Freelance translators » ドイツ語 から 英語 » 社会科学 » 紙/製紙 » Page 1
Below is a list of ドイツ語 から 英語 freelance translators specializing in translations in the 社会科学: 紙/製紙 field. その他の検索欄を表示するには、右のリンクをクリックして詳細検索をお試しください。
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
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translation, localization, interpreter, editor, translator, Edmonton, Canada, Alberta, German, Russian, ...
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Paula GrafNative in ポルトガル語 (Variant: European/Portugal)  , ドイツ語 
português, alemão, inglês, espanhol, italiano, negócios, marketing, administração, gestão, organização, ...
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paper and pulp, energy, power plants, rail, corporate communications, press releases, staff newsletters, company magazines, customer magazines, brochures, ...
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Automotive, Stamping Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, English, German, Experienced
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medicine, geology, astronomy, mechanical engineering, biology, chemistry, technology, cars, engines, plastics, ...
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Susanna MilesNative in ドイツ語 (Variant: Germany)  , 英語 (Variant: US) 
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Array特許, 法: 契約, 法: 特許、商標、著作権, 法(一般), ...
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technical, engineering, reports, quality, automotive, manuals, automation, instructions, product, process, ...
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Word EdgeNative in ヒンディー語 (Variants: Khariboli, Indian) 
Native professional Translator, Quality, Multilingual Translation, Translation, Translation Service, Translation in Indic language, Translation in European Language, Translation in Asian Language, Proofreading, Editing, ...
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Portuguese, English, German, French, Translation, Interpretation, technical translations, commercial translations
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physics, engineering, computing, technical, non-destructive testing, materials, metallurgy
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Forestry, forest industries, education, natural sciences, telecom, IT, contracts, patents, finnish, english, ...
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bulgarian, english, czech, german, polish, trados, translation, voice, voiceover, specialist, ...
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Japanisch, übersetzen, Übersetzung, Chemie, Medizin, Pharmazie, E-Technik, Wissenschaft, Patent, Englisch, ...
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Vera H.Native in ドイツ語 (Variants: Germany, Austrian, Swiss)  , 英語 (Variants: US, US South) 
Cosmetics, Beauty, Textiles, Clothing, Fashion, Cooking, Culinary, Food, Gastronomy, Nutrition, ...
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簿記、会計、環境ビジネス、日独、英独, Finanzwesen, Geschäftsbericht, Prüfbericht, Steuerdokumente, financial texts, auditing materials, taxation, environmental technologies, Englisch-Deutsch, ...
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computers, it, informatique, technical, technique, engineering, contracts, legal, business, contrat, ...
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German, translation, technical, technology, materials, business,
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french, diptrans, mcil, software, localization, science, biology, genetics, computers, user manuals, ...
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Medical, orthopedics, disability, chemical, patents, pharmaceutical, financial, legal, contracts, portfolios, ...
翻訳または通訳の仕事を投稿する- 世界中のプロの翻訳者から見積もりを受け取る
- 100% 無料
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関係部門: Freelance interpreters
単に元の言語を別の言語に逐語変換する以上の作業が必要とされるのが翻訳です。翻訳者には、基点言語および目標言語の背景として存在する文化だけでなく、翻訳するテクストの要旨を完全に理解していることが求められます。 には 300,000 名以上の翻訳者および通訳者が登録されており、世界最大の言語専門家オンラインデータベースとなっています。翻訳者を探すには、言語ペアを選択するか、1,540,100翻訳者・通訳者詳細検索をお試しください。翻訳案件を投稿して特定の翻訳プロジェクトに対する見積もりを要請することもできます。
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