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中国語 から 英語 政府/政治 Translation Glossary

中国語 term 英語 translation
“国际计划”国家主管詹姆斯·莫瑞 James Murray, Country Director, Plan China
倒萨设计师 architect of war to unseat Saddam Hussein
倒计时 countdown
现行有效司法行政规章目录 list of judicial and administrative rules and regulations that are currently in force
碰风 brag
社会商品零售价格指数 commodity retail price index(consumer price index)
Entered by: Shirley Lao
社会议事院 Public Chamber
空挂 virtual record
Entered by: albertdeng
穆哈兹难民营 Maghazi refugee camp
窜访 scuttle / scuttle around
Entered by: Fang Sheng
立体 in 3 dimensions
立法院跨黨派台商權益促進會 Legislative Yuan nonpartisan association for the promotion of the rights and interests of Taiwanese businessmen
第一主任 Princpal/Primary director
第二产业增加值 value added of the secondary industry
Entered by: Shirley Lao
笑傲江湖 one legendary example
笔杆子 writing talent/power of the pen
糤肂いァチ種匡羭 Increase the seats of central people's representatives. Or to hold election to increase the seats of
經済部商業司司長 Director General, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs
红头文件 Red Header Document
Entered by: crowdparadise
级次/级别 tier/level
Entered by: albertdeng
纵横捭阖 maneuver among various political groups
统得过多 overcentralized
结合实际 according to specific conditions
组联科 (组织联络科) Department of Organization and Liasion
美国驻联合国代表团副政治参赞 deputy political counselor for the US delegation to the UN
省一级的地方政府 local government at the provincial level
省区市党委统战部长 United Front Work Department heads from the Party committees of six provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
眷村票 votes of the areas where veterans reside
看强大 aim big
疏导 mediate
瓣祇穦 The National Development Conference (NDC)
略显 with a hint/tinge of
狠抓落实 Vigorously implement
直属局 directly affiliated bureau, or: XX bureau directly under XXXX
Entered by: albertdeng
职变 Change in occupation
Entered by: albertdeng
联动机制 chain reaction
联共治台独 Join hands with Chinese Communist Party in preventing Taiwan's independence
草根政策 grassroots policy
萧万长 Vincent Siew; Hsiao Wan Chang
落实政策 to implement the (family planning) policy
Entered by: Kevin Yang
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