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Multilingual HT Project (Q2) en<>tr, tr<>ru, ko/zh>th, th/vi>tw

掲載日時: Feb 14, 2025 12:22 GMT   (GMT: Feb 14, 2025 12:22)

Job type: 翻訳/編集/校正の仕事
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, Sworn/Certified Translation

言語: タイ語 から 中国語, トルコ語 から ロシア語, トルコ語 から 英語, ベトナム語 から 中国語, ロシア語 から トルコ語, 中国語 から タイ語, 朝鮮語 から タイ語, 英語 から トルコ語

Language variant: Chinese(Simplified):zhth, Chinese(Traditional):thtw,vitw

Flitto is looking for translators who are fluent in [source language] and native in [target language] and interested in Translation.
Please read the short job description and fill in Google form (link below) if you’re interested.

*Task type: Human Translation (HT)

*Job details:
-Purpose : Collecting AI training dataset
-Work Location: Fully Remote
-Work Type: Freelancer Contract (work at any time at any place up to your circumstances)
-Especially ideal for those who want to earn extra income other than their regular job
-Students, job seekers, and freelancing translators are welcome.
**This is neither a professional translation nor a localization project; it is a translation task for collecting AI training datasets.

*Language Pair: [source language] → [target language]

-English (US) to Turkish (en_US-tr_TR)
-Turkish to English (US) (tr_TR-en_US)
-Turkish to Russian (tr_TR-ru_RU)
-Russian to Turkish (ru_RU-tr_TR)
-Korean to Thai (ko_KR-th_TH)
-Chinese (Simplified) to Thai (zh_CN-th_TH)
-Thai to Chinese (Traditional) (th_TH-zh_TW)
-Vietnamese to Chinese (Traditional) (vi_VN-zh_TW)

*Preferred qualifications:
-a high level of language fluency in [source language] and native in [target language] would be preferred.

*You will work on our platform (NAC) or an excel file.

*The price in below(Budget and payment details) is calculated in average word/character per string (=13 words on average/=17 characters on average) so the ACTUAL PRICE per string can be DIFFERENT.

*There will be a quality test before starting a project Those who pass the test with exceptional scores may receive a Review(RV) task too.

*Specific guidelines will be given when it is ready.

*If you're interested, please fill in the Google form (link below).

Thank you.

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
支払方法: Paypal経由のオンライン
Payment terms: 60 日 請求書の日付から.
Poster country: 韓国

メンバーシップ: 非メンバーは12時間後に見積りを送信できます。
対象分野: 一般/会話/挨拶/手紙
見積りの締め切り: Dec 29, 2025 15:00 GMT
納品期日: Dec 30, 2025 15:00 GMT
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.5 out of 5

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