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中国語 から 英語 政府/政治 Translation Glossary

中国語 term 英語 translation
(台湾)户政事务所 Household Registration Office
Entered by: albertdeng
(中华民国)户口名簿 (ROC) Household registration
"管它黑貓白貓,會抓老鼠的就是好貓" Be it a black cat or a white cat, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat.
76270亿元人民币 7.627 trillion RMB
办实事 take action
城建国土环保局 Bureau of Urban Construction, Land and Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
城关派出所 XX Township Police Station
厦门市委编办 personnel administration office
协议保留劳动关系 preserved employment relationship based on agreement
Entered by: albertdeng
卫生部科教司科技成果与交流处 Science and Technology Achievements and Exchange Office of the Science and Education Department of the Ministry of Health
南联盟外长思维拉诺维奇 Goran Svilanovic - Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
南通翔龙海洋工程技术有限公司 Sky-Long Offshore Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
Entered by: albertdeng
升温 getting closer
反弹 backlash; fight back
反弹 Strong opposition
反贪污,反腐败,反掏空 anti-corruption, anti-rottenness and anti-insider trading
反战主张 anti-war message
古巴参谋联席会议总督察 Secretary General of the Cuban Joint Advisory Commission
可经营型 commercial / non-commercial
台北市监理处关防 official seal of Motor Vehicles Office, Taipei City Government
Entered by: albertdeng
台北市文獻委員會 Taipei City Archives
台海 the Taiwan strait
just more authoritarianism
双规 to be investigated at the designated time & place.
Entered by: albertdeng
双指 detention and interrogation
变味 untrue, distorted, twisted
受一种规则在支配 driven by certain rules
发文反腐 anti-corruption propaganda
吹风 deliver unofficial messages
同额竞选 single-candidate election
同期声 actual (sound) recording
吃香喝辣 enjoy an easy life
大师级 Master
天津中药六厂 Tianjin No.6 Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory
外崇國信 Emphasize our country's credibility when dealing with foreign affairs
外交捭阖 diplomatic maneuvers
外管 The Trade Mission of the Republic of China (on Taiwan) in Papua New Guinea
实践 need to share their practical insights as they explore ways to reform.
实际出发 from/according to actual conditions/situation
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