Showing entries 1-50 of 407
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•Account of: dar cuenta de 
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•Disqualified person: persona incapaz 
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•Engage: desarrollar, desempeñar, realizar. 
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•Set forth: estipulado 
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•Sole trader: 
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•True and correct copy: copia fiel 
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•Winding up: proceso de liquidación 
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Abolish: derogar 
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Above mentioned: antes mencionado - mencionado ut supra - (el/ la) referencia 
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ACCESS: (v) acceder - ingresar y egresar libremente 
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ACCESSION: servidumbre de paso - (ídem EASEMENT OF ACCESS) 
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Account to: responder a; dar cuenta a ... de 
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Accounting period: ejercicio económico 
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Accrued: acumulado, devengado 
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Acquire rights: adquirir derechos 
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Act as: actuar en calidad de 
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Acting in the capacity of: en su capacidad de 
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Acting: en ejercicio de sus funciones 
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Adolescent / young adult: menor adulto (e/ 14 y 21) 
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Affidavit: declaración jurada 
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Affidavit: declaración jurada 
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Agent: mandatario; apoderado 
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Aggregate number of shares: cantidad total de acciones 
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Agree and consent: acuerda 
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Annual Meeting of Shareholders: Asamblea Ordinaria de Accionistas 
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As provided by law: conforme a la ley 
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As shown by: según consta 
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Assistant treasurer: subtesorero 
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Attendant: partera 
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Bachelor of Science: dejar igual y explicar que es un título otorgado por las Universidades de US al cabo de cuatro años de estudios. 
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Bear: llevar 
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Become of age: llegar a la mayoría de edad 
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Bills of exchange: letras de cambio 
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Bind the partnership: obligar a la sociedad 
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Block letters: mayúsculas 
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Board of Directors: Directorio 
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Board of Regents: Consejo Directivo de Universidades Públicas 
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Board of Trustees: 
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Business day: día hábil/laboral 
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By virtue of: en virtud de 
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Calculate: estimar 
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Calendar year: 
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Call: convocar, convocatoria 
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Calls in arrears: 
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Capable of: factible de 
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Capable of: susceptible de 
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Capital account: registro de capital 
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Certificate of Incorporation: Acta Constitutiva (de una sociedad) 
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Chairman/Chairperson: presidente (del Directorio) 
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Circuit/District court: Tribunal del Distrito 
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