The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 船舶、航海、海運 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
40 braças de largo it is 40 fathoms long (or 240 feet long)
ferro de BB = Port anchor BB = Bombordo = Port; BE = Boreste = SB; Ferro de bombordo = PT anchor
Primeiros/Segundos Oficiais de Náutica e Máquinas chief officer and 2nd officer, and chief engineer and 2nd engineer
"fundo chato" flat bottom
Aço centrifugado centrifugally cast steel
Entered by: judith ryan
abicado a 50 metros da praia and beached 50m from the shore (encalhar)
acostavel mooring side
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
agenciamento marítimo shipping agency
Entered by: Sergio Carré
alto-fundo shoal, bank, shelf, bar
amarradores Cleat
APANHADOR DE PEIXE EM NAVIOS fish catch unloader or transporter
Armação de embarcações outfitting ou fitting-out (navios novos)
Entered by: Mario Freitas
arranque start-up, startup
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Asas da Ponte Bridge Wings / Wings of the Bridge
atracacao berthing/mooring
atravessado 'a corrente broadside to the current
atributo attribute
Aviso da passagem pelo ponto través com Armazém 32 Inform passing the point beside Warehouse 32
à cota zh (zero hidrografico) to the depth of 4 metres (chart datum)
águas oleosas produzidas produced oily water
bacalhau copy of a corrected nautical chart
baixio a descoberta exposed sandbanks
balanço eletrico electrical load
banca (de um navio) bunker(s)
Entered by: Elvira Alves Barry
banda excessiva excessive listing
bandalho de maquinas (ship) machinery log book /engine log book
barco de boca aberta open boat
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
barcos espinheleiros long-line fishing boats
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
batimento de quilha keel laying
blisterização hull widening
bombas de trasfega transfer pumps
borboleta knee, gusset
borda a borda edge-to-edge
Bordos para fora tacking outwards (maneuvres)
bota-abaixo christening
Braço Dado berthing alongside
bracelete de homem morto dead man switch cord
Entered by: judith ryan
cabo de mar beach policeman
caboucos ditches, trenches
caixa de tomada de agua e ralos inlet water box and drains
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