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中国語 から 英語 心理学 Translation Glossary

中国語 term 英語 translation
半路出妖 unexpected problems
发病基础 pathogenesis
后遗症 sequela
同一病人的临床相中 clinical symtoms from the same patient
处世不惊 keep cool under fire / stay calm under pressure
对致病因素的同一反应 common reaction to the risk factors
不及我的好意所當得的 The way people treat me falls short of what my good intentions deserve.
不应该卡在我这里 should not get stuck on me
不经外来的指教 without external feedback/reminding
不良心理状态 poor mental status
人格的病理塑型作用 pathological formation effect of personality
二分论 dichotomy theory
从今天的观点来看 From a/the present point of view
以一鳞而识全貌 Jump into conclusion from fragmented observation.
心理底线 psychological bottom line
心态不平稳 Emotinally unstable
在决策就要表决时 when the decision was about to be finalized
分對小時,正如秒對 Minute is to hour as second is to...
分类学 (diagnostic) classification
具有良好素质的人 quality people
磁馈 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
神经末梢区域 nerve ending region
特征性心理状态 Depression-specific mental stutas/condition
随时可以找我给予支持 can look to me for support anytime
认知偏向 cognitive bias
Entered by: Weiping Tang
跟哪种人您难能处得来 With whom you find it difficult to get along?
连续谱论 continuum theory
需要帮助的眼神 pleading eyes
抑郁症的易患性 Susceptibility to depression
没二话 without demur/objection
易患素质 predisposition (to diseases)
操作性的评定工具 reliable evaluation instruments
教您为难 put you in a difficult position
所屬職位角色的重視 The importance one places on the position he/she holds.
拖拉延误 procrastinate
性禀赋 sexual aptitude
普通不同意 moderately disagree
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