The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

イタリア語 から 英語 農業 Translation Glossary

イタリア語 term 英語 translation
raccolta scalare staggered harvest/picking
Entered by: liz askew
" in integro" in full
Entered by: Maria Elisa Manfrino
"cassone a ribaltamento" Tipping bucket
a cordone speronato spurred cordon
a spalliera a capo rinnovato vertical trellis trained with replacement cane pruning
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
a tendone overhead trellis
Entered by: Sabrina Armenise
a volume variabile (VRA) variable rate application
a zero del punto at ground/surface (0.0) level
Entered by: Barbara Carrara
accosciamento (chicken) legs securing
acetaia vinegar cellar
affitanza coltivatrice agricultural leasing
agenzia rurale agricultural settlements
Entered by: Tom in London
agevolatore shaker
agevolatrici harvesters
aggregazione dell’offerta offer aggregation/association
agricoltura basata sulle esondazioni del fiume floodwater farming / harvesting
agricoltura di prossimità grassroots farming
agricoltura di sussistenza subsistence agriculture
agrozootecnico agrozootechnical
al bruno dormant season grafting
Albo dei dottori agronomi e forestali registry of agronomists and foresters
alimentazione nutrition
allegagione fruit set/setting
allegazione (fruit) set/setting
ALLESSATURA leaf burn/delayed bud burst
allettamento beating down
allevato a vaso impalcato grown as a goblet shaped tree
ammendanti soil amendment , soil conditioner
ANDANA swath
anticrittogamico fungicide
aratorio, erborato, vitato arable, pasture, under vines
Aree maidicole maize-growing/corn-growing areas
arnia di tipo marchigiano "Marchigiana" hive
aspetti colturali as for cultural practices (cultivation)
astone stripling/1 year old plant
atomizzatore atomizer
attitudine uvifera grape-bearing potential
azienda in conversione farm in conversion
azienda olivicola olive growers
è penalizzata al 50 percento rispetto a... only works half as well as/is only half as good/efficient as
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