The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

スウェーデン語 から 英語 化学、化学工学 Translation Glossary

スウェーデン語 term 英語 translation
led(et) parent
macktank underground storage tank
mesakaka filter cake
miljöbalken the [Swedish] Environmental Code
molv mole value [molar value]
motjon counterion
p.a kvalitet analytical grade (AG)
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Ph. Eur. pharmacopoeia (använd Ph Eur)
plattkokningsskåp fume cupboard with hotplate
pulverträtten the powder funnel
Rökgasreningen flue gas treatment/purification
rostfri fuktskål med lock stainless steel moisture dish with lid
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
skarp provkörning live test run
Småkemikalier Small quantity (dangerous) chemicals
smp, kp melting point, boiling point
snäppvulst snap lip
Ställning, ställd standardization, standard
Entered by: David Rumsey
termisk brytning thermal breakage
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
tillsats- och systemkemikalier additives and system chemicals
titrering titration
uppsluten digested
urkokning boil and discard the water (to remove chemical residues)
utjämningstanken equalization tank
värdeväska security case
veckfiltret the pleated filter
vid prio with priority
vitriolsjuderi sulfuric acid plant
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