Germany conference 2007 - Program Suggestions
投稿者: Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:52
英語 から ドイツ語
May 15, 2007

Dear All,

This thread is dedicated to program suggestions for the regional Conference in Germany.

Please feel free to suggest new topics and/or comment on existing suggestions.

If you would like to present a workshop or training session, give a presentation or moderate a focus group, please send us an e-mail [link to conference-specific e-mail address].

Thank you for your contribution.

[Subject edited by staff or moderat
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Dear All,

This thread is dedicated to program suggestions for the regional Conference in Germany.

Please feel free to suggest new topics and/or comment on existing suggestions.

If you would like to present a workshop or training session, give a presentation or moderate a focus group, please send us an e-mail [link to conference-specific e-mail address].

Thank you for your contribution.

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2010-06-15 21:16 GMT]

Stephanie Wloch
Stephanie Wloch  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
German conference? May 21, 2007

Hi Rebekka,
just accidentally I saw this thread. I took part in the survey and made some suggestions there. I expected some kind of results or summary of this survey. Maybe I overlooked something. I'm afraid that many potential prospective participants (Help! Interessenten) overlooked the survey too. And that would really be a great pity.

P.S. I'm willing to help e.g. with registration in the morning.

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
ポーランド語 から ドイツ語
+ ...
Programmvorschlag "PDF2Word" Jul 8, 2007

oder wie kriege ich einen editierbaren Text, wenn mir der Kunde nur Papier, gescante Seiten, geschützte oder auch ungeschützte PDF-Dateien bzw. ähliches schickt?

Dabei würde ich gerne den Weg vom Papier über Scaner zu einer OCR-Software (in diesem Falle Abbyy Finereader) besprechen und die möglichen Schwierigkeiten aufzeigen. Insbesondere möchte ich begründen, warum es häufig einfacher ist, den Text unformatiert zu speichern und den anschließend in Word neu zu formatieren.
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oder wie kriege ich einen editierbaren Text, wenn mir der Kunde nur Papier, gescante Seiten, geschützte oder auch ungeschützte PDF-Dateien bzw. ähliches schickt?

Dabei würde ich gerne den Weg vom Papier über Scaner zu einer OCR-Software (in diesem Falle Abbyy Finereader) besprechen und die möglichen Schwierigkeiten aufzeigen. Insbesondere möchte ich begründen, warum es häufig einfacher ist, den Text unformatiert zu speichern und den anschließend in Word neu zu formatieren.
Anschließend würden wir - mit einer zur Verfügung gestellten Datei - versuchen, die in Word auf Vordermann zu bringen, so dass sie nicht ur dem Kundentext ähnelt, aber sich auch problemlos mit einem beliebigen CAT-Werkzeug bearbeiten lässt.

Die Session sollte ca. 2 Stunden dauern - Laptops sind aber keine Notwendigkeit, da ich die Schritte nacheinander zeigen möchte.


Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:52
英語 から ドイツ語
Podiumsdiskussion/Panel Discussion - Outsourcers and freelancers: how to cooperate Jul 10, 2007

Session outline:
A panel discussion between representatives of translation agencies and freelancers.

Goal: 2-3 outsourcers and 2-3 freelancers + 1 moderator

This is not a presentation but an active discussion during which the audience will have the opportunity to join in.

The session language is not decided yet and could be either German or English.

If you are an outsourcer or a freelancer and would like to be on the panel, please do not
... See more
Session outline:
A panel discussion between representatives of translation agencies and freelancers.

Goal: 2-3 outsourcers and 2-3 freelancers + 1 moderator

This is not a presentation but an active discussion during which the audience will have the opportunity to join in.

The session language is not decided yet and could be either German or English.

If you are an outsourcer or a freelancer and would like to be on the panel, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:52
英語 から ドイツ語
Sessions for interpreters - call for speakers Jul 10, 2007

Dear All

At past conferences, there often were few or no sessions specifically aimed at interpreters. I would like to change this and run at least one or two sessions on interpreting-related subjects at future conferences. But I need your contributions to make this possible.

If you are thinking about attending one or more of the three autumn conferences and have an idea for a session on interpreting that you'd like to run in German or English I want to hear all about it
... See more
Dear All

At past conferences, there often were few or no sessions specifically aimed at interpreters. I would like to change this and run at least one or two sessions on interpreting-related subjects at future conferences. But I need your contributions to make this possible.

If you are thinking about attending one or more of the three autumn conferences and have an idea for a session on interpreting that you'd like to run in German or English I want to hear all about it! Please send me an e-mail with your suggestion and I'll give you access to a speaker form where you can fill in the details.

I would also like to hear your program suggestions for sessions on interpreting. Please enter those in this forum topic.

Best regards


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Germany conference 2007 - Program Suggestions

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