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Search results: (1327 matches)
Money matters Proofreading rates Per word / hourly rate For jobs only requiring a little bit of work,
which will go through quite quickly, I usually
charge per word, on the basis of about 40% of my
full translation rate for the same sort of vol
Tony M Apr 11, 2018
Office applications Editing hyperlinks Toggle codes? Normally, when you right-click, you have the
option to 'toggle codes', which will siwtch you
back and forth between seeing the hyperlink tag
and the actual text. Normally, you can edit
Tony M Mar 22, 2018
CAT Tools Technical Help A CAT tool for translation into simple language Define "CAT tool" If you are talking literally about a CAT tool,
then it will translate into any language variant
you choose — since in essences it is only a
system for breaking down the text into chucnk
Tony M Mar 21, 2018
Translator resources Victorian English dictionary Related meanings from Latin root Con-fid-ent Latin 'cum' = 'with' + the stem 'fid-'
= 'faith, trust' So all the meanings are
related by this notion of 'having trust /
faith' In the older uses you mention, one might<
Tony M Mar 7, 2018
Getting established Starting translator Networking! Forget the sites where you have to pay to APPLY
for jobs —the likelihood of actually GETTING one
is pretty low, especially for a beginner. I
have been a member of for many ye
Tony M Feb 4, 2018
General technical issues Somebody wrote a post under my name/profile! (site staff: issue addressed) Site staff? I can imagine the only people who could possibly
have the authorization to post using your profile
might be site staff — though that would clearly
have been an error in this instance! F
Tony M Jan 30, 2018
Scams Strange job offer from "new member" with no history or details in profile And there's worse still... [quote]Jenny Duthie wrote: Hello everyone,
I received the same email a few days ago, I'm
sure it's a scam. I replied, asking for further
info, company details, etc. Needless to say,
Tony M Dec 4, 2017
General technical issues Help identify unknown hyphen character Standard hyphen? Copies and pastes fine for me, seems to be just a
standard hyphen character? Do you have an issue
with fonts, perhaps? Maybe try again, changing the
font before you copy and paste?
Tony M Nov 26, 2017
Translator resources GlossPost: Wine glossary (eng,fra,ita,esl > eng,fra,ita,esl) Link no longer works Sadly, this useful resource is no longer available
on the original page. Does anyone know where it
can be found now — or might anyone by chance
have ever downloaded it? Thanks!
Tony M Nov 25, 2017 technical support Why are the links we paste into our KudoZ anwers not always clickable? They get truncated The site truncates longer links, you see
the ... at the end, but this doesn't usually stop
them working. You can check by hovering over them
to see the full URL. HOWEVER, if you
Tony M Nov 20, 2017
Scams Strange job offer from "new member" with no history or details in profile Me too... scam seems likely! I got the same message, and read it with the same
reservations. The 'reply to' e-mail address is
[email protected] — so a
legitimate-looking domaine name. Note that th
Tony M Nov 11, 2017
General technical issues convert .po to .xls/.csv/.tmx Onward via HTML? Can't you just export to html first, and then
convert from there to one of the other formats?
Tony M Nov 11, 2017
Hardware Choosing a computer (UK) External keyboard I have never bought a PC in the UK, so can't
comment on that point. For historical reasons,
I have for some years now run both an office and a
laptop computer; the laptop was actually a
Tony M Oct 11, 2017
Scams Sofia Porte / Ann Broklyn - scam from new users claiming to be freelancers in France Agree up to a point, but... [quote]mariealpilles wrote: I never read any
further when an email starts with 'Hi' - we are
supposed to be entering a business
relationship... [/quote] You're quite right
Tony M Oct 8, 2017
Office applications Import and export of MS Office alternatives Bad experience with OpenOffice Some time back, I decided to move over to
OpenOffice, but got masses of complaints from my
customers about file incompatibilities once
returned, so i had to give up. In one instance,
Tony M Oct 5, 2017
Scams Suspicious overpayment for my translation job Classic overpayment scam [quote]Dinorah Maria Tijerino-Acosta wrote: I
still do not understand how does the scam
function.[/quote] They deliberately send you
too much money, and then very quickly come up wit
Tony M Aug 22, 2017
Office applications Split of 70.000 words in a word 2016 file - Diviser fichier word There are also file split / merge utilities I don't know if one of these might help you? They
are really intended for splitting very large files
into smaller chunks, but would probably do what
you need — except for the fact that o
Tony M Aug 22, 2017
Office applications Split of 70.000 words in a word 2016 file - Diviser fichier word Older versions of word USED to have... ...such a feature, for splitting a document (and
then reassembling it later!); there is also the
'master document' function which may be what you
need; however, I don't know if these same<
Tony M Aug 22, 2017
Scams Suspicious overpayment for my translation job No doubt this is a scam! Hello Dinorah! There is no doubt at all this is
a scam! Please don't waste any more of your time
working on thie fake translation job; stop right
away! Your post shows all of the war
Tony M Aug 15, 2017
Scams Could this be a scammer or a phisher? (web crawlers on visitors page) Like I said... [quote]Maija Cirule wrote: [quote]Maija Cirule
wrote: that 6 independent users have logged in
the same forum from the same IP address in London
or vicinity. [/quote] Like I said,
Tony M Aug 9, 2017
Scams Could this be a scammer or a phisher? (web crawlers on visitors page) Not necessarily suspicious [quote]Maija Cirule wrote: [Yesterday] a logged
in freelancer with IP adress in London or its
vicinity has visited my profile 6 times. He/she
came from the forum about incentives to sta
Tony M Aug 9, 2017
Office applications Copy command before starting to type F8 [quote]Shouguang Cao wrote: F8 doesn't seem to
work that way. Press F8 will select the word under
cursor. [/quote] That's odd, it does here!
Maybe it's changed on more recent versio
Tony M Jul 25, 2017
Office applications Copy command before starting to type F8 is your friend! ...maybe? If you press F8 before you start
typing, and then F8 at the end of the part you
want, it should let you select it in that way;
PROVIDED you don't in the interim select anything<
Tony M Jul 24, 2017
Office applications Excel hide rows Copy to Word? I gave up trying to translate directly in Excel a
long time ago! I don't know whether my workflow
would work for your particualr document, but I
find this works very well for me. In
Tony M Jul 21, 2017
Scams How to tell that test job is not a scam Too restrictive... [quote]Nor Afizah Thalhan wrote: Always ensure
the agency is listed in Blue Board! As simple as
that. [/quote] Certainly a good starting
point; BUT... other agencies do exist outsid
Tony M Jul 15, 2017
Translator resources Translator rates calculator "Country factor"? Unlike factors relating to difficulty of text,
experience (and quality!) of translator,
supply-&-demand vs. availability of resources in a
particular language pair, which all have a
Tony M Jul 12, 2017
Office applications Deleting all images in a Word file Why is that a problem? [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT wrote: Wow. I
did not know this! In this case, Microsoft's
designers were not too intuitive. In the
Find/Replace box ... the pop-up list contains
Tony M Jul 7, 2017
Office applications Deleting all images in a Word file F8 is your friend! [quote]Georgi Kovachev wrote: How could I remove
the text from a certain point of the file to the
end of the document? [/quote] I don't know
about the latest versions, but in older ve
Tony M Jul 7, 2017
Office applications Word crashed and now I cannot open the file anymore Odd... but if necessary, send me your file [quote]Manuela Junghans wrote: ...there´s no
"open and repair" option in the dropdown menu...
[/quote] That's funny, what version of Word are
you using? Perhaps this very useful featu
Tony M Jul 6, 2017
Office applications Deleting all images in a Word file Special utility I believe I remember seeing mention of a utility
that will extract all images from a doc and then
put them back in place (if you want!) But our
colleague's suggestion sounds even simple
Tony M Jul 6, 2017
Office applications Word crashed and now I cannot open the file anymore Open and Repair If you haven't already tried it, if you use File >
Open to select your file (assuming you can see
it?), the 'Open' button then has a dropdwon that
includes the option 'open and repair', wh
Tony M Jul 6, 2017
Italian Conteggio parole nei documenti PPT. Disaccordo con cliente. Werecat For PPT, I use a little utility called Werecat
(search and download) (no longer supported by
developer, but works OK with older versions of
Word / PPT) This extracts ALL text from text<
Tony M Jul 1, 2017
Translation feedback area Help with technical translation Post it as a proof-reading job If you have inadvertently accepted a job outside
your fields of expertise, the sensible — and in
my view, only honest — thing to do is to post
this as a proofing job and hope a colleag
Tony M Jun 30, 2017
Scams How do you find out if an agency is reputable? Forget it! As Walter syas, that is not a reputable agency,
full stop! Any reputable agency would volunteer
verifiable information about the company; if you
have to go and search for it yourself, t
Tony M Jun 29, 2017
Office applications inserting a thin non-breaking space in Word, macro (?) Thanks a lot, Charles! [quote]Charles Stanford wrote: 11 years on but
I think Tony has been done a major injustice in
this thread. [/quote] How kind of you to
notice, Charles! I was merely trying to g
Tony M May 19, 2017
General technical issues Editing PDF files PDF files are inherently non-editable Sadly, I'm afraid you're on a hiding to nothing
here! By their very nature, PDF files are
intended to be non-editable, and all the systems
I've ever seen for editing them are nothing mo
Tony M Apr 15, 2017
Scams LANGUAGE LESSONS - Smells fishy All the warning signs of an obvious scam This has been going around for several years
already. 1) Too much unnecessary info 2)
Coming on holiday for specific dates — yet
alternative dates are invited? 3) The offer of
Tony M Apr 3, 2017
Office applications Vanishing text Following on from what Rolf said... Is the file size similar, or much-reduced? I.e.
has data actually been lost? I would start by
using "Select all..." to see if there is anything
there? Try highighting and/or changing the
Tony M Apr 2, 2017
Spanish Sizing Machine Perhaps? It seems as if your machine may be for SORTING
(vegetables?) according to their SIZE — many
markets require them to be 'graded' into certain
size bands, either by dimensions or weight.
Tony M Mar 31, 2017
Scams How to tell that test job is not a scam Test results As a senior translator, I am often asked to assess
test translations. Generally speaking, the fee
paid and the time allocated do not allow a
detailed report of each test to be given —
Tony M Mar 28, 2017
Scams How to stop receiving scam (unsolicited fake CV's) NEVER reply! I understand your frustration, but you need to get
your head round the notion that NOTHING you do can
stop these people — so for your own sanity, the
best thing to do is to filter the me
Tony M Mar 23, 2017
Office applications Help! Convert a text in a column into a normal text (Word) Slight refinement John's suggestion works, but for a better result
in some documents, you can do it in 2 stages. If
you FIRST OF ALL do a search-&-replace all for 2
successive ¶ marks, repalcing them this
Tony M Mar 22, 2017
Scams Normal translation passed as "test translation" Not always the case I have to sat that the opinions expressed by our
colleagues above are not always entirely the
case. Some translation agencies ask you to "do
a test translation to see if you can work fo
Tony M Mar 16, 2017
General technical issues How to paste a screenshot in this forum? If it is for paying members only... In any case, Lenart, if this IS a feature for
paying members only, and if you don't happen to be
a paying member, then there is of course another,
more long winded way of doing it, which w
Tony M Mar 15, 2017
General technical issues How to paste a screenshot in this forum? Paying members only? [quote]Alison MacG wrote: I seem to recall
being informed that this feature is only available
to paying members.[/quote] I wondered about
that myself; but almost everywhere else on t
Tony M Mar 15, 2017
General technical issues How to paste a screenshot in this forum? Same problem here, also in France (on conventional browser, NOT mobile) I think there is a simpler way. Using the
Windows 'Capture' tool (in 'Windows accessories'),
just select the part of the screen you wish to
show, then use the 'save as' command to save
Tony M Mar 15, 2017
Speech recognition Dragon keeps telling me I don't have a microphone Just try shouting at it! No seriously, though... I have had a vaguely
similar problem under W7, but not using Dragon.
Just sometimes, for no discernable reason, it
fails to recognize various audio devices
Tony M Mar 8, 2017
Scams I think I have been contacted by the first "paying member" scammer of the history... By no means the first! [quote]PREAULT JY wrote: ...But honestly, a
paying member ? [/quote] It is amazing, isn't
it? Yet it has happened countless times before —
a sheer loss for them, since of course th
Tony M Mar 6, 2017
Hardware Monitor advice My eyes... A few years ago, I was having quite serious
eyesight problems, and tried all sort of solutions
to see if anything helped. My eye muscles are
fully relaxed when my eyes are focused on
Tony M Feb 27, 2017
Hardware Monitor advice My set up For various historical reasons, I am working on a
laptop (for my sins!), and I use it with the
desktop extended onto a second, external monitor.
This suits me just fine: I use the larger,
Tony M Feb 27, 2017



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Trados Business Manager Lite
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