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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 投稿者: QHE
ysun 米国 Local time: 00:03 英語 から 中国語 + ...
David Shen wrote:
我昨天好像看到你有 “麻婆豆腐里找豆腐”一句,实属佳句妙对,形象之生动,可供喷饭。只有一起围坐在同一桌子上吃过麻婆豆腐的南方人才能体会,怎么今天看不见了?怕我把饭喷你碗里?
ysun wrote:
David Shen wrote:
David Shen wrote:
【轻描淡写】 ON THE LIGHTER SIDE 《逆流而上,顺流而下》
[Edited at 2021-10-15 06:19 GMT] | | |
ysun 米国 Local time: 00:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... Spicy Girl Restaurant | Oct 15, 2021 |
The Spicy Girl Restaurant (辣妹子饭馆) has nothing in common with an American restaurant Hooters except both of them provide meals to customers.
Spicy Girl Restaurant usually provides Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, which is very spicy. There are many Spicy Girl Restaurants not only in Hong Kong, China, but also in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
The name of Spicy Girl Restaurant may have something to do with a popular Chinese Folk Song "Spicy Girl":... See more The Spicy Girl Restaurant (辣妹子饭馆) has nothing in common with an American restaurant Hooters except both of them provide meals to customers.
Spicy Girl Restaurant usually provides Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, which is very spicy. There are many Spicy Girl Restaurants not only in Hong Kong, China, but also in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
The name of Spicy Girl Restaurant may have something to do with a popular Chinese Folk Song "Spicy Girl":
Spicy Girl Restaurant in Orlando, FL
Spicy Girl Restaurant in Houston, TX
Spicy Girl Restaurant in Hong Kong, which has already been shut down due to poor management (perhaps relocated):
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QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER

Vax is our 2021 Word of the Year. When our lexicographers began digging into our English language corpus data it quickly became apparent that vax was a particularly striking term. A relatively rare word in our corpus until this year, by September it was over 72 times more frequent than at the same time last year. It has generated numerous derivatives that we are now seeing in a wide range of informal contexts, from vax sites and vax cards to getting vaxxed and being fully vaxxed, no word better captures the atmosphere of the past year than vax.
[Edited at 2021-11-21 20:12 GMT] | | |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER Happy Thanksgiving! | Nov 24, 2021 |

Catchin’ the Turkey (1955) by Anna Mary Robertson “Grandma” Moses (1860-1961).
Oil on pressed wood, 12 x 16 inches. © Grandma Moses Properties Co., New York | | |
Most celebrated artists who started late | Nov 25, 2021 |
D.S.2021.1125.a 时客西雅图之玉兰区 | |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER Ten Oxherding | Dec 5, 2021 |

The Ten Oxherding Pictures 《十牛圖》
一、 尋牛: 從來不失,何用追尋! 1 In Search of the Bull
二、 見跡: 依經解義,閱教知蹤。 2 Discovery of the Footprints
三、 見牛: 從聲得入、見處逢源。 3 Perceiving the Bull
四、 得牛: 久埋郊外,今日逢渠。 4 Catching the Bull
五、 牧牛: 前思才起,後念相隨。 5 Taming the Bull
六、 騎牛歸家:干戈已罷,得失還無。 6 Riding the Bull Home
七、 忘牛存人:法無二法,牛且為宗。 7 The Bull Transcended
八、 人牛俱忘:凡情脫落,聖意皆空。 8 Both Bull and Self Transcended
九、 返本還源:水綠山者,坐觀成敗。 9 Reaching the Source
十、 入廛垂手:酒肆魚行,化令成佛! 10 Return to Society
[Edited at 2021-12-05 21:12 GMT] | | |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER |
Yassify Interpreted | Dec 21, 2021 |
【沈氏吟草】 《野性化?》
[Edited at 2021-12-22 05:28 GMT] | | |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Shen wrote:
【沈氏吟草】 《野性化》
Yassify (YEAH-sih-fai)> 野性化
[Edited at 2021-12-22 00:48 GMT] | |
QHE 米国 Local time: 01:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... TOPIC STARTER |
wherestip 米国 Local time: 00:03 中国語 から 英語 + ... Merry Christmas | Dec 24, 2021 |
Joy to the World (David Archuleta and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
Joy to the world, the Savior reigns
Let men their songs employ
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
[Edited at 2021-12-24 19:23 GMT] | | |
ysun 米国 Local time: 00:03 英語 から 中国語 + ... Merry Christmas! | Dec 25, 2021 |
祝所有的老朋友们圣诞快乐!身体健康! | | |
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