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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
投稿者: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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"Glen Campbell - I'll be Me" Trailer Jun 23, 2015

Local time: 01:07
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绝佳组合 Jun 23, 2015

wherestip wrote: Funny crosstalk on The McLaughlin Group 6/19/15

MCLAUGHLIN: Question: By embracing climate change, has the pope now made it apostasy for Catholics to be climate change skeptics, or worse, climate change deniers, like Patrick J. Buchanan?

BUCHANAN: Are you talking to me, John?

MCLAUGHLIN: That’s part of the question.

BUCHANAN: Okay. All right. You know, Metternich says, John, that a liberal pope is a contradiction in terms. Metternich was mistaken. The pope when he speaks on faith and morals, speaking ex cathedra, speaks infallibly. But when he speaks on issues like climate change and political issues and the rest of it, he speaks as an Argentine Jesuit socialist, and there’s no infallibility to what he’s saying. And quite frankly, he is squandering his moral authority by going out and by declaiming authoritatively on matters which the Vatican has no greater knowledge of, quite frankly, than the folks in the debate in the United States, who have been in it a great deal longer than the holy father himself.

CLIFT: Translation, the pope is infallible when he is enunciating on issues that Pat agrees with and not --

BUCHANAN: No, I would say faith and morality --

CLIFT: Not infallible when he disagrees.

Listen, the encyclical is a teaching tool, and I think he wants to frame what he regards really as environmental destruction for this planet. He wants to frame that moral terms as opposed to partisan political terms.

It’s going to make some -- there are at least five Catholics running for president. And they’ve all been calling for more religion in the public square, except when they don’t agree with it. So, they’re not going to adopt what he said, but this is a welcome addition to the public dialogue on a terrifically important subject.

MCLAUGHLIN: Mort, the church’s -- Catholic Church’s record is far from infallible on this issue or related to it, categorically, in the same category. I’m thinking of Galileo. Do you remember Galileo?

ZUCKERMAN: Yes. He lived right next to me.

MCLAUGHLIN: Was he complaining about there was no junk removal from --

ZUCKERMAN: I don’t know. We were very careful there. Make sure that we were on good terms.

MCLAUGHLIN: He had a theory of heliocentrism. Do you know what that is?

ZUCKERMAN: Please explain it to me.

MCLAUGHLIN: Please explain it to me.

ROGAN: I have no idea what that means.

CLIFT: They excommunicated him.

BUCHANAN: The Earth goes around the sun. Heliocentric.

MCLAUGHLIN: The Earth --

BUCHANAN: Copernicus was about 100 years ahead of him. And what was done to Galileo has been overrated, John.

MCLAUGHLIN: That the Earth orbited the sun.

BUCHANAN: Yeah, the Earth orbits the sun. That’s a heliocentric universe, rather than a geocentric.

MCLAUGHLIN: Altogether contrary to sacred scripture by the Vatican, 1616.

BUCHANAN: Well, no. They told Galileo simply, you could not preach it. You should not preach it. Copernicus had discovered the idea and preached it long before then.

谢谢 Steve !

这个节目与众不同。有时讨论吵得天翻地覆,即使很难全搞懂,却总让人感到妙趣横生自然融洽。McLaughlin 与几位 “永久嘉宾” 学识渊博,谈吐高雅幽默;他们的观点也比较公正又不失犀利深刻。Dr. McLaughlin 常常像个学校的班主任,而 Pat, Eleanor 和 Mort 是他“谦逊的门生” (最好笑的是班主任自己犯糊涂的时候);不过,有趣的是,无论什么样的问题,经他一问总是很有意思。节目最后那个冷不丁喊出的“百拜”(Bye-bye)让人乐不可支。

[Edited at 2015-06-23 23:36 GMT]

Local time: 01:07
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"Ba(NaNa)" Bond Jun 27, 2015

Little Translation Mistakes That Caused Big Problems

Knowing how to speak two languages is not the same thing as knowing how to translate. Translation is a special skill that professionals work hard to develop. In their book Found in Translation, professional translators Nataly Kelly and Jost Zetzsche give a spirited tour of the world of translation…

Here are nine examples from the book that show just how high-stakes the job of translation can be.

In 1980, 18-year-old Willie Ramirez was admitted to a Florida hospital in a comatose state. His friends and family tried to describe his condition to the paramedics and doctors who treated him, but they only spoke Spanish. Translation was provided by a bilingual staff member who translated "intoxicado" as "intoxicated." A professional interpreter would have known that "intoxicado" is closer to "poisoned" and doesn't carry the same connotations of drug or alcohol use that "intoxicated" does. Ramirez's family believed he was suffering from food poisoning. He was actually suffering from an intracerebral hemorrhage, but the doctors proceeded as if he were suffering from an intentional drug overdose, which can lead to some of the symptoms he displayed. Because of the delay in treatment, Ramirez was left quadriplegic. He received a malpractice settlement of $71 million.

When President Carter traveled to Poland in 1977, the State Department hired a Russian interpreter who knew Polish, but was not used to interpreting professionally in that language. Through the interpreter, Carter ended up saying things in Polish like "when I abandoned the United States" (for "when I left the United States") and "your lusts for the future" (for "your desires for the future"), mistakes that the media in both countries very much enjoyed.

At the height of the cold war, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev gave a speech in which he uttered a phrase that interpreted from Russian as "we will bury you." It was taken as chilling threat to bury the U.S. with a nuclear attack and escalated the tension between the U.S. and Russia. However, the translation was a bit too literal. The sense of the Russian phrase was more that "we will live to see you buried" or "we will outlast you." Still not exactly friendly, but not quite so threatening.

In 2009, HSBC bank had to launch a $10 million rebranding campaign to repair the damage done when its catchphrase "Assume Nothing" was mistranslated as "Do Nothing" in various countries.

A panic in the world's foreign exchange market led the U.S. dollar to plunge in value after a poor English translation of an article by Guan Xiangdong of the China News Service zoomed around the Internet. The original article was a casual, speculative overview of some financial reports, but the English translation sounded much more authoritative and concrete.

*** *** ***

Banana Bond

William Lipscomb

[Edited at 2015-06-27 03:26 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-06-27 12:35 GMT]

Local time: 01:07
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Rhinestone Cowboy Jun 28, 2015

Turn Around, Look at Me

Wichita Lineman


Rhinestone Cowboy

Asleep On The Wind

[Edited at 2015-06-28 18:33 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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林徽因的另一侄女林冰 Jul 1, 2015

QHE wrote:



根据此文中这段叙述推测,林冰与林璎 (born October 5, 1959) 的年龄应该相近,但她们的人生轨迹却大相径庭!

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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2009 National Medal of Arts recipient and artist/designer Maya Lin (林璎) Jul 1, 2015
2009 National Medal of Arts recipient and artist/designer Maya Lin receives her medal from President Barack Obama at an East Room ceremony at the White House on February 25, 2010. The National Medal of Arts is a presidential initiative managed by the National Endowment for the Arts and is the nation’s highest honor for artistic excellence.

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:07
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網上找到的翻譯 Jul 2, 2015

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


― Martin Luther King Jr.



[Edited at 2015-07-02 03:56 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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righteousness 正义 Jul 2, 2015

pkchan wrote:

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


― Martin Luther King Jr.




IMO there needs to be a “正” 字 in there somewhere, be it “公正” or “正义”, or even both.

But I agree, your version is a lot better than the one found on the web.

[Edited at 2015-07-02 20:30 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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林家姊妹 Jul 2, 2015

ysun wrote:


根据此文中这段叙述推测,林冰与林璎 (born October 5, 1959) 的年龄应该相近,但她们的人生轨迹却大相径庭!


Hmm, it's sad to say, one needs different skill sets to thrive under the two different systems.

BTW, 林桓、林垣,两兄弟名字只是一木一土偏旁之差 ... I had to go over it several times to figure out which daughter belonged to whom. I must say the "misspelling" of 林樱 for 林璎 also added to the confusion for me.

[Edited at 2015-07-02 19:32 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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林家姐妹 Jul 2, 2015


根据网上搜索的结果,我倾向于 Maya Lin 的中文姓名是林璎,而不是林樱。从 Wikipedia 关于林长民(林冰和林璎的祖父)的介绍可以看出,林璎是林长民长子林桓的女儿,林冰是林长民四子林垣的女儿。林长民


Local time: 01:07
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林冰 Jul 3, 2015

On the wings of time - Hayley Westenra

J'avais revé d'une autre vie - Les Misérables

I say Grace - Hayley Westenra

One Moment In Time - Whitney Houston

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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More powerful Jul 3, 2015

wherestip wrote:

pkchan wrote:

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


― Martin Luther King Jr.




IMO there needs to be a “正” 字 in there somewhere, be it “公正” or “正义”, or even both.

But I agree, your version is a lot better than the one found on the web.

Actually, to me it would have been better if the free verse style of the original were preserved.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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Whitney Houston Jul 3, 2015

QHE wrote:

One Moment In Time - Whitney Houston



Whitney Houston was one of those performers whose energy fed off of a live audience.

The YouTube links to her live performance of this song at the 1989 Grammys all seem to have disappeared. I was able to locate a couple of links elsewhere though.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
中国語 から 英語
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Happy Fourth of July Jul 4, 2015

Americans in China are expatriates and immigrants from the United States as well as their locally born descendants. The number of Americans living in China has reached a historic high of 110,000.

Most Americans in China reside in Hong Kong (48,220 in 1999), with much smaller numbers in Beijing (10,000), Guangzhou (3,200), Shanghai (2,382), Shenyang (555) and Chengdu (800).

Hong Kong
Main article: Americans in Hong Kong
Since the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong, Americans have arguably surpassed the British as the major non-Chinese influence. There are more Americans than Britons living in the territory, and 1,100 American companies employ 10% of the Hong Kong workforce; the current head of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Eden Woon, is the first American to hold the position in the territory's history. In addition, ships of the United States Navy make from 60 to 80 port visits each year.

Mainland China
According to the Sixth National Population Census conducted in 2010, there are 71,493 Americans residing in Mainland China, the second largest single group of foreign nationals. Americans have been coming to China for job opportunities since 1994. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s headed to China for employment, lured by its faster-growing economy and lower jobless rate. Many of them teach English, a service in demand from Chinese businesspeople and students and a growing number are arriving with skills and experience in computers, finance and other fields.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
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Why is Greece called “希腊”; and conversely, why is Hellas called Greece Jul 4, 2015

在通俗希腊语中,希腊人称呼自己的国家 Ελλάδα,拉丁字母转写是 Ellada,念做 [eˈlaða]。在古典希腊语和 katharevousa 之中,希腊的名字则是 Ἑλλάς,Hellas,古典希腊语的发音就是 [helːás]。 这个词源自 Hellen,也就是杜卡利翁的儿子,相传他是北部希腊人的祖先。现代希腊共和国官方名称 Ελληνική Δημοκρατία 之中的 Ελληνική,Hellenic,是形容词形式,“希腊的”。

The name of Greece differs in Greece in comparison with the names used for the country in other languages and cultures, just like the names of the Greeks. The Greeks call the country Hellas or Ellada (Greek: Ελλάς, Ελλάδα; in polytonic: Ἑλλάς, Ἑλλάδα) and its official name is Hellenic Republic. In English, however, the country is usually called Greece, which comes from Latin Graecia (as used by the Romans) and literally means 'the land of the Greeks'.

The English name Greece and the similar adaptations in other languages derive from the Latin name Graecia (Greek: Γραικία), literally meaning 'the land of the Greeks', which was used by the Romans to denote the area of modern day Greece. Similarly, the Latin name of the nation was Graeci, from which the English name Greeks originates. These names in turn trace their origin from Graecus, the Latin adaptation of the Greek name Γραικός (pl. Γραικοί), which means 'Greek' but its etymology remains uncertain. It is unclear why the Romans called the country Graecia and its people Graeci. In Arabic "الإغريق" or "alegreek" is the name of the old Greeks, while the Greeks called their land Hellas and themselves Hellenes, and several speculations have been made. William Smith notes in the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography that people are frequently called by foreigners by a name different from their native one.

Aristotle was the first to use the name Graeci (Γραικοί) in Meteorology, saying that the area about Dodona and Achelous was inhabited by the Selli and a people formerly called Graeci, but at his time Hellenes. From this statement of Aristotle it is asserted that the name of Graeci was at one period widely spread in Epirus and the western coast of Greece in general, hence it became the one by which the Hellenes were known to the Italic peoples on the opposite side of the Ionian Sea.[ According to Hesiod, in his work Catalogue of Women, Graecus was the son of Pandora and Zeus; he gave his name to the people who followed the Hellenic customs, while his brother Latinus gave his name to the Latins; similarly the eponymous Hellen is supposed to have given his name to the Greeks/Hellenes. In Ethnica, Stephanus of Byzantium also states that from Graecus, the son of Thessalus, the Hellenes derived the name of Graeci.

[Edited at 2015-07-04 15:02 GMT]

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