The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

カタルーニャ語 から 英語 その他 Translation Glossary

カタルーニャ語 term 英語 translation
adjudicatari grantee, adjudicatee, successful bidder
aixovar linens
ajut econòmic grant
Entered by: Berni Armstrong
Atenció (d’incidències, dubtes en l’ús....) To report incidents/problems
auxiliar gerocultor geriatric nursing assistant
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
cabòria groundless obsession
Consell Audiovisual de Catalunya Catalan Audiovisual Council
Entered by: Ariadna Martin
doble vessant dual approach
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
entitat party (or parties) concerned
Entered by: Berni Armstrong
gravàmens and arbitris duties and excise tax
Intervenció Delegada Auditor General's Department
làmpades lamps
mentre es fa temps while they are waiting / killing time
mig ermotat half-barren
pipi-can off-leash area
Entered by: David Russell
presumptes incapaços those/persons/ presumed [to be] under legal disability
promotor Sponsor
quadres de comandament scorecards
rescabalament indemnity, compensation
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
sala capitular chapterhouse or chapter-house
Servei d'Atenció a Persones Home Help Service
Entered by: Berni Armstrong
sonda nasogàstrica nasogastric tube
testament vital living will (proper translation, though expression used in wrong context)
tinent d'alcalde deputy mayor
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