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オランダ語 から 英語 法(一般) Translation Glossary

オランダ語 term 英語 translation
bij memorie in a statement
bij monde on behalf of
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
bij samenhang by extension
bij wijzigende maatregel by means of a modifying measure
bijpak concealment of illicit goods in regular cargo flows
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
bijzonder legaat specific gift > spec. legacy or bequest (of goods/chattels) or spec. devise (of land)
blijkende van...uit... evidenced
bodemgeding Proceedings on merits
Boedelgevolmachtigde estate administrator
borgstelling security deposit, judicial deposit
brigadiers eerste klasse senior police sergeant(s)
buiten bezwaar van de boedel without cost to the estate
bureau "Bureau" (Belgian Dutch term for the chair, secretary and tellers of a general meeting)
Entered by: Michael Beijer
burgerlijke partij civil claimant
certificaten in eigendom ten titel van beheer in trust
chirografair unsecured
clausule privé-zijn exclusion clause
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
coördinatie: Voor gelijkvormige coördinatie certified as a true coordinated/approximated text
Coördinatiewet Sociale Verzekeringen Social Security (Coordination) Act
Coll. certified copy
college van arbiters council or panel of arbitrators/arbitration council
comparante the appearer
comparanten the parties, the parties appearing (before me)
Entered by: Edward Vreeburg
comparitie appearance
compenseert de kosten van deze procedure tussen de partijen each of the parties will have to pay its own legal costs
concluant claimant/applicant
concluante / appellante Defendant / appellant
conclusie na schorsing in prima statement after stay of the proceedings in first instance
conclusiekalender filing schedule
conditio sine qua non verband the essential condition of the (existence of a causal) relationship
conservatoir beslag interlocutory freezing order
Conservatoir beslag tot afgifte te doen leggen To have prejudgment attachment for the purpose of surrender levied on
conservatoir pauliana beslag prejudgement seizure based on presumption of fraud
contra akte counter-deed
CUR, Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering the Civil Engineering Centre for Execution of Research and Regulation (CUR)
Entered by: Evert DELOOF-SYS
curateleregister guardianship register
CvA (Conclusie van Antwoord) Statement of Defence
CVBA Coöperatieve Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid (Cooperative Company with Limited Liability)
cvr statement of reply
daarvan vrij te stellen to exempt / to seperate/ from the rest of the estate
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