英語 から イタリア語
日本語 から イタリア語
イタリア語 (単一言語)

Angelica Perrini
+14 years in IT, +3 mln words translated

Capurso, Puglia
現地時間:09:53 CET (GMT+1)

母国語: イタリア語 
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19 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)

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アカウントタイプ フリーランスの翻訳者 / 通訳者, Identity Verified 確認済みサイトユーザ
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
所属 This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
サービス Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, Transcription
IT(情報テクノロジー)コンピュータ: ソフトウェア
コンピュータ: ハードウェアコンピュータ: システム、ネットワーク
宗教法: 特許、商標、著作権


KudoZ アクティビティ (PRO) PRO-レベルポイント: 211, 回答した質問: 98, 提示した質問: 18
プロジェクト歴 29 入力プロジェクト    6 翻訳依頼者からの好意的なフィードバック 1 翻訳依頼者からの中立的なフィードバック

Payment methods accepted TransferWise
ポートフォリオ 翻訳サンプル提出済み: 7
グロサリー Bible and Christian life, elica glossary, Geology, Japanese>English glossary, Japanese>Italian glossary, Science, Social issues and ethics
翻訳教育 Master's degree - Specialization degree in Software and Website Localization
体験 翻訳体験年数: 20. ProZ.comに登録済み: Aug 2004.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
資格 英語 から イタリア語 (University of Lecce, Italy, verified)
日本語 から イタリア語 (University of Lecce, Italy, verified)
メンバーシップ N/A
ソフトウェア Idiom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Abbyy Finereader 5.0, Abbyy Finereader 5.0, Adobe Acrobat Reader 11, MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher), NJ Star Japanese WP 5.0, Trados Studio, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
ウェブサイト https://www.angelicaperrini.com
CV/Resume 日本語 (PDF), 英語 (PDF), イタリア語 (PDF)
Events and training
プロフェッショナルプラクティス Angelica Perrini 推薦 ProZ.com's プロのガイドライン (v1.1).

My name is Angelica Perrini and I am a professional translator specializing in Localization, Marketing and Communication.

I help companies and independent customers localize English and Japanese communications and bring their products and services to the Italian market.

Accuracy, professionalism, and excellent writing skills are my trademarks and are guaranteed.

I am a highly committed professional, with an eye for detail and methodical, used to meet strict deadlines and only willing to deliver high-quality results.

Italian native speaker, very good command of English and Japanese, good French, basic Latin.
Strong background and high-school diploma in Social Sciences.

_ University degree (BA) in Translation and Interpreting (with graduation thesis including an Italian-
English-Japanese glossary of wine tools and wine places).

_ Post-Grad. Diploma in Software and Website localization.

Specialising in Localization, IT and Marketing, I have in-depth experience in translation for publishing purposes and I also provide certified and sworn translation of official documents for both EN>IT and JA>IT language pairs.
Providing EN>IT proofreading of Christian-based contents and newspaper articles.

Good knowledge of Windows 8.1 OS + Microsoft Office 2007 Suite, Adobe Acrobat Reader, NJ Star 5.0 Japanese WP.
Translation/Localization tools: SDL Trados 2007, SDLX, Trados Studio 2011, Idiom, Logoport, Xbench.

More than 3,000,000 words translated over the past 12 years.

The following is my profile in brief:

English>Italian, Japanese>Italian
15 years, working as freelance translator and reviewer, terminologist, language lead
Software & Website localization, Business & Marketing, Technology & Patents, Publishing & Communications, Official Documents & Certificates.
For a detailed list of projects completed, please refer to the attached CV.
Highly committed professional, with an eye for detail and methodical, used to meet strict deadlines and only willing to deliver high-quality results.
Bank transfer, TransferWise, Paypal
Available upon request

TESTIMONIALS: Prompt delivery, sincere and very professional. Hope we can cooperate more frequently! Pangeanic (formerly B.I.Europa Documentación y Traducción S.L.), Spain, Translation agency

Angelica is reliable in terms of accuracy and deadline. Will definitely work with her again. Easytrad di Pamela Brizzola (Italy), EN, ES>IT Freelance Translator

Highly professional, communicative, flawless style; would certainly recommend her. Sabrina Eskelson, Metafrasi (Italy), EN>ES>EN, EN>IT>EN Freelance Translator and Outsourcer

Excellent, high-quality and very accurate translator. A real pleasure to work with. Monica Colman (Italy), EN, FR>IT Translator

Professionalism, accuracy and punctuality... all in a single translator, Angelica! Sara Pisano (Italy), EN, JA>IT Translator

Dear Angelica Perrini,
It is a pleasure to inform you that the board of directors of the Hilkia Inc. Publishing House, is very happy about the translations that you have done for us until now.
I am proud to hear from other translators and proof-readers of our team that you are very professional, punctual, helpful and pleasant to work with.

I am sure that you are going to continue your excellent job, and continue to cooperate in our team for long time.
Thank you again and may God bless you for your magnificent work,

Antonio Consorte
President and Founder
of the Hilkia Inc. Publishing House (Canada)

Precise and always on time :) We look forward to working together again! Novilinguists (Italy) - (Proz.com BlueBoard), Italy

I have had the pleasure to proofread some translations by Angelica Perrini and I can say that the experience has been truly gratifying! Good translators are rare these days, when few seem to want to take the time to truly cultivate accuracy. Angelica has translated writings which spanned several centuries (from the Middle Ages to the 19th century), with expertise and care for details, demonstrating at the same time excellent writing skills.

Simonetta Carr
Translator and proofreader for the Hilkia Inc. Publishing House
b3911aa17fe7319e5905e825c7d1a7e8_CPNlogobig.jpg Angelica Perrini TM-Town Profile toolkit.jpg
キーワード: Localizzazione, siti web, software, IT, localizzazione software, localizzazione siti Web, traduzione tecnica, manualistica, traduzione di brevetti, traduzioni tecniche. See more.Localizzazione, siti web, software, IT, localizzazione software, localizzazione siti Web, traduzione tecnica, manualistica, traduzione di brevetti, traduzioni tecniche, brevetti, traduzioni business e marketing, marketing, corrispondenza commerciale, e-mail, inglese, giapponese, italiano, traduzione giapponese, traduzione inglese, traduzione italiana, Bibbia, religione, teologia, scienze sociali, pedagogia, traduzione generale, stampa digitale, stampa tipografica, vino, enologia, viticoltura, traduzioni turistiche, istruzione e formazione, didattica e apprendimento delle lingue, traduzione di documenti, traduzione specialistica, traduzioni pubblicitarie, traduzione di XML, traduzione di HTML, traduzione dal giapponese all'italiano, traduzione in italiano, editoria, traduzione certificata, traduzione giurata, documenti ufficiali, certificati, Localization, Web site localization, software localization, technical translation, IT, technology, Information Technology, tech, patents, patent translations, Bible, Bible translation, religion, religious texts, religious issues, Theology, wine, social sciences, Pedagogy/Education, general, marketing, fashion, business correspondence, e-mails, English, Japanese, Italian, L10N, translator, software strings, online Help, software documentation, User's guides, Websites, Web Contents, product packaging, collaterals, mobile Apps, EULA, End User License Agreement, corporate documentation, private correspondence, business correspondence, resume, market Research, survey, questionnaire, marketing campaign, advertising campaign, hotel review, travel products, services presentations, training course for employees, operator’s manual, technical sheet, healthcare directives, medical equipment catalogues, technical brochures, scripts, audiovisual productions, press releases, newsletters, inspirational books, Christian-based contents, Bible-study reference material, children's books, healthcare-related service leaflets, tourist information brochure, museum leaflet, industry magazine, guidebook, textbook, ID card, passport, driving license, International Driving Permit, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, death certificate, vital records certificate, family registry, permanent residence certificate, last will, testament, judicial register, judicial documents, extrajudicial documents, school certificate, school diploma, transcript of records, Employment agreement, internal documents, confidential documents, イタリア語, 日本語, 英語, ローカライズ, ローカライゼーション, イタリア語翻訳、翻訳, ワイン, ビジネス通信文, ファッション, ソフトウェア・ローカライズ, ウェブサイト・ローカライズ, IT翻訳, デジタル印刷, 活版印刷, マニュアル翻訳, 特許翻訳, 技術翻訳, レザーグッズ, ワイン学, ブドウ栽培学, 聖書, マーケティング・ビジネス専門翻訳, 観光関連翻訳, 教育と育成, 言語教育と学習, ドキュメントの翻訳, 専門翻訳, 広告の翻訳, XML形式の翻訳, HTML形式の翻訳, 日伊翻訳, イタリア語, イタリア語翻訳, 出版. See less.

Mar 18, 2020