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Léxico temático de terminología jurídica español-inglés (Thematic Lexicon of Spanish-English Legal Terminology) Jowers, Rebecca スペイン語 から 英語
A legal lexicon for legal professionals, translators and interpreters, includes over 20,000 entries in fifteen fields of Spanish law. Although it is...
4 (1 entry)
Le Robert & Collins Business Robert Collins フランス語 から 英語
英語 から フランス語
This French-English/English-French dictionary provides an up-to-date and complete panorama of business language for all those interested or active in ...
Le Trésor de la Langue Française ATILF-CNRS フランス語
5 (1 entry)
Learn to Write the Hebrew Script: Aleph Through the Looking Glass Jonathan Orr-Stav 英語 から 古代ヘブライ語
英語 から ヘブライ語
A new approach to mastering or teaching the Hebrew script to non-Hebrew speakers, drawing on the common heritage of Old Hebrew, Square Hebrew and the ...
Legal Translation Explained Enrique Alcaraz and Brian Hughes 英語
This book is designed principally to cater to the needs of students who are taking their first steps in the translation of legal English.
5 (2 entries)
Legaling English-Turkish Legal Terminology Database The first English-Turkish, Turkish-English legal terminology database Legaling created “for profession...
Lexicon economic englez-român Dragoş Vlad Topală, Silvia Pitiriciu 英語 から ルーマニア語
Lexiconul, publicat în 2004, reprezintă ediţia a II-a revăzută şi adăugită a Dicţionarului economic englez-român (Editura Economică, 1990)....
5 (1 entry)
Lietuvių-olandų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas Rasa Mikalauskaitė オランダ語 から リトアニア語
リトアニア語 から オランダ語
Dit woordenboek was oorspronkelijk bedoeld voor Litouwse studenten Nederlands, maar het is evenzeer interessant voor Nederlandstaligen die een studie ...
Lo zingarelli-Vocabolario della lingua italiana Zingarelli, Nicola イタリア語
Un grand dictionnaire pour plonger dans les nuances de la langue italienne.
5 (1 entry)
Longman Active Study Chinese English Dictionary Chan Sin Wai 英語 から 中国語