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Manufacturing, Marketing, Transport / Transportation / Shipping
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 0 days Languages:
English to Estonian
8000 w marketing questionnaire
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 11000 words Languages: English to Estonian
11 000 words of Marketing texts for a website
Advertising / Public Relations, IT (Information Technology), Internet, e-Commerce
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Blue Board entries made by this user
11 entries
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English to Estonian: Responsible production policy (extract) General field: Marketing
Source text - English XXX holds strict control over its operations and pays attention to the environmental aspects and impacts of its products throughout the product’s life cycle, from development and manufacturing to delivery and customer care.
Environmental issues are included into the process already at the early stages of new product development and material supplier selection.
Majority of the products are manufactured in XXX’s own factories and the main suppliers are situated within a close distance in order to minimize transportation.
The supply chain from key material suppliers to retailers is carefully managed by XXX in order to ensure that environmental aspects are taken into account.
XXX continuously develops its materials and production processes in order to reduce scrap and waste.
Translation - Estonian XXX juhib oma tegevust rangete eeskirjade alusel ja pöörab teravat tähelepanu oma toodete keskkonnakaitse ja -mõjuga seonduvatele aspektidele kogu nende tööea vältel, alustades arendus- ja tootmisprotsessist ning lõpetades tarnete ja kasutajapoolse hooldusega.
Keskkonnaprobleemide vältimine on kogu protsessi lahutamatu osa juba varases tootearenduse ja materjalide tarnija valimise faasis.
Enamik tooteid valmib XXX enda tehastes ning transpordivajaduse vähendamiseks asuvad põhitarnijad asuvad nende vahetus läheduses.
Keskkonnamõjude vähendamiseks kontrollib XXX kogu tarneahelat, alustades põhimaterjalidega varustajatest ja lõpetades jaemüüjatega.
Minimaalsete jääkide ja jäätmete tagamiseks tegeleb XXX pidevalt materjali- ja tootearendusega.
English to Estonian: Firewood processor manual (extract) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English 1.6 Safety instructions
These safety instructions are general in nature. When handling the machine, you must take into account all other relevant instructions concerning health and safety, road traffic regulations regarding transportation, as well as the provisions of the general legislation. Observing the instructions helps to prevent accidents.
The machine may only be used by persons who have familiarised themselves with the manual and the operation of the machine. The operator must not be under the influence of alcohol or narcotic substances. The requirements placed on the operator, as well as the minimum age of 18 required to operate the machine, must be taken into account.
Carefully study the machine’s safety and installation instructions, along with the operation and control functions, before installing and operating the machine.
General provisions:
• The machine must be used solely for making firewood.
• Only one person may operate the machine at a time.
• Ensure that no unauthorised persons are in the working area. The danger zone is 10 m.
• Always check the integrity of any possible power cables.
• Always use approved eye and ear protection.
• Clean and maintain the machine on a regular basis.
• Always stop the machine before maintenance and, if the machine is tractor-driven (TR), disconnect the cardan shaft. If the machine features electrical drive (E), disconnect the power cable.
• Check the operation of the safety equipment. Do not use the machine if part of the mechanism is not functioning properly.
• The machine may only be transported in the transport position. The driver has this responsibility.
Translation - Estonian 1.6 Ohutusjuhised
Järgmised ohutusjuhised on üldise iseloomuga. Masina käsitsemisel tuleb järgida ka kõiki muid asjakohaseid tervishoiu- ja ohutusnõudeid, transpordiga seonduvaid liikluseeskirju ning üldiseid seadusandlusega kehtestatud nõudeid. Juhiseid järgides aitate õnnetusi ennetada.
Masinat võib kasutada üksnes selle kasutusjuhendi ja masina tööpõhimõtetega hästi kursis olev inimene. Kasutaja ei tohi olla alkoholi- ega narkojoobes. Kasutajale esitatavaid nõudeid (sh peab kasutaja olema vähemalt 18-aastane) tuleb kindlasti täita.
Enne masina paigaldamist ja kasutamist tutvuge tähelepanelikult masina ohutus- ja paigaldusjuhiste ning töö- ja juhtimisfunktsioonidega.
Üldised nõuded
• Masin on ette nähtud üksnes küttepuude tegemiseks.
• Masinat võib korraga kasutada ainult üks inimene.
• Jälgige, et tööpiirkonnas ei viibiks kõrvalisi inimesi. Ohupiirkond on 10 m.
• Kontrollige alati kõigi kasutatavate toitekaablite terviklikkust.
• Kasutage alati nõuetekohaseid kaitseprille ja kõrvakaitsmeid.
• Puhastage ja hooldage masinat regulaarselt.
• Enne hooldustööde alustamist tuleb masin alati välja lülitada ja kui tegu on traktoriga käitatava masinaga (TR), eemaldage masina küljest kardaanvõll. Kui tegu on elektriajamiga käitatava masinaga (E), lahutage toitekaabel.
• Kontrollige ohutusseadmete tööd. Ärge kasutage masinat, kui mehhanismi mõni osa ei tööta nõuetekohaselt.
• Masinat võib transportida ainult transpordiasendis. Sel juhul vastutab masina eest sõidukijuht.
English to Estonian: Program interface (extract) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Phone/Email
User Role
Permission Level
Full permission provides this user access to all unlocked features and functionality.
This is an optional function that defines what access the user will have in the display.
Users are defined as Operator or Manager (can select either, none, or both).
Have full or limited access
No access to USB or Setup options, unless also set as a Manager
Can import from USB from Map screen (RX, patterns, boundaries)
Manager sets up privileges
Full access to the display settings and functions
Only user that can change the selected configuration
Ability to log out of the display
System can be set up with operators only.
Passwords are not used when set up this way.
Translation - Estonian Telefoninumber / e-posti aadress
Kasutaja roll
Volituste tase
Täielikud volitused annavad kasutajale ligipääsu kõigile vabastatud funktsioonidele ja võimalustele.
Selle lisafunktsiooni abil määratletakse kasutaja õigused kuvari kasutamisel.
Kasutaja on kuvaris kas juht või haldur (saab valida mõlemad, ühe neist või mitte kumbagi).
Täielik või piiratud juurdepääs
Puudub juurdepääs USB ja seadistuse suvanditele, kui ei ole määratud halduriks
Importimine USB-st kaardikuvale (RX, sihtjooned, piirid)
Õiguseid määrab haldur
Täielik juurdepääs kuvari seadistusele ja funktsioonidele
Ainus kasutaja, kes saab muuta valitud konfiguratsiooni
Võimalus kuvarist välja logida
Süsteemi saab seadistada ainult juhtidega.
Sellise seadistuse korral paroole ei kasutata.
English to Estonian: International Drivers' Rights General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Case study 1: unfairly paid non-resident driver claiming a Belgian-level wage
Situation: a Portuguese driver is employed in Slovakia, under a Slovak contract, on a monthly pay rate of EUR 500, by a subsidiary of a Belgian road haulage company. For the last two and a half years, he has been working in cross-border road haulage, carrying out transport operations mainly from Antwerp in Belgium, and delivering goods in Germany, Luxembourg and France. He contacts a local union representative requesting assistance in claiming a wage at the Belgian level.
Driver’s claim: Belgian wage level.
How can the trade union assist?
a. Inform the driver of his legal rights;
b. Seek, on behalf of the driver, an out-of-court settlement with the employer;
c. Take the company to court.
Translation - Estonian 1. juhtumiuuring: ebaõiglast palka saav mitteresidendist autojuht nõuab Belgia palgataset
Olukord: Portugali autojuht töötab Slovakkias (Slovakkia töölepingu alusel) kuupalgaga 500 eurot, mida maksab talle Belgia transpordifirma tütarettevõtja. Autojuht on viimased kaks ja pool aastat tegelenud piiriüleste maanteevedudega, teostades transpordioperatsioone peamiselt Belgia linnast Antwerpenist ning toimetades kaupu Saksamaale, Luksemburgi ja Prantsusmaale. Ta võtab ühendust kohaliku ametiühingu esindajaga, et Belgia palgataseme nõudmisel abi saada.
Autojuhi nõue: Belgia palgatase.
Kuidas saab ametiühing aidata?
a. Teavitab autojuhti tema õigushüvedest.
b. Üritab autojuhi nimel tööandjaga kohtuvälise lahendi leida.
c. Annab äriühingu kohtusse.
English to Estonian: The Bridge of Birds (extract) General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English Ahead of us was an old peasant with a mule that was hauling a stone-wheeled cart that belonged in a museum.
"Manure!" he shouted in a quavering melancholy voice. "Fresh manuuuuuuure!"
Inside the house a rasping voice exclaimed, "Stone wheels? Stone wheels in Peking?" Shutters flew open and an extraordinarily ugly gentleman stuck his head out.
"Great Buddha, they are stone wheels!" he yelled, and he vanished inside the house. A moment later I heard him scream, "Cook! Cook! Don't waste a second!" And then the front door crashed open and Miser Shen and his cook raced outside and fell in behind the ancient cart.
They were carrying armloads of kitchen cutlery, which they began to sharpen against the slowly revolving stone wheels.
"At least two copper coins saved, Master!" the cook cried.
"What a bonanza!" howled Miser Shen.
"Manure!" cried the peasant. "Fresh manuuuure!"
Another pair of shutters flew open, and Fat Fu pointed toward a heart-shaped face and a pair of luscious
almond eyes.
"Pretty Ping," she said. "Pretty Ping owns one cheap dress, one cheap coat, one cheap hat, one pair of cheap
sandals, one pair of cheap shoes, one cheap comb, one cheap ring, and enough humiliation to last twenty
"More cutlery!" howled Miser Shen. "Bring the hoes and shovels too!"
"One million mortifications," moaned Pretty Ping, and the shutters slammed shut.
"Manure!" the old peasant cried. "Fresh manuuuure!"
Translation - Estonian Meie ees vedas üks muul vana talumeest ja kiviratastega käru, mille õige koht oleks juba ammu olnud muuseumis.
„Sõõõõnnik!“ hüüdis ta väriseval melanhoolsel häälel. „Vääärske sõõõõõõõõõõnnik!“
Majast kostis krigisev hüüatus: „Kivirattad? Kivirattad Pekingis?“ Aknaluugid paiskusid lahti ja pea pistis välja erakordselt kole härrasmees. „Suur Buddha, ongi kivirattad!“ hüüdis mees tagasi majja kadudes. Hetk hiljem kuulsime teda karjumas: „Kokk! Kokk! Ära raiska hetkegi!“ Uks lendas mürtsuga lahti ja välja jooksidki Ihnur Shen ja kokk, kes võtsid iidse käru taga hetkega kohad sisse.
Mõlema süled olid täis köögiriistu, mida nad otsekohe aeglaselt edasi veerevate kivirataste vastu teritama hakkasid.
„Jälle vähemalt kaks vaskraha nagu maast leitud!“ hüüdis kokk.
„Kullaauk, ma ütlen, kullaauk!“ röökis Ihnur Shen.
„Sõõõõnnik!“ hüüdis talumees. „Vääärske sõõõõõõõõõõnnik!“
Avanes teinegi aken ja Paks Fu osutas südamekujulise näo ning paari sumedate mandlisilmade poole.
„Ilus Ping,“ ütles Paks Fu. „Ilusal Pingil on üks odav kleit, üks odav mantel, üks odav kübar, üks paar odavaid sandaale, üks paar odavaid kingi, üks odav kamm, üks odav sõrmus ja piisavalt alandust kahekümneks elueaks.“
„Veel köögiriistu!“ üürgas Ihnur Shen. „Tooge kõplad ja labidad ka!“
„Miljon alandust,“ oigas Ilus Ping ja virutas aknaluugid kinni.
„Sõõõõnnik!“ hüüdis vana talumees. „Vääärske sõõõõõõõõõõnnik!“
Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
Improve my productivity
Since 2007, I’ve translated and edited texts for Acer, Adidas, AGA Gas, Amazon, Apple, Bobcat, Braun, Cartier, Daimler, DS Smith, ExxonMobil, Gardena, Getinge, Gina Tricot, Google, Heinz, Hewlett-Packard, Honda, Husqvarna, IKEA, Iveco, Jaguar, Jamie Oliver, Lexus, Makita, McCulloch, McDonald’s, Medela, Mercedes-Benz, Merison’s, Michelin, Microsoft, Mölnlycke Health Care, Nestlé, Nikon, Partner, Philips, Peugeot, Polar, Pringles, Procter & Gamble, Puma, Radisson, Renault, Rolls-Royce, Samsung, Scania, Schwarzkopf, Siemens, Sports Direct, Swedbank, Škoda, The Economist, Tinder, TNT, Turkish Airlines, Uber, Whiskas, Wrigley, YouTube, and various EU institutions.
Short intro to some of my more noteworthy projects can be found here. As an English-Estonian translator & editor, I mainly work with Marketing, IT, Technical, and European Union texts, though I often broaden my horizons outside those areas as well. In addition to technical texts, I've also translated several books and won an Estonian translation award. I like to keep up with current language trends by attending relevant in-service training programs and conferences whenever my schedule allows it.
Over the years, several CAT-tools (mainly Trados and memoQ, though I'm proficient with many others) have helped me provide consistent and flawless results. Clients and colleagues describe my work as always on time, accurate, and carried out according to your instructions. If highest quality is your top priority and I meet the criteria you're looking for in a translator/editor, see my CV, send me an e-mail, visit my web page, and/or feel free to contact any of my references.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Estonian
Specialty fields
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Advertising / Public Relations
IT (Information Technology)
Internet, e-Commerce
Other fields
Keywords: english, estonian, computers, software, localization, literature, translation, translating, en-et, EN-ET. See more.english, estonian, computers, software, localization, literature, translation, translating, en-et, EN-ET, quality, fast, thorough, quality, on time, EN-ET translations, EN to ET translations, English-Estonian translations, English-Estonian translation, English to Estonian translator, English to Estonian translators, english to estonian translation, english to estonian translations, english to estonian, translate english to estonian, marketing translation, marketing translator, technical translators, technical translations, IT translations, IT translators, english translator estonia, marketing english estonian translations, technical english estonian translators, technical english estonian translations, IT english estonian translations, IT english estonian translators, english translator estonia, EN-ET transcreation, transcreation, english estonian transcreation. See less.
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