The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 機械工学 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
Calibradores Tampão threaded plug gage
caminhão monobloco unibody truck
canais de alojamento gasket grooves/housing
cananetes or kananets tubes or (Kananet) HDPE corrugated pipes
caneta do campo de trabalho handpiece in the work area
cano com alma estriada rifled barrel
Capable, proven software software eficiente e comprovado
capacete com jugular helmet with chinstrap
capitulação chapterisation
captores solidários inbuilt collectors
caracol coil
carburantes fuel
carepa scale
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
carga a quente hot load (OR operating/working load)
carga de refrigeração refrigeration load
Cargas para Civil loads for civil engineering
Carrinho gaiola cage trolley
carro de linha railway car
carros porta-moldes mold transport cars...
caso seja reprovável ela se constituirá em um defeito In case it is deemed/considered completely unacceptable, it will constitute a fault/defect
CÚPULA DO SILO silo's roof, roof of the silo
cataforética cataphoretic
caudal de insuflação airflow rate
Entered by: Tania Pires
cavalo mecânico com semi-reboque semi-trailer truck
cavalo vapor (cv) cavalo vapor (CV)
Entered by: Marcia Galdi
cápsula dessecante dessecap terminação papel dessecap desiccant capsule: paper terminated
cês clips
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
chanfro longitudinal longitudinal chamfer
Entered by: liz askew
charrion faciado squaring carriage (faceado - Esquadriar).
chave de boca de encaixe snap-on socket wrench
chave de pino pin spanner wrench
CHICANA DEFLECTORA deflecting baffle / baffle
chicote principal da cabine cabin main wire (OR wiring) harness
chumbados fastened
Cianometahemoglobina hemoglobincyanide
ciclo de cura curing cycle / period
circulou circulated
cobre + PE copper + polyethylene (CU + PE)
Entered by: Mario Freitas
coifa da bandeja de suspensão control arm rubber boot
Entered by: Martin Riordan
coifa protetora hood protector
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