The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 医療: 歯科学 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
C.H.S. (carga horária semestral) SCL - Semi-Annual Class Load
'no' raio X panorâmico in the
A preocupação com a estética e o equilíbrio bucal The concern with beauty/aesthetics and oral balance
A. Radiológica anatomia
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
abertura da boca mouth opening/mouth-opening
albergante establishment
amplitude de movimento range of motion
angulação angling
aplicação do glaze glaze application
aplicacao de Jato e Bicarbonato sodium bicarbonate blast
aplicacao de verniz com fluor fluoride varnish application
Ashman Ashman
assalariamento da classe odontológica establishing salaries for dentists
atendimento (number of patients seen)
ÁREA CHAPEÁVEL bearing area
bateria set of
bolha no dente bubble
Entered by: Heather Phillips
Bolsa Pocket
Capeamento direto e indireto pulp capping direct and indirect
casquete tray
Entered by: judith ryan
Cálculo do VERT (Ricketts\'s) VERT index
cárie dental caries
cíngulo cingulum
cúspide cusp
Cobertura Entidades, Cobertura Particular corporate coverage; individual coverage
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
coifas metálicas metal copings
Entered by: judith ryan
compasso de ponta seca bow dividers/dividers
Entered by: liz askew
comunicações buço-sinusais oroantral communications
Conf. Notes da interodonto see also
Consulta de Grupo Group Appointments (with doctors)
contorno dental tooth profile
Entered by: judith ryan
contorno gengival gingival contour
Controle Pós-operatório paciente: Fase protética Patient Postoperative control: Prosthetic phase
Correção de Bridas Musculares muscle bridle suture
Corredor anatômico anatomical pathway
cunha distal distal wedge (procedure)
curativo de demora temporary dressing
deflexão craniana cranial deflection
dentística operatória operative dentistry
Dentística Restauradora Laboratorial Restorative Dentistry Research
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