英語 から 中国語: UN Chief Hails New Pakistan-India Crossing as 'Corridor of Hope' General field: 社会科学 Detailed field: 政府/政治 | |
原書のテキスト - 英語 ISLAMABAD - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hailed as the “symbol of interfaith harmony” an overland passage Pakistan recently opened for Sikh devotees from India to pay a visa-free homage to one of their holiest sites.
Guterres traveled Tuesday to what is called the Kartarpur Corridor and toured the sprawling newly built marbled complex hosting the Sikh temple, known as the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib.
In a post-trip tweet, the U.N. chief said he was honored to visit what he described as “a corridor of hope, connecting two key Sikh pilgrimage sites.”
The Gurdwara or shrine is believed to have been built on the site where the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, lived and died in the 16th century.
The 4.1-kilometer Kartarpur Corridor links the shrine to Dera Baba Nana temple in the northwestern border town of Gurdaspur on the Indian side.
Islamabad opened the facility last November, enabling Indian Sikhs to visit the temple in Kartarpur for the first time since 1947 when British India was divided into two independent states of India and Pakistan.
“When we see in so many parts of the world fighting in the name of of religion, it’s necessary to say that religions unite us for peace and the best symbol is this shrine,” Guterres told reporters inside the Sikh shrine.
The U.N. chief visited the Sikh religious site Tuesday as he wrapped up his three-day visit to the country at a time when Pakistan’s tensions with India have escalated dangerously over the disputed Kashmir territory.
Speaking in Islamabad at the start of his visit, Guterres said he was “deeply concerned” about the increase in tensions.
“I have repeatedly stressed the importance of maximum restraint and taking steps to de-escalate both militarily and verbally while reiterating my offer to exercise my good offices should both sides ask,” the secretary-general said.
But India swiftly rejected the latest offer of mediation by the U.N. chief, saying Kashmir was a bilateral matter between the two countries.
“There is no role or scope for third party mediation,” reiterated the Indian foreign ministry spokesman in his reaction.
India controls two-thirds of Kashmir, and Pakistan controls the rest. Both the countries claim the Himalayan region in its entirety and have fought two of their three wars over it.
Bilateral tensions have markedly worsened since last August, when New Delhi unilaterally revoked a decades-old constitutional special autonomous status for its portion of Kashmir.
The Indian government defends the move, saying it will help stamp out terrorism and spur development in the country's most restive region.
Pakistan rejects Indian actions, saying Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory under U.N. Security Council resolutions and neither side can unilaterally alter the status.
Since August, Indian authorities also have placed millions of residents of the country’s only Muslim-majority region under tight security clampdown and imposed a communications blackout to counter violent reactions to the moves, although the restrictions have been partially eased in recent weeks.
"We have been expressing very clearly the absolute need for human rights to be fully respected in Kashmir,” Guterres said while referring to the lockdown in Indian-rule portion of the region.
The U.N. chief was in Pakistan for a conference marking 40 years of the presence of refugees in the country fleeing years of violence and persecution in neighboring war-torn Afghanistan. | 翻訳 - 中国語 伊斯蘭馬巴德 - 聯合國秘書長安東尼歐·古特瑞斯讚許一條巴基斯坦近日為印度錫克教信徒所開通的陸上通道,並表示此為「多種信仰和諧共處的象徵」,從此教徒們可免除簽證前往聖地致上最高的敬意。
「當我們看見這個世界的許多地區正為著宗教之名而戰時,也必需說宗教使我們團結走向和平且最好的象徵便是此座神殿,」 古特瑞斯於神殿內向記者們如此說道。
巴基斯坦駁斥印度的行動,表示克什米爾於聯合國安全理事會決議為一國際公認的有爭議領土, 且任何一方皆不可單方面地改變狀態。
「 我們已經非常明確地表達了在克什米爾充分尊重人權的絕對必要性,」 當古特瑞斯提及印度封鎖該管轄地區時如此說道。
聯合國秘書長於巴基斯坦舉行會議, 表示過去40年間在這個國家所存在的難民們逃離了充滿暴力與迫害且飽嚐戰火的阿富汗。 |
英語 から 中国語: Government-owned SWFs General field: ビジネス/金融 Detailed field: 金融(一般) | |
原書のテキスト - 英語 Amid unprecedented economic turmoil and regulatory change, most asset managers have afforded themselves little time to bring the future into focus. But the industry stands on the precipice of a number of fundamental shifts that will shape the future of the Asset Management industry.
Many countries have set up government-owned SWFs for a variety of macroeconomic purposes, such as stabilization (insulating the public budget from swings in commodity prices), saving for future generations and investments in socio-economic projects.
There has been a rapid accumulation of foreign assets by many of these SWFs, particularly by oil-exporting and some Asian nations, thanks to high oil prices, financial globalization and sustained large global imbalances. This trend is set to continue over the next decade. As a result, the size of SWFs is rising fast and their presence in international capital markets is becoming more prominent. SWFs’ AuM are currently above $5 trillion and are set to surge to nearly $9 trillion by 2020.
By 2020, technology used by regulators may enable real-time access to the investment portfolios of asset managers, either via asset managers or from their administrators. Real-time portfolio data will be cross-referenced to market data and activity to support regulatory oversight of market conduct and product appropriateness. | 翻訳 - 中国語 面臨空前的經濟動盪與監管變革時,多數資產管理者已無心力關注未來的走向。但資產管理業也在絕境中產生根本性的轉變,進而重塑資產管理業的未來。
於2020年,監管機關無論是透過資產管理者或是資產管理公司,皆可採用科技即時監控投資組合。也可將即時投資組合與市場數據交互參照,協助監管機關監督市場行為與產品適用性。 |
英語 から 中国語: Maldives General field: マーケティング Detailed field: 観光&旅行 | |
原書のテキスト - 英語 Perfect Privacy:
For couples, a romantic holiday in the Maldives is a chance to be together in a way that never happens at home.
If you want a honeymoon that’s exclusively yours, the Maldives is ideal. These picture-perfect islands are a real-life desert-island fantasy with accommodation that is secluded and guarantees privacy. Each resort is on its own island; there are no strangers, only caring staff and other guests, who value their privacy too. After being met by your resort representative at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport and escorted to board a speedboat or seaplane, you feel romance embracing you as you step ashore on a palm fringed island that’s completely away from it all. Crystal clear lagoons, vibrant coral reefs and white-sand beaches come as standard, while candlelit dinners under starry skies, exclusive upgrades and bespoke experiences-for-two make for an extra special start to married life. The splendour of the accommodation lives up to all you expect on a honeymoon. Elegant overwater villas on columns above the lagoon are especially popular with honeymooners because of their romantic location away from it all. Many come with open-to-the-stars bathrooms, private plunge pools and steps directly down into the lagoon. From the balcony, views stretch to the far horizon as the moon bathes you and your partner in its seductive glow. | 翻訳 - 中国語 完美私密假期
馬爾地夫也是兩人獨享蜜月旅行的首選。身處畫作般的熱帶荒島之中,清幽的環境與私人空間即在眼前。每座小島僅坐落一間度假飯店;沒有閒雜人等,只有其他和您一樣重視隱私的房客以及飯店工作人員。在您抵達易卜拉欣納西爾國際機場後,將由專人迎接,並協助搭乘快艇或水上飛機前往下榻飯店,令人腦海中不由得浮現出許多浪漫的想像,踏上滿是棕櫚樹的小島後,便可將一切煩惱拋諸腦後。潟湖的水質澄澈,珊瑚礁充滿生氣,白沙也是島上的標準配備。星空下的燭光晚餐、獨家升級服務與定製體驗皆令人十分難忘,兩人的新婚生活即刻開始。奢華的住宿空間正適合盡情享受屬於兩人的蜜月時光。水上別墅隔絕了外界的紛擾,高雅氣氛也深受許多蜜月新人的喜愛。坐擁星辰的開放式浴室、私人泳池、以及近在眼前的潟湖景緻更吸引不少新人遠道而來。夜裡的海面上閃爍著波光,月光印在兩人的臉龐,更添濃情密意。 |
日本語 から 中国語: グルメ情報 General field: マーケティング Detailed field: 食品&乳製品 | |
原書のテキスト - 日本語 産地直送の新鮮な松阪牛のみを使った高級焼肉店「○○○」。都会のど真ん中にありながら、騒音を感じさせ ない落ち着いた店内は、焼肉店とは思えない上質な空間。品質を最優先するために部位ごと生肉を仕入れ、一 切冷凍せずに注文が入ってから切り分けるこだわりよう。都内では珍しい希少性の高い黒毛和牛の「上タン塩 (2,500円(税抜))」や「B.カイノミ(2,400円(税抜))」など、松阪牛ならではの美味しさを堪能できます。 1日限定8組完全予約制の肉割烹「○○○」。上品で落ち着きのある店内はまるで自分だけの隠れ家。個室や テーブル席があり、ゆっくり食事を楽しめます。とろける旨味が絶品の松坂牛シャトーブリアンを含んだ贅沢 な会席コース「松阪牛ステーキ会席(15,000円(税抜))」や、「松阪牛のすき焼きコース(13,000円((税抜))」 がおすすめ! | 翻訳 - 中国語 「○○○」是一間僅提供產地直送新鮮松阪牛的高級燒肉店。雖位處都會鬧區,卻完全感受不到喧囂,優質沉穩 的空間也讓人想像不到是一間燒肉店。為確保最佳的品質,食材到店後絕不冷凍,且在客人點餐後現切現做力求 完美呈現。更品 得到東京都內也十分罕見的黑毛和牛「鹽味上舌 嚐 (2,500日幣(未稅))」及「B.貝身(2,400日幣 (未稅))」等部位,松阪牛特有的美味盡收口中。 「○○○」採完全預約制,1天僅接待8組賓客。高雅且靜謐的店內讓人彷若置身於自己的秘密基地。提供包廂 及一般桌位,適合輕鬆地享用料理。必吃的有入口即化的美味絕品松坂牛夏多布里昂牛排之奢華會席套餐「松阪 牛牛排會席(15,000日幣(未稅))」與「松阪牛之壽喜燒套餐(13,000日幣((未稅))」!
範 |
日本語 から 中国語: 不動産会社 General field: マーケティング Detailed field: 不動産 | |
原書のテキスト - 日本語 ABCの資料請求でお預かりした個人情報は、株式会社123[以下当社]が取得し、資料送付の対応のためお問い 合わせいただいた各不動産会社に提供いたします。提供した個人情報は各不動産会社から資料を送付、メール の送信・電話での連絡などの目的で利用するために保管されます。各不動産会社の個人情報の取り扱いポリシ ーについてはそれぞれの不動産会社に直接ご連絡の上お問い合わせください。
| 翻訳 - 中国語 您於ABC的資料申請所提供的個人資訊,由123有限公司[以下稱該公司]取得,並提供給您所諮詢的各不動產 公司,以取得回覆資料。所提供的個人資訊由各不動產公司作為回覆資料、回覆郵件、電話聯絡等目的使用。關 於各不動產公司的個人資訊管理政策,請直接聯絡各不動產公司進行諮詢。 |
日本語 から 中国語: 化粧品の使い方 Detailed field: 化粧品、美容 | |
原書のテキスト - 日本語 入浴後の温まったお肌に、なじませるように伸ばしてご使用ください。 ■保湿クリームとして ■マッサージクリームとして 適量…用途・部位によって、さくらんぼ大 1~2 程度 さくらんぼ大=約 3g
●お肌に異常が生じていないかよく注意して使用してください。 ●お肌に合わないとき、または傷・湿疹等の異常があるときは使用しないでください。 ●使用中や使用後に、赤み、はれ、かゆみ、刺激、色抜け(白斑等)や黒ずみ等の異常があらわれたとき、また日光にあ たって同様の異常があらわれたときは使用を中止し、皮ふ科専門医等にご相談ください。そのまま使用を続けますと症状 を悪化させることがあります。 ●目に入ったときはすぐに洗い流してください。 ●お子様の手の届かないところに保管してください。 ●高温多湿または極端に低温の場所や直射日光を避けて保管してください。 ●使用後は必ずしっかりキャップをしめてください。
| 翻訳 - 中国語 使用方法 請將乳液均勻塗抹於淋浴後的溫暖肌膚上。 ■作為保溼乳液使用 ■作為按摩乳液使用 適量…依用途及部位,擠出 1~2 顆櫻桃大小 櫻桃大小=約 3g 使用注意事項 ●請注意肌膚是否發生異常。 ●肌膚不合,或是肌膚有傷口及濕疹等異常時請勿使用。 ●使用時或使用後,若發生發紅,腫脹,發癢,發炎,色損(白色斑點等)與暗沉等異常,或是陽光照射時發生如上異常時, 應立即停止使用,並前往皮膚科就醫。若未立即停止使用將導致情況惡化。 ●若滲入眼睛請立即以清水沖洗。 ●請放置於兒童不易取得之處。 ●請避免放置於高溫多溼、極低溫或陽光直射處。 ●使用後請務必緊閉瓶蓋。 |