow a discussion to "cool down". Immediately posting with the intention of continuing the discussion in a locked thread is not allowed, but this does not mean that the topic itself cannot be discussed at a later point, provided it is in line with site rules.

  • 27 - What about freedom of speech? There should not be censorship in the forums.

    The forums are limited in scope and subject to rules. It is important to know that the site rules and scope have been in place for some time now, and they are there and enforced precisely in the interest of maintaining a positive, results-oriented workplace. The only way for this to happen is for those rules and the scope to be enforced consistently, and that is what moderators and site staff do.

    This said, it should be noted that, within the framework of site rules and the aim of those rules, not everyone is going to be able to say whatever they want at Keeping a positive, results-oriented translation workplace means that posters will not be able to swear, or to talk politics, or make offensive remarks in the forums, for example. There are other places to do that. Everyone has valid opinions, views and statements; but it should not be assumed that can be used to advertise these.

    If you feel you have received rules enforcement action which was not rules-based, please report this to site staff through the support system, where the issue can be properly reviewed. The forums are not an appropriate channel for discussing individual rules enforcement issues.

  • 28 - My posts did not require vetting and now they do. What happened?

    When in doubt, submit a support request and site staff will be able to look into the issue.

    In some instances, a forum vetting requirement may be placed by site staff or moderators. A vetting requirement can be in relation to a rules violation, but this is not necessarily always the case. Rather, the vetting requirement is a safeguard which is used by site staff and moderators to help protect the positive, results-oriented environment of the forums. When it is deemed that this environment is being endangered, the vetting requirement may be used.

  • 29 - Can I request a private forum for discussion/work?

    Paying members may request a private forum be created, and invite colleagues to participate. To do this, just submit a support request, stating the name you wish to give the forum and including the profile numbers of any initial participants you wish to include in the forum.

    Once the forum is created, it will be assigned to the member(s) who requested it, who will act as the private forum owner(s). The forum owner(s) will be able to add other site users to and remove them from the forum. Only the users invited to the forum (and site staff) will be able to see it, and only the forum owners and members can participate in it. Private forums will not be made public.

    Note that private forums are also subject to site forum rules, though in some cases these rules may be interpreted more loosely for the purpose of the private forum. Private forum owners act as moderators in their own private forums and it is their responsibility then to clarify this with all who are invited to participate in the forum.

  • 30 - I have a survey I would like to publish. Can I post it in the forums?

    If you have a survey you would like to publish, and it is within site scope, please contact staff via the support system with the specifics for help. Note that not all surveys can be published.

  • 31 - I posted a topic in the wrong forum by mistake. What should I do?

    Since posting the same topic twice is not in line with forum rules, please submit a support request if you posted a topic in an incorrect forum so that support staff can move the topic to the correct forum.

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