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| Fargoer カナダ Local time: 22:56 英語 から 中国語
航拍视频锦上添花。鸟儿好幸福! | | | Fargoer カナダ Local time: 22:56 英語 から 中国語 | wherestip 米国 Local time: 23:56 中国語 から 英語 + ... Indeed an ecological masterpiece | Aug 30, 2016 |

Vancouver Land Bridge aerial view looking to Mt. Hood. Photo: Andrew Brahe 2008

Vancouver Land Bridge "Land Overlook" and sculpture basket. Photo: Maegan Moore 2009
Strolling on the southside Vancouver Land Bridge path. Photo: Ron Odenheimer 2008
Vancouver Land Bridge
The land bridge is a real link connecting back to the Klickitat Trail, Lewis and Clark, and the development of the Northwest. It completes a circle that's been broken. - Johnpaul Jones
European and Native American cultures once converged at this Columbia River site, where the Hudson's Bay Company stood as the first European trading post in the Pacific Northwest. Lewis and Clark camped here, and Fort Vancouver was built here 20 years later. Today, the site features an earth-covered pedestrian bridge that arcs over State Route 14, reconnecting historic Fort Vancouver with the Columbia River, which helped extend the fort's influence from Mexico to Alaska and across the Pacific Ocean.
Learn about the site's indigenous plants as you walk along the land bridge, which leads you up to a grand view of the river and the surrounding mountains. From the south, walk under the land bridge's Welcome Gate, designed by Native American artist Lillian Pitt. Two cedar canoe panels, each adorned with a cast-glass sculpture of a Chinook woman's face, evoke the site's role as a historic tribal crossroads as well as a point of contact between European and Native people.
This 40-foot-wide, earth-covered pedestrian bridge, lined with indigenous plants and Native basket weavings, reconnects historic Fort Vancouver with the Columbia River waterfront, was dedicated August 23, 2008. The event featured remarks by Maya Lin and the site architect, Johnpaul Jones, of Seattle.
Project Partners
Construction of the $12.25 million Vancouver Land Bridge project is a partnership of Confluence Project members, the National Park Service, the City of Vancouver and the Washington State Department of Commerce, and made possible through federal, state and private funding.
| | | wherestip 米国 Local time: 23:56 中国語 から 英語 + ...
Fargoer wrote:
wherestip wrote:
I'm sure that will remain a concept and as student art only
I totally agree.
不过,我感觉这学生的创作灵感一定和“中国结”有点什么关联。小时候一定见过妈妈穿旗袍。  这图形像极了中式衣服的纽子——最常见、最实用的“中国结”。
All I can say is the student was either a little nutty, or went to a lot of trouble to be sarcastic | |
ysun 米国 Local time: 23:56 英語 から 中国語 + ... Spaghetti Junction | Aug 30, 2016 |
wherestip wrote:

A morning aerial view from a helicopter during rush-hour of a stack spaghetti highway interchange of Mopac Expressway Loop 1 and Highway 183 in north Austin, Texas
这 Mopac/Highway 183 的 Spaghetti 跟西直门立交的“炸酱面”看起来确实有点相似。 不过在我的印象中,在 rush-hour 期间,那里的车流量应该是这样的:
 | | | ysun 米国 Local time: 23:56 英語 から 中国語 + ...
Fargoer wrote:
不过,我感觉这学生的创作灵感一定和“中国结”有点什么关联。小时候一定见过妈妈穿旗袍。  这图形像极了中式衣服的纽子——最常见、最实用的“中国结”。
我感觉这学生的创作灵感不是“中国结”,而是“纠结”。估计他是想起了小时候帮他妈妈缠毛线球。  | | | wherestip 米国 Local time: 23:56 中国語 から 英語 + ... Austin rush-hour traffic | Aug 30, 2016 |
ysun wrote:
Spaghetti Junction
wherestip wrote:

A morning aerial view from a helicopter during rush-hour of a stack spaghetti highway interchange of Mopac Expressway Loop 1 and Highway 183 in north Austin, Texas
这 Mopac/Highway 183 的 Spaghetti 跟西直门立交的“炸酱面”看起来确实有点相似。  不过在我的印象中,在 rush-hour 期间,那里的车流量应该是这样的:
Yes, indeed. The city's traffic is getting worse and worse each year. Not only that, nowadays evening rush-hour starts around 3:30pm, and lasts till only 7pm. Go figure!
The caption came with the photo; so I took their word for it that it was taken during morning rush-hour. You can see the morning sunlight coming from the far side of the photo; it must have been a morning when the traffic was flowing smoothly.
BTW, it took me a while to get oriented. One thing that helped was the direction of the morning sunlight; another was the missing off-ramp of southbound Mopac getting onto 183 North (heading towards Lakeline Mall). When you think about it, it's the only ramp that's missing. | | | ysun 米国 Local time: 23:56 英語 から 中国語 + ... Missing off-ramp | Aug 30, 2016 |
wherestip wrote:
BTW, it took me a while to get oriented. One thing that helped was the direction of the morning sunlight; another was the missing off-ramp of southbound Mopac getting onto 183 North (heading towards Lakeline Mall). When you think about it, it's the only ramp that's missing.
我原来还真没注意到那条 “missing off-ramp of southbound Mopac getting onto 183 North”。似乎从 southbound Mopac 转向 183 North,可以通过 Mopac Service Road 过渡到 Research Blvd. Service Road,再上 183 North。此外,还可以走 N. Capital Texas Highway 和 W. Braker Ln. 这两条捷径。说不定这就是没建这条 ramp 的原因。有关部门也许会在将来把这条 missing Spaghetti 给添上。  | |
wherestip 米国 Local time: 23:56 中国語 から 英語 + ... Missing strand of spaghetti | Aug 30, 2016 |
ysun wrote:
我原来还真没注意到那条 “missing off-ramp of southbound Mopac getting onto 183 North”。似乎从 southbound Mopac 转向 183 North,可以通过 Mopac Service Road 过渡到 Research Blvd. Service Road,再上 183 North。此外,还可以走 N. Capital Texas Highway 和 W. Braker Ln. 这两条捷径。说不定这就是没建这条 ramp 的原因。有关部门也许会在将来把这条 missing Spaghetti 给添上。
You're entirely correct - take one or two exits off of southbound Mopac ahead of getting to that big interchange and stay on the service road, one can easily transition to 183 North. It really doesn't matter if that redundant strand of spaghetti is there or not.  | | | ysun 米国 Local time: 23:56 英語 から 中国語 + ... 美国女子体操为何如此强盛 | Aug 30, 2016 |
《美國女子體操如此無敵 全靠這個中國人的默默付出》
这个标题不符合实际情况。我认为,美国女子体操如此强盛,是因为这项运动在美国十分普及,就如乒乓球在中国十分普及一样。在美国各地,有无数的体操学校。乔良的体操学校只不过是沧海一粟,当然,... See more 《美國女子體操如此無敵 全靠這個中國人的默默付出》
这个标题不符合实际情况。我认为,美国女子体操如此强盛,是因为这项运动在美国十分普及,就如乒乓球在中国十分普及一样。在美国各地,有无数的体操学校。乔良的体操学校只不过是沧海一粟,当然,我并不否认乔良的贡献。奥斯汀也有许多这样的体操学校,其中有一家名为 National Elite Gymnastics。请注意,此校的墙上还挂着一面五星红旗。

此校也有一位教练原来是中国国家体操队的队员和教练。我还与她聊过一阵子。我还在体操房里见过她的两个女儿。我发现,还有很多原中国国家体操队的队员和教练也在美国各地的体操学校任教。 ▲ Collapse | | | Fargoer カナダ Local time: 22:56 英語 から 中国語
ysun wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
不过,我感觉这学生的创作灵感一定和“中国结”有点什么关联。小时候一定见过妈妈穿旗袍。  这图形像极了中式衣服的纽子——最常见、最实用的“中国结”。
“中国结”为什么是“中国”结?可能就是因为做中国人太“纠结”。有句成语叫“愁肠百结”。肠子转一百个弯儿,打一百个结,那一定是中国结了。宋人有句诗:“心似双丝网,中有千千结。” 也是我们中国人的写照。唉,……。
[修改时间: 2016-08-31 00:36 GMT] | | | Fargoer カナダ Local time: 22:56 英語 から 中国語
wherestip wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
wherestip wrote:
I'm sure that will remain a concept and as student art only
I totally agree.
不过,我感觉这学生的创作灵感一定和“中国结”有点什么关联。小时候一定见过妈妈穿旗袍。  这图形像极了中式衣服的纽子——最常见、最实用的“中国结”。
All I can say is the student was either a little nutty, or went to a lot of trouble to be sarcastic
也许他刚从西直门回来。被那中国结堵得七窍生烟。 | |
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: Empty post | QHE 米国 Local time: 00:56 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER The Confluence Project | Aug 31, 2016 |
wherestip wrote: Indeed an ecological masterpiece

Vancouver Land Bridge aerial view looking to Mt. Hood. Photo: Andrew Brahe 2008
Vancouver Land Bridge
The land bridge is a real link connecting back to the Klickitat Trail, Lewis and Clark, and the development of the Northwest. It completes a circle that's been broken. - Johnpaul Jones
European and Native American cultures once converged at this Columbia River site, where the Hudson's Bay Company stood as the first European trading post in the Pacific Northwest. Lewis and Clark camped here, and Fort Vancouver was built here 20 years later. Today, the site features an earth-covered pedestrian bridge that arcs over State Route 14, reconnecting historic Fort Vancouver with the Columbia River, which helped extend the fort's influence from Mexico to Alaska and across the Pacific Ocean.
Learn about the site's indigenous plants as you walk along the land bridge, which leads you up to a grand view of the river and the surrounding mountains. From the south, walk under the land bridge's Welcome Gate, designed by Native American artist Lillian Pitt. Two cedar canoe panels, each adorned with a cast-glass sculpture of a Chinook woman's face, evoke the site's role as a historic tribal crossroads as well as a point of contact between European and Native people.
This 40-foot-wide, earth-covered pedestrian bridge, lined with indigenous plants and Native basket weavings, reconnects historic Fort Vancouver with the Columbia River waterfront, was dedicated August 23, 2008. The event featured remarks by Maya Lin and the site architect, Johnpaul Jones, of Seattle.
Project Partners
Construction of the $12.25 million Vancouver Land Bridge project is a partnership of Confluence Project members, the National Park Service, the City of Vancouver and the Washington State Department of Commerce, and made possible through federal, state and private funding.

A Meeting of Minds - Paula Bock | | | wherestip 米国 Local time: 23:56 中国語 から 英語 + ... A few more shots | Aug 31, 2016 |
[Edited at 2016-08-31 13:36 GMT] | | | Pages in topic: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Protemos translation business management system | Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!
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