The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 マーケティング/市場調査 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
justificativa para a "anulação" destes jovens... Justifying these youngster's annihilation
leva a marca de maneira correta no mercado handles the XXXX brand correctly/the right way in the market
levamos essa bandeira com muito zelo we take on this mission/cause with great zeal
Entered by: Kerryann Broughton
levar o mundo à frente move forward; move forward/on with (one's) life; don't look/hold back
levaram ao rubro who entertained
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
linha reta straight line
maciez softness
marca signature / distinguishing mark/feature
marketing multinível multi-level marketing
mas junto abrir However, regarding price
mídia espontânea ad-lib advertising
Mercado de assentos (stadium) seating market
mercado de pneus de reposição replacement tire market
moderninho trendy
motor nervoso spirited engine
multimercado multimarket
Entered by: Carla Lopes
nadou de braçada expanded quicky
não aprofundados not very thorough
Entered by: Matheus Chaud
não deixa no fim don't leave it until the last minute
não prejudicam do not harm / are not harmful to
Não se trata de venda "This is not a sales call"
numero de impactos number of impressions
Entered by: judith ryan
o cara fellow/guy
o máximo de valor financeiro/retorno financeiro maximum financial value / maximum financial return
o reparador de pontas Hair Serum
o segundo o consultou no dia de tirar meu pedido the second one checked it when he took my order
Entered by: Kerryann Broughton
objeto do desejo object of desire
Padrão de conforto comfort standard
painéis panels
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
painel de porta de sala living room door panel
paixão vermelha red hot passion
papel bandeja placemat
PARQUE INSTALADO existing number/ stock/ base
participação de acionistas não controladores de capital de origem externa participation by foreign-capital, non-controlling shareholders
particularidade de fazer uniqueness of doing
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
passa por um processo onde goes through a process whereby ...
passo apertado puts me in a tight spot
Entered by: Kerryann Broughton
patrocina a chapionfs it sponsors the Champions League
Entered by: Kerryann Broughton
pautar o mês em cima do schedule the monthly activities based on
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
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