Translation glossary: General / Conversation

Showing entries 51-100 of 138
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hydropower plant(planta) hidroelectrica 
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I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to you the assurance of (to assure you) my highest consideration/esteemaprovecho esta oportunidad para transmitirle mis mas sinceras consideraciones 
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IDB borrowing members(paises) miembros prestatarios del BID 
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impinge onafectar / vulnerar 
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in my viewen mi opinión 
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inaugural addressdiscurso inaugural 
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indigenous /endemic /nativelocal/ endemica /natural de (objetos y personas) 
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Instalaciones de agua, desague y luzWater, sewer and electricity facilities 
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Interponder acciones legalesTo undertake legal actions 
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is held accountable to.....forser responsable ante ...por 
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It is notable that /It is important to note that /It is worth mentioning thatCabe destacar que 
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la educación es un motor de desarrollo económico y socialeducation is presented as "the gateway to future economic prosperity" 
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landed inmigrantinmigrante con residencia permanente 
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Las partes se someten a la jurisdicción de los jueces de LimaThe parties submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the judges of Lima 
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Left-leaning centristde tendencia centro-izquierdista 
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Letter of CommendationCarta de Recomendación 
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Life DirectorDirector Vitalicio 
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Life Director/ Director for LifeDirector Vitalicio 
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lucro cesantelost of profits 
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Madurar (proyectos)To reach its full growth and development (project) 
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merced contuctiva mensualmonthly rent 
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No longer agoHasta no hace mucho tiempo 
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No se acepta informacion engargoladaInformation in spiral bound documents is not accepted 
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no se limita ais not confined to 
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none of the aboveninguna de las anteriores 
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Obtener (título, diploma, grado)To earn 
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Obtener (título, diploma, grado)To earn 
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on a rent-to-own basisalquiler-venta 
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one-to-one follow-upseguimiento individualizado 
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over timecon el tiempo 
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pago por mantenimiento de servicios comunesfee applicable for the maintenance of common services 
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para promover furtherance of 
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para uso de viviendafor private residence 
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piso (s) altidudinal(es)altitudinal belts 
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poliductomulti-product pipeline 
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por lo que, de modo queas such, 
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Put differently,En otras palabras, 
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Relleno sanitario (servicios municipales)Garbage collection (municipal services) 
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Resolución JefaturalAdministrative Decree 
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Responsabilizarse porTo take responsibility for 
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responsible positionscargos de responsabilidad 
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Sala de expurgo (hospital)SALA DE EXPURGO destina-se à coleta e higienização do material utilizado 
self-employed professionalprofesional independiente 
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Sello en alto relieveEmbossed seal 
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Ser considerada como / considerar .. comoTo be perceived or viewed as 
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Ser motivo de orgulloTo be a source of pride 
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settle onestablecer 
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sin mas comprobante/ prueba que su firma al pie de este documento.with no further proof (of reception by the landlord) than his signature at the end of this document 
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