Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Japanese Architecture and Art Net User System
Dr. Mary Neighbour Parent |
This dictionary contains approximately 8000 terms related to traditional Japanese architecture and gardens, painting, sculpture and art-historical iconography from approximately the 1st century A.D. to the end of the Edo period (1868). Terms from related fields such as lacquer, ceramics, textiles and metalwork have been included where they are cons... View more
Dictionnaire des arts médiatiques
Groupe de recherche en arts médiatiques - Université du Québec à Montréal |
Ce dictionnaire électronique des arts médiatiques comporte plus de 2 000 entrées et 500 illustrations graphiques couvrant six domaines : copigraphie, holographie, infographie, multimédia (art cinétique, hypermédias, installations interactives, installations multimédias, performances, réalité virtuelle, robosculpture et télématisme), musique électro... View more
Glossary of art and restauration
Colette Deroche |
Art and Restauration: painting, graphic arts, sculpture, ceramics. French-Italian and Italian-French Lexicon. Very complete.
Sanat Terimleri S�zl�� / A Glossary of Art Terms
Eczac�ba�� Sanal M�ze |
Türkçe sanat terimleri; İngilizce karşılıkları; Türkçe ayrıntılı açıklama // Art terms in Turkish; English equivalents; detailed explanations in Turkish