The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

イタリア語 から 英語 製造 Translation Glossary

イタリア語 term 英語 translation
masticiatura puttying
materiali da scorta spares/spare material
materie prime sussidiarie raw/auxiliary materials <and consumables>
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
mediante battitura through hammering
Menu' (as a heading) then bulletted items List
Entered by: Maria Burnett
messa a riposo layoff
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
messa in marcia sala a membrana Reimberg start-up of the R(h)eimberg membrane room
Entered by: Maria Burnett
metalmeccanico metalworking and mechanical engineering
Entered by: Angela Arnone
mettere in fodera to line / to insert a lining
metticannucce straw applicator
mezzeluna half moon gasket
microsferico micro glass ball / glass micro-bead
mignon strap/trim (leather industry)
Misuratore di portata massico Mass flow meter
mobilio furniture tubing
Modulo di rilievo colate casting record form
molatura e serigrafia grinding and screen printing
montaggio a trazione tension assembly
montaggio fianchi e boetta seat and sides lasting
montante a bandiera overhanging upright
movimentazione method/procedure
Entered by: Maria Burnett
movimentazioni decorative elements/decoration
muletto replacement equipment
Entered by: Maria Burnett
NO GESTITA Not Manufactured/ Not Produced/Not Managed/Non stock items
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
nobilitare beautify/embellish/adorn
non avvitata a battuta not screwed down tight
Nr. righe consegna no. of lines of the delivery
operaio carrellista forklift operator/driver/shopfloor worker
operatore meccanico mechanical operator / machine tool operator
operatrice meccanografica data entry clerk/specialist
opificio workshop
orlatrice [see context] seamstress
orlo a vena cinchcord hem, (draw)cord hem
ossosale idrato di titanio hydrated titanium oxosalt
otto di sicurezza Figure of 8 safety clasp
Entered by: Jasmina Towers
p.f. melting point
Pacco di prova sample pack
pane grosso large loaf
Entered by: Federica Banzola
pani di piombo lead ingots
Entered by: Tom in London
passaggi all’acqua [the first production line to use] exclusively water-based manufacturing stages
Entered by: Tom in London
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