The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 医療: 歯科学 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
lesão de furca furcation lesion
Entered by: liz askew
liquen plano lichen planus
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
LPO. (língua portuguesa) POL (Portuguese language)
manejo da criança child management
manejo de dobras de fios wire bending
marcação preta black diamond bur
materiais reembasadores resilientes resilient relining materials
menor alteração da rugosidade superficial the lowest degree of change of the superficial roughness
mesa de discussão roundtable
Entered by: Todd Field
movimento de irrupção movement of eruption
Odontopediatria Pediatric Dentistry
operadoras e credenciados operators and accredited members/persons/bodies
Entered by: liz askew
pares cranianos Cranial nerves
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
perícia report
periquimácias perikymata
Placa de Mordida Miorrelaxante mouth guards or appliances (splints)
pontos de referência reference points
Pró-Reitor Pro Tempore pro-tempore vice-dean
Entered by: Mario Freitas
próteses removíveis parciais ou totais partially or completely removable prostheses
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
PROPORÇÃO ÁUREA golden ratio
provertido brachyfacial
radiografia panorâmica panoramic X-ray
Raspagem Coronaria Supra-Gengival supragingival scaling
rebater o retalho reflect the flap
reembasamento rebase/rebasing
Entered by: liz askew
Reitor de Universidade President of the University (USA)
relações dentolabiais dentolabial relationships
restauracao de resina foto posterior 1 face photo-activated resin restoration;posterior;1 surface
RMF- Restauração Metálica Fundida cast metal crown
Entered by: Carla Selyer
roach Roach clasp / bar clasp
Entered by: liz askew
rodetes gengivais mandibular gum pads
síndrome do coágulo retido retained clot syndrome
seringa tríplice triple syringe
sisdesmótomo syndesmotome
sistema estomatognático stomatognathic system
SIT (situação do aluno, no caso) ST = Status or Standing
sobrevida de dentes (re)implantados survival of (re)implanted teeth
sugador de plástico plastic suction tube
Entered by: Thiago Capatti
surgir was introduced
testamento dentario dental records
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