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ProZ.com Networking Marathon

Oct 4, 2013

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Fernanda Rocha

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Speaker details

Bio:With a B.A. in Translation and an English Teaching Degree, both from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais, Brazil), Fernanda Rocha is a translator since 2001 and also works as a proofreader, localizer, transcreator and transcriber. Her main working fields are education/pedagogy, literature/fiction, marketing/market research, IT, games and medicine. Fernanda has been observing the market and the behavior of translators and hiring companies for quite some time now and was able to gather lots of materials and tips to share on her fields of expertise, professional and succe$$ful attitude, online presence, quality of life, negotiation, meeting new clients, among other topics. One of the areas of greatest interest of the professional is the translator/reviser relationship. The subject was theme of her final paper at the University and she has already presented her study in congresses and conferences.

ProZ.com Networking Marathon (This event)

Certified PRO Network virtual event

IV Conferência Brasileira de Tradutores do ProZ.com

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