Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Terms. Oil & Gas CDM/JI Projects
Oil & Gas CDM/JI Methodology Workgroup |
This technical glossary of terms was commissioned by the Oil & Gas Methodology Workgroup Why the need for a glossary of terms? (WG) to compile and explain how specific oil and gas terms found and/or required in relevant CDM/JI Methodologies, are understood and applied by industry, and how the concepts should be interpreted in the context of projec... View more
English-Russian Glossary of Words and Phrases
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service |
This glossary has been developed in cooperation with numerous professional translators and editors. Its purpose is to establish high standards for the quality of language usage, to promote uniformity in language usage, and to minimize the risk of misinterpretation of Russian-language materials issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This glo... View more
Wellness-Interaktiv GmbH |
Ausführliches Lexikon zu verschiedenen Wellnessthemen
Glossary of Social Security Terminology
U.S. Social Security Administration |
Contains everyday words and expressions as well as technical Social Security terminology. Intended to promote uniformity in language usage and avoid misinterpretation of Spanish language materials issued by the Social Security Administration. Certain words may not be used everywhere. In some instances, words were "invented" and a compromise was mad... View more
American Iron and Steel Institute Steel Works
American Iron and Steel Institute |
English monolingual with defibitions based upon numerous paper dictionaries.
English - Spanish Glossary of Words and Phrases
Internal Revenue Services |
This glossary is developed by the Tax Forms and Publications Division of the Internal Revenue Service, in consultation with the Translation Commission of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (Comisión de Traducciones de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española) and with the Graduate Program in Translation of the University of ... View more
English Spanish Glossary of Social Security Terminology
SSA - Social Security Administration |
Prepared by SSA employees to promote uniformity in language usage and avoid misinterpretation of Spanish language materials. It contains everyday words and expressions as well as technical Social Security terminology. PDF file Spanish>English version available at