What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just about to wrap up the translation (Spanish to English) of website content for a cybersecurity services company. I've done quite a few projects related to cybersecurity and enjoy building my knowledge on the subject :-)


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

In the middle of an 18,000-word sustainability report for a potash and salt mining company. I LOVE sustainability reports :-)


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Currently working on a couple of texts about corporate sustainability and how companies are making significant efforts to reduce their energy and water consumption, as well as hazardous waste from manufacturing processes. These changes have actually meant savings of thousands of euros for these companies, as well as reducing their impact on the environment. I love translating these kinds of texts as I can see that companies are taking sustainability seriously and are actually doing instead of just talking. It makes sense all round really - it's good for the planet and also good for their business! :-)


1 userI Do That

  • スペイン語 から 英語
  • 8000 words
  • Medioambiente y ecología, Sostenibilidad
Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating a couple of blogs for vegan and natural cosmetic products - these are fun texts to work on as they allow me to get creative :-)


I Do That

1 user

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just wrapping up a 6,000-word document on data security breaches and how to manage them, for a climate change centre.


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating an interesting 21,000-word project on municipal strategies to combat loneliness. I love working on projects for the betterment of society and our planet :-)


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Currently working on a Catalan to English, 10,000-word study on religious diversity and the media.


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Super interesting report on efforts to ensure the right to education for Venezuelan migrants in Chile (12,500 words of a larger project).


I Do That

1 user

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Models of urban organic waste management, promotion of community and domestic composting in Mediterranean towns and cities.


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on an annual report for a food bank, Catalan to English, 5200 words. A regular project that arrives in May every year :-)


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of numerous articles (10,000 words+) cosmetic, dental and medical treatments and surgical procedures for a website.

Cosmetic surgery,Orthodontics,medical surgery,dentistry


I Do That

  • スペイン語 から 英語
  • 10000 words
  • Medicina: Salud, Cosméticos / Belleza, Medicina: Odontología
  • Fluency
  • 75% complete

I finished an ESL to ENG project, Consortium for Street Children, 2381 words for Translators without Borders I used Matecat. Very interesting and worthwhile project.


I Do That

  • スペイン語 から 英語
  • 2381 words
Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Traduciendo un página web y otros textos sobre el uso de residuos de café como una fuente de energía en forma de biomasa. Es para una ONG dedicado a proteger el medio ambiente y a potenciar una sociedad más sostenible e inclusiva. ¡Me encanta!


I Do That

Lisa McCarthy posting from ProZ.com shared:

Currently working as 'Language Lead' in a translation agency on a project about electrical equipment. A week left maybe :-)


I Do That