The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 製造 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
"Suador" (ou "avesso") reverse side - a type of shoe lining
(unidades de) utilidades utility (units)
Acerto da cor com ajuste do pescador Color adjustment by regulating the catching device
acrescido de plus
agente estabilizador de cloro chlorine stabilizing agent
agitador brewer agitator
Algicida de Choque Shock Algicide/shock Treatment Algicide
ampla faixa de pH wide pH range
Aperta gaxeta packing gland
aplicações de pedrarias e alto relevo set with precious stones in high relief
artigos descartáveis de papel para cama, mesa, banho, cozinha e vestuario disposable paper goods for kitchen, table, bed, bath, and clothing
Aval vs. Fiança Endorsement and Financial Guarantee (in this specific sentence)
Avanço físico physical progress
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Avesso "Reverse side" (shoe lining made with the reverse side of the leather)
água corrente em abundância flush/rinse/wash ... with plenty of water // wash thoroughly with water
árvore perdas / árvore de quebras Loss Tree Analysis / Breakdown Analysis
balanceamento do conjunto wheel balancing
balde plástico revestido em madeira wood-clad plastic bin
batidas beats/strokes
bica de jogo vibrating chute
blocos e chapas de granitos granite blocks and slabs
bloqueira block chamber
bobina autocopiativa e carbonada selfcopy and carbon spool
boca de visita manhole
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
bocal de lâmpada bulb socket
boletim industrial industrial bulletin / industrial progress report
Entered by: Mario Freitas
borra de solda solder dross
branco de campo field blank
Bucharia suja/limpa processed and unprocessed tripe
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
cabeça de série first unit of the series
cabides das prensas press hangers..
cadeia de producao production chain
Caixaria da desossa deboning boxes / trays
calha vibratória vibrating chute
calhas de alumínio isoladoras insulated aluminum (aluminium) U-channel
Entered by: Tania Pires
Campanha de conversores Converter campaign
caprinocultura de leite dairy goat farming
cegonheiro car carrier truck
Chapas calandradas calendered plates
chaves dos contatos keyswitches
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
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