Browse links of 詩&文学 glossaries
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Birgit Wiegandt |
Dieses Wörterbuch enthält ca. 90.000 Fachbegriffe und Abkürzungen (unter anderen Zeitschriftenabkürzungen) aus der Welt des Buches, der Bibliothek und der EDV. Hilfe zur Suche: Hier können Sie deutsche oder englische Begriffe eingeben, Groß- und Kleinschreibung muss nicht beachtet werden und sowohl "ß", als auch Umlaute sind erlaubt. Automa... View more
Glossar Literaturwissenschaft
Universität Kiel | http://www.literaturwissenschaft-on...
Einsprachiges Glossar über Terminologie aus der Literaturwissenschaft (Stilmittel etc.) Bitte wählen Sie einen Anfangsbuchstaben oder geben Sie einen Suchbegriff (im dafür vorgesehenen Feld) ein.
Vocabulario de Mexicanismos
Joaquín García Icazbalceta |
Vocabulario de mexicanismos : comprobado con ejemplos y comparado con los de otros paises hispano-americanos por Joaquín García Icazbalceta
William Faulkner Glossary
John Padgett / William Faulkner on the Web |
This glossary is a compilation of people, places, and other terms present in the written work of William Faulkner. Sources for the information presented here are the works themselves and several secondary sources (listed on the main glossary page). At present, terms are indexed for works published during Faulkner’s lifetime; indexing for posthumous... View more
Prototype Worlds: A Glossary of SF Jargon is a glossary of SF coinages, collected for the enjoyment and education of SF fans, SF writers, lexicographers, and linguists.
Most of this glossary is words originally coined in science fiction to describe technologies that did not exist at the time of writing or SFnal ideas for which no ... View more
Informazioni, terminologia e cultura del carcere
detenute, detenuti e operatori volontari delle carceri di Padova e Venezia |
Tutti i moduli per richiedere i benefici e le misure alternative; I benefici e le misure alternative alla detenzione; Leggi e normative che interessano il sistema carcerario; Gli operatori del carcere e le loro funzioni; Glossario di diritto penale; Glossario di diritto penitenziario; La magistratura e l'assistenza sociale; Il gergo burocratico del... View more
Greek and Roman Mythology Glossary
O projecto de um E-Dicionário de Termos Literários pretende recolher o maior número possível de termos técnicos em uso nas teorias da literatura, na crítica literária, nos textos académicos, nas bibliografias específicas dos estudos literários e culturais.
Cartoon Characters
Helcio Domingues |
Portuguese and English names of characters and other references in cartoons.
Tiyatro Terimleri
Prof. Dr. Özdemir Nutku |
Türkçe-Türkçe tiyatro terimleri sözlüğü.
Numismatic Glossary
McMaster Museum of Art |
Highly interesting numismatic resource that touches other concepts of Classical civilization and lifestyle.
Английские фразы, идиомы и пословицы с переводом на русский язык English - Russian Dictionary of Phrases and Idioms
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Английские фразы, идиомы и пословицы с переводом на русский язык (более 70 000 фраз) English - Russian Dictionary of Phrases and Idioms (more than 70000 entries)
Glossário de Teatro
André G. Bourassa |
Glossário de Teatro.
Animation Dreamers |
Glosario ilustrada animación
En esta sección vamos añadiendo todos los términos propios de la animacion, desarrollándolos a través de descripciones y gráficos. Si quieres colaborar con términos, definiciones o gráficos no dudes en contactar.
Cegliese / Italiano
Deutsch-�sterreichisches W�rterbuch
Roland Russwurm |
German-Austrian dictionary, searchable, new contributions are welcome. Includes a discussion forum, information on the linguistic distribution of terms, and text examples illustrating various Austrian dialects.
The Encyclopedia of Marxism aims to be the most complete reference guide to Marxism, the working class, and revolution in the world. We present these words uniquely with a Marxist analysis & critique, and we try to lay bare these words so there can be a shared understanding, a lucidity that exposes our diverse roots of thought and history, and expl... View more
DIZIONARIO ETIMOLOGICO ONLINE - (Vocabolario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana) |
Dizionario etimologico on line derivato dal Vocabolario Etimologico di Pianigiani, edito per la prima volta nel 1907 in due volumi e ristampato più volte, anche con aggiunte. Dopo quasi cent'anni dalla sua comparsa, i segni dell'età si vedono; ma il dizionario ha una sua speciale gradevolezza di lettura, ricchezza di suggestioni e interessanti ric... View more
Rhyming dictionary and thesaurus: rhymes, near rhymes, homophones synonyms, and semantic siblings of English words.
Mevlevi terimleri üzerine geniş bir sözlük. Terimlerin açıklamalarına değil, günümüz Türkçesindeki karşılıklarına yer veriyor. Genel olarak Osmanlıca sözlük işlevi de görebilir.
Le dictionnaire des mots moches |
C'est quoi, causer moche ? C'est parler comme le fait votre voisin, votre patron, le député local, le commentateur à la télé, le garagiste d'en face, votre psychanalyste, l'auteur de ce site dès la première phrase, et bien d'autres. C'est comme pour l'automobile : ce sont surtout les autres qui (se) conduisent mal. Et il y a bien des manières pour ... View more
Glosario de t�rminos literarios en Espa�ol
Swarthmore College |
Glosario en español de términos poéticos y literarios.
English phrasal verbs containing meanings and examples/translation
Glossary of poetic terms
Robert G. Shubinski |
Glossary of Theatre Terms
The Queen's Theatre |
Glossary of theatre terms, in cooperation with the Department Of English Literature Theatre Workshop, Sheffield University.
Large collection of sayings in Latin and German, though partly not translated. Also more exhaustive offline version available.
The database of various -often deragotary- nicknames given to nations
Rijeci anarhizama, manje poznatih rijeci i izraza
Sabrana djela Petra Kocica |
Razumijevanje i izgovor vecinom prilagodjen govornicima srpskog jezika, a izbor uzet iz djela Petra Kocica.
Neki italijanizmi i manje poznate rijeci u hrvatskom jeziku
Klape omiskog festivala |
Rijecnik daje prikaz nekih italijanizama i manje poznatih rijeci i njihovo znacenje u hrvatskom jeziku kako su se pojavljivali u hrvatskim dalmatinskim pjesmama.
This glossary provides an explanation to many of the terms frequently used in connection with translation and interpreting. Whether you need to communicate effectively with translators or translation companies, or just want to know what Unicode or translation memory are all about, you’ll find the answers here.
List of several terms used in Japanese calligraphy, with definitions.
helps eliminate common errors in rush translations..
Le but de ce glossaire est de vous aider dans la description des livres
Glossary of Linguistic terms
SIL International Linguistics |
LinguaLinks Library is a collection of electronic reference materials designed to support language fieldwork. This link takes you directly to the Index.
University of Trier (Dictionary Projects) |
Hallo Muttersprachler, ich finde es sensationell, dass es das Grimmsche Wörterbuch jetzt im Internet gibt. Check it out, man! Hintergrund: Die Brüder Grimm, die gleichen, die auch das deutsche Volksgut mit ihren gesammelten Märchen so eindringlich beeinflusst haben, sind auch die Autoren des größten deutsch-deutschen Wörterbuches der deutschen Zung... View more
Glossary of terms used by translators and interpreters
Barinas Translation Consultants |
Terms in the Language Service Industry
The meanings and origins of over 2,000 English sayings, phrases and idioms. There is a forum where you can discuss the meanings and origins of sayings or phrases with people.
WordNet is an online lexical database for the English language. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. The most recent Windows version of WordNet is 2.1, released in March 2005. You can download it or use it online.