The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 法: 契約 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
assim como suas alterações posteriores as are the subsequent amendments thereof
básicos para a data de apresentação base (prices) by the submission date
contribuições incidentes e decorrentes da modalidade dos SERVIÇOS contratados taxes to which the type of the SERVICES contracted are subject and which arise therefrom
em duas vias de idêntico valor legal. in two counterparts equally valid.
em regime de propriedade horizontal the tenure being flying freehold > AmE: condo-based BrE: commonhold OzE: strata-titled
franqueado à estatal....... the state-owned company may also participate in the bidding process
idonea reputable
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
incluindo a recusa em assinar o Contrato de Concessão including the refusal to sign the Concession Contract or the nonfulfillment of the requirements for its signature within the con
não pudesse conhecer ou prever a data da celebração she was not aware of or could not predict on the contract execution date
necessária aos registros dos mesmos junto Needed for their registration with applicable government agencies
o meu parecer my legal opinion
ora estabelecido herein established/hereby established
padrões e práticas standards and practices
por conta e ordem on behalf (of) and as ordered (by)
Entered by: Thais Castanheira
Prazo de Entrega term for delivery
Entered by: Mario Freitas
tort or otherwise delito civil ou de outra forma
"... pleitearem a aplicação de todas as sanções cíveis e penais cabíveis..." "...demand the enforcement of all appropriate civil and criminal sanctions..."
"...constituem crimes capitulados no Código Penal." "...constitute crimes described in the Penal Code (chapters).
"...dias pontes". ... bridge-days before or after holidays/extended holidays
"a empresa" / pronome - Que pronome se usa para referir-se a uma empresa? "it" = "XYZ Company" / "the Company" - "XYZ Company, hereinafter "the Company" = the preferable formulation, avoid pronoun use
"a primeira parcela devida pela outorgada ao outorgante" the first installment due from (by) the assignee to the assignor
"a pronto" cash, on cash terms
"acessórios dos ativos" interest, stock dividends, stock bonus, etc.
"adstrito" obliged (context)
"Alienação Fiduciária em Garantia" Conditional Sale; (otherwise) grant of an equitable charge
"órgão soberano da vontade social" the supreme decisional authority of the company
"Cessão de imagem" Image release agreement
"com a alínea e do nº..." paragraph and number
"condições particulares" Special Terms and Conditions
"contra-alegações" Counter allegations
"cunhos" stamped/embossed marks
"diligenciar" engage, endeavor, ply
"Direitos Patrimoniais do Autor" Proprietary Rights of the Author
"e em tudo o que com ele não colida" to the extent it does not conflict herewith.
Entered by: Mark Robertson
"em branco" unwritten/blank
"estacas cravadas" driven piles/ piles driven
"faltas" be absent; miss
Entered by: Maria Castro
"fim em si mesmo" end unto itself
"Na hipótese prevista no inciso I do caput" In the event as provided under clause I of heading/chapter/title .........
"negócios de favor" preferential business arrangements
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