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Title Cover Author Language pair Description Feedback
Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy 英語
A major reference grammar offering the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of spoken and written English based on real everyday usage. The Camb...
5 (1 entry)
Cambridge International Dictionary of English with CD-ROM (Collective) 英語
This pack contains a major learner's dictionary together with a CD-ROM version of the dictionary, updated for 2000. The dictionary offers over 50,000 ...
Can Theory Help Translators: A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface Andrew Chesterman, Emma Wagner 英語
This book is a dialogue between a theoretical scholar and a professional translator, about the usefulness (if any) of translation theory. Andrew Chest...
5 (1 entry)
Chambers Reference Online Chambers Harrap 英語
英語 から フランス語
フランス語 から 英語
Unlimited access to the full text of Harrap's Unabridged French Dictionary (425,000 words and phrases + 700,000 translations) plus The Chambers Dictio...
ChatDico Philippe REGALL Find the right translation for your term in your domain: – Translation of term ordered by frequency of use, – Bilingual sentences examples, –...
Chinesische Chemiefachsprache Rainer von Franz 中国語 から ドイツ語
ドイツ語 から 中国語
In keinem wissenschaftlichen Fachgebiet ist die Nomenklatur einer derart weitgehenden Systematisierung und Vereinheitlichung unterzogen worden wie in ...
Collins Concise Thesaurus A-Z Collins 英語
Now in colour, this new edition of the "Collins Desktop Thesaurus" is a must-have reference book for all the family. Not only does it provide a genero...
Collins German dictionary [senior editors, Maree Airlie, Joyce Littlejohn] ドイツ語 から 英語
英語 から ドイツ語
Recommended by the Open University. Includes 2006 German spelling rules. Digital data also available for licensing as an enterprise solution.
5 (1 entry)
Collins Italian dictionary Collins イタリア語 から 英語
英語 から イタリア語
Over 50,000 copies sold in print of current edition. Most user-friendly Italian/English dictionary on the market. Data also available for licensing as...
Collins Robert French Dictionary Collins Robert 英語 から フランス語
フランス語 から 英語
Collins, in partnership with prestigious French dictionary publisher Le Robert, is proud to present the latest edition of the Collins Robert Comprehen...