The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

イタリア語 から 英語 農業 Translation Glossary

イタリア語 term 英語 translation
fenomeni di chiusura più economici che fisici resistance encountered due to economic issues rather than geographical difficulties
fertiniezione fertilizer injection
filiera agroalimentare Farm & Food Supply Chain
filiera agroalimentare agrifood sector
film plastico additivato Sophisticated Greenhouse Polyethylene Covers
filtro a sabbia sand filter
fioccatura flaking
fitoormoni phytohormones
fitoparassita plant parasites
foglia a bandiera flag leaf
fondo rotativo revolving fund
forestazione forestation
forma libera free canopy
formali formal hedge/divider
formulato oleoso oil-based formula
forte pressione della malattia severe attack/acute attack of the disease
Entered by: Kate Chaffer
franco contenitore supplied as loose plants / trees
frangizzolatura harrowing
Frantoio ipogeo Underground oil press/mill
frese (rotary) tillers
frigoconservazione refrigeration
fronte di taglio silage face
fruttaio larder
frutto noce walnut-size(d) fruit
fumaggine sooty mould
fungicida per la concia seed treatment/coating/dressing fungicides
gamma grading
Entered by: Barbara Carrara
gancio rovescio upside down hook
Gemmaio bud vineyard
Entered by: Jasmina Towers
georgofili Accademia dei Georgofili - same as Italian
gestione agronomica dei terreni agricultural land management
Gestione anagrafica Data Management
getti shoot, sprout of a plant
ghiera antitaccheggio anti theft iron ring
gli interventi di sostegno a pioggia random support initiatives
gramolatore kneader
grande diffusione di spietramenti nella zona very widespread stone clearing practice in the zone
grossolani gross
GURI Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana
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