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Requirement From Verbolabs

掲載日時: Jan 31, 2025 09:38 GMT   (GMT: Jan 31, 2025 09:38)

Job type: 翻訳/編集/校正の仕事
Service required: Copywriting

言語: ロシア語

Hope this email finds you well!

We are currently seeking top-notch expert native writers with the ability to compare content pieces on a given topic and skillfully rewrite a superior version by combining the best elements of each piece while maintaining a strong local and cultural nuance. The expert must also possess strong reasoning and analytical skills for an AI Rating & Rewriting project.

The scope of work includes comparing the quality of AI-generated responses, rating them on various quality factors, and providing detailed rationale for the evaluations to ensure consistent and clear assessments. Additionally, the language expert will be responsible for rewriting a perfect response to the same query.

1. Engagement: Full time (Consecutive 8hrs/per working day. As per the local time zone)
2. Duration of the project: 3+ months (Pilot project for initial 4 days for quality check)

If interested then kindly share your updated resume on this mail id


支払方法: Paypal経由のオンライン
メンバーシップ: 非メンバーは12時間後に見積りを送信できます。
対象分野: 一般/会話/挨拶/手紙
見積りの締め切り: Feb 4, 2025 09:36 GMT
納品期日: Feb 6, 2025 09:36 GMT
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.6 out of 5

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Contact person title: Senior Resource Coordinator