Translation glossary: Spanish <> English (General)

Showing entries 1-19 of 19
accesorio portabalones[inflatable] balloon accessory 
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arribistaupstart/ladder climber 
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Caída de objetos por desplome o derrumbamientoFalling objects as a result of collapse or being knocked down 
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cabecera instrumentalinstrument threshold 
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スペイン語 から 英語
cómo lucen y se they look and express themselves 
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Cinturón anti-lumbagoAnti-lumbago belt 
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cuerda muertashort rope 
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de quienes te acompañanpeople who are near to you 
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dispositivo taladradorboring device 
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frente aversus/against 
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Gafas de protecciónSafety glasses 
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H. Ayuntamiento ConstitucionalHonorable Constitutional City Hall 
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homogeneizacion de las aguas brutashomogenization of crude water 
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obras cerradasfinished/completed projects 
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odontologíadentistry /odontology 
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Régimen de Ahorro Individual con SolidaridadIndividual benefit plans covered by pooled [public and private] contributions 
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UIA (Administración, Imprevistos y Utilidades)overhead, contingencies and profit(s) 
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