入会時期 Oct '11

英語 から 日本語
日本語 から 英語

Yoko Deshmukh
IT, News, Marketing, Finance

Fukutsu, Fukuoka, 日本
現地時間:01:40 JST (GMT+9)

母国語: 日本語 Native in 日本語
Feedback from
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2 positive reviews
A native Japanese translator having extensive knowledge in IT, current affairs, laws, contracts, marketing/training materials & India/South Asia information.
アカウントタイプ フリーランスの翻訳者 / 通訳者, Identity Verified 確認済みメンバー
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
所属 This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
サービス Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Editing/proofreading, Interpreting
メディア/マルチメディア医療: 器具
医療: 製薬Market Research
法: 契約ビジネス/商業(一般)

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

All accepted currencies Japanese yen (jpy)
Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
ポートフォリオ 翻訳サンプル提出済み: 1
体験 翻訳体験年数: 9. ProZ.comに登録済み: Dec 2008. 入会日: Oct 2011.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
資格 英語 から 日本語 (Japan Translation Federation Incorporated, verified)
日本語 から 英語 (Japan Translation Federation Incorporated, verified)
メンバーシップ N/A
ソフトウェア Dreamweaver, Frontpage, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
ウェブサイト https://www.asksiddhi.in
プロフェッショナルプラクティス Yoko Deshmukh 推薦 ProZ.com's プロのガイドライン.
Hello, thank you for finding my profile on Proz.com.
I am a native Japanese JTF (Japan Translation Federation) certified freelance translator living in India.

I have been working as a translator since 2004 on different subjects like IT, daily news (current affairs), marketing materials, finance reports and speech manuscripts.

Apart from my freelance career, I have been associating with a subsidiary of Japan's leading IT company (NTTDATA) since 2004 as an in-house translator / interpreter (now I belong to the company as an independent consultant).

As I reside India, I can offer you the best rate being a native Japanese translator.

Please feel free to contact me through Proz.com or on [email protected]

Recent works (in the past two months):
- Requirement analysis, specification documents for one of the top global IT company (English to Japanese)
- Code of conducts, human resource guidelines, internal documents for global players (English to Japanese)
- Public releases / CEO speeches for global companies (Japanese to English)
- Daily news and current affairs (English to Japanese)
- Advertisements for a European firm (English to Japanese)
- Internal training material for a leading US networking firm (English to Japanese)
- New product release for the world's leading trading company (English to Japanese)
- Brochures for a global soft-drink maker (English to Japanese)
- Advertisements for a city magazine (English to Japanese)
- Presentations for IT start-up companies (English to Japanese)
- Product introductions for a luxury watch maker (English to Japanese)
- Brochures for the world's leading amusement park (English to Japanese)
- Product descriptions of local specialties in Japan (Japanese to English)
- University brochures (English to Japanese)

翻訳履歴 (過去2カ月間):
- 世界最大のIT企業の要求分析書/仕様書等を和訳
- 世界的大手企業各社の業務行動規範、人事指針その他社内文書を和訳
- 世界的大手企業各社の広報メッセージ、社長挨拶その他対外文書を英訳
- ニュースや時事関連記事の和訳
- ヨーロッパ企業の広告文章の和訳
- 米大手ネットワーキング会社向け社内教育資料を和訳
- 世界的商社向けの新製品情報を和訳
- 世界的大手清涼飲料水メーカーのカタログを和訳
- フリーマガジン用広告を和訳
- ITベンチャー企業プレゼンテーションを和訳
- 高級時計メーカーの製品紹介を和訳
- 有名アミューズメントパークの施設案内を和訳
- 日本特有の物産品の商品説明を英訳
- 大学案内を和訳
yoko_surya's Twitter updates
    キーワード: India, Japan, News, Information Technology, IT, BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, KPO, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Souce Asia. See more.India, Japan, News, Information Technology, IT, BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, KPO, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Souce Asia, Requirement Documents, Specification Documents, Journalism, Marketing, Tourism, Contracts, Newletters, Finence, Accounts, . See less.

    Nov 27

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