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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
投稿者: QHE
David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:08
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泰唔士概念 May 9, 2014

pkchan wrote:

“山中方一日,世上几千年!” 若走更遠些,離開了地球的軌跡,還有泰唔士這個概念嗎?

问的好 PK。时间或空间应该只是我们肉眼所能看到或感知的距离,而亚特兰提斯(号太空梭)或嫦娥(三号)、玉兔(车)这些价值观念(帆船及中华传说)老早已经上了太空,轻易脱离地球轨迹,到达另外一个星球或宇宙的地域,替我们留下一些地球人类的概念。

至于泰唔士概念 (某些人可能只会想起一些股票名称:)),相信只要因为开始了,已经在我们各人的脑海里占了一些席位,要薪火相传下去,将它送上太空,也不是没可能的事。起码,现在通过互联网虚拟实体的数码,泰唔士概念实在应该已经绕了地球走了好几十个圈子了吧。:)

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:08
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过奖 May 9, 2014

J.H. Wang wrote:

David Lin wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:

David Lin wrote:


这样翻译的话,的确更简练了,而且读起来也更通顺了,当然意思也没错。不过,我们是不是可以把 move on 这样的字眼翻译出来呢?

'成为' 过去

字典对于 move on 有三个解释:

— verb
1. to go or cause (someone) to leave somewhere
2. ( intr ) to progress; evolve: football has moved on since then
3. ( intr ) to put a difficult experience behind one and progress mentally or emotionally

例句: 朋友,不要再为这事感到悲伤,事情发展到这个地步已经没法改变,就让它成为过去吧。

你也想一下有什么其他描述 ‘过去’ 的词语,最好是动词,也适合这个比较严肃、简洁及有逻辑性的名句。

一個原則 - 在翻译名句时用词越浅白越好,因为句子本身意义已够深长,如果用深奥词语翻译会令人更摸不著头脑。


J.H. 你过奖了。我对翻译古人名句很有兴趣,经常拿来挑战、锻鍊自己。这个对我来说算比较容易,但是其中难度高的真也不少,你能够这么快将圣奥古斯丁名言翻出来,也表示你的根基深厚。继续努力!

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
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北京对外翻译出版处 May 9, 2014

wherestip wrote:

p.s., 看到了 西四路口西北角的那家新华书店翻了新。 那是我以前到北京对外翻译出版处上班每天都必须经过的地方。



p.s., 我前几天还收到过他们招聘兼职翻译的来信,还没顾得上答复。

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
中国語 から 英語
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honor roll May 9, 2014


You should contact them; I'm sure they're a very prestigious and competent organization. And they most likely charge premium dollar for the work they get from the U.N. and from many other governmental organizations. Anyway, good luck to you if you decide to respond to their query.

Many of the names and faces of those senior translators sound and look familiar to me. But the ones that I definitely know are 严修莹、张造勋、汪维平、陈永易、黄连�
... See more

You should contact them; I'm sure they're a very prestigious and competent organization. And they most likely charge premium dollar for the work they get from the U.N. and from many other governmental organizations. Anyway, good luck to you if you decide to respond to their query.

Many of the names and faces of those senior translators sound and look familiar to me. But the ones that I definitely know are 严修莹、张造勋、汪维平、陈永易、黄连璧, for no other reason than I worked in the same big office with the 5 of them. 张造勋 was the most senior editor. I got along with all 5 of them really well, BTW.

There are 3 people who sat in the same office that are missing: besides me myself, another 2 females that were also in their 20s at the time. I guess that's a testimony to how the Chinese system usually works: seniority is king when it comes to promotions. From that perspective alone, I'm glad I didn't stick around.

BTW, those pictures must have been taken years ago. It looks to me like none of them aged at all, except for 黄连璧. But that could be just a bad picture of her.

The 3 people in charge of the whole organization were 何卓云、陈公绰 and 何大基. They also liked me fine until I wanted to leave for the United States, especially 何卓云; he was the #1 person in charge.

[Edited at 2014-05-10 03:31 GMT]

Local time: 01:08
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西单西四 May 10, 2014

wherestip wrote:

... Not only did I get a bunch of old images of the historical structure, but I also got an image of a newly constructed one located at 西单 as shown here ...

Following is a link to a description of the no longer existing 西四牌楼 ...

An image of the real McCoy as it once stood ...

西单的那个新牌楼后面是个漂亮的小街心花园。再往下走,就是一家家新建的,或翻修的(象西单商场)商贸店和办公楼;记得西单商场对面不远就是一个标准的,拥有忠实 Mac 粉丝的专卖店。

Steve, 准备好吃惊一下: 从前;-),家里的一位友人就住在平安里附近;每次去探访,我基本都要溜出来,潜伏到链接中的那个西四新华书店 。翻修后的书店路过时见到,但是没有进去。那一带有众多的小点面。

[Edited at 2014-05-10 01:50 GMT]

Local time: 01:08
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Pocket Universe May 10, 2014

Watch the Universe Evolve Over 13 Billion Years

A new computer simulation, called Illustris, can take you on an epic journey through space and time
By Mohi Kumar May 8, 2014

Now, we can see time-lapse imagery of the universe evolving—13 billion years of cosmic evolution, all within a cube 350 million light-years on a side—shrunk to the screen of our computers. The video above weaves us through time and space as gas heats, stars explode, galaxies form, black holes devour and the universe expands. We see the vast expanses of space mapped as dark matter, as gas temperature, as heavy metals, as visible light—data that overlaps and overlays through 12 billion 3-D pixels.

"Until now, no single simulation was able to reproduce the universe on both large and small scales simultaneously," says Mark Vogelsberger of the MIT/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Vogelsberger, along with researchers in Germany, the U.K., and other institutions in the U.S., unveiled their simulation yesterday in Nature.

This virtual but realistic universe was built with a computer program called Illustris, which employed complex code to build the universe from its infancy, some 12 million years after the Big Bang.


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
中国語 から 英語
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山西刀削面 May 10, 2014

QHE wrote:

... 那一带有众多的小点面。

记得我上班的大楼(白塔寺斜对过儿)往南走一、两条胡同,胡同中段有家做 山西刀削面的店铺。店里老师傅们削面的手艺非常精彩。 有时我中午就上那里吃碗面。 好像店铺招牌 就叫 “山西刀削面”。 ...

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
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中国对外翻译出版公司 May 10, 2014

wherestip wrote:

The 3 people in charge of the whole organization were 何卓云、陈公绰 and 何大基. They also liked me fine until I wanted to leave for the United States, especially 何卓云; he was the #1 person in charge.




wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
中国語 から 英語
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God rest his soul May 10, 2014


Thanks for the link. I feel awful that 老何 passed away. No doubt, he was a very nice and kind gentleman. May he rest in peace and love.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:08
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自然规律 May 10, 2014



Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
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谢谢 Lin 兄鼓励 May 10, 2014

David Lin wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:

David Lin wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:

David Lin wrote:


这样翻译的话,的确更简练了,而且读起来也更通顺了,当然意思也没错。不过,我们是不是可以把 move on 这样的字眼翻译出来呢?

'成为' 过去

字典对于 move on 有三个解释:

— verb
1. to go or cause (someone) to leave somewhere
2. ( intr ) to progress; evolve: football has moved on since then
3. ( intr ) to put a difficult experience behind one and progress mentally or emotionally

例句: 朋友,不要再为这事感到悲伤,事情发展到这个地步已经没法改变,就让它成为过去吧。

你也想一下有什么其他描述 ‘过去’ 的词语,最好是动词,也适合这个比较严肃、简洁及有逻辑性的名句。

一個原則 - 在翻译名句时用词越浅白越好,因为句子本身意义已够深长,如果用深奥词语翻译会令人更摸不著头脑。


J.H. 你过奖了。我对翻译古人名句很有兴趣,经常拿来挑战、锻鍊自己。这个对我来说算比较容易,但是其中难度高的真也不少,你能够这么快将圣奥古斯丁名言翻出来,也表示你的根基深厚。继续努力!


Local time: 01:08
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微笑 May 10, 2014

Meixia Jordan wrote:

时间的确是在物质现实和人类意识中最神秘的dimension 。

后现代主义的哲学家们认为,我们对时间与空间的感知和理解已经发生了显著的变化。举例来说,在两个物理量纲之间发生了一种奇特的逆转或者交换现象,他们把它称作为时间的空间化。1989年大卫•哈维(David Harvey) 确定了一个新概念“时空压缩”并宣称: “我想建议,在过去的二十年中,我们一直体验着激烈的时空压缩,它对政治经济的实践、阶级力量的平衡、文化和社会生活都带来破坏性的影响,让我们迷失了方向。”

(原文为 “I want to suggest that we have been experiencing, these last two decades, an intense phase of time-space compression that has had a disorienting and disruptive impact upon political-economic practice, the balance of class power, as well as upon cultural and social life.” )

在时空压缩的过程中,时间是否失去了它的体验深度和可塑性? 阿贝•拉梅耐在1819年曾发出哀叹:“人类不再读书了。因为我们没有足够的时间。我们的心灵必须要回应从四面八方同时出现的许多要求,必须迅速地解决那些问题,否则它们就消失 了。但是有一些事情,我们是无法迅速地解释或者理解的,而这些偏偏正是对人类至关重要的。仓促行事导致人类无法集中精力,最终大大搅乱了整个人类的理 性。

”(原文为“Man does not read any longer. There is no time for it. The spirit is called upon from all directions simultaneously; it has to be addressed quickly or else it disappears. But there are things, which cannot be said or comprehended quickly, and exactly these are most important for man. This rushing of movement, which does not allow man to concentrate on anything, finally shatters the entire human. .” )
Stephen Hawking confesses modestly in his book 'The Universe in a Nutshell':
“Even if it turns out that time travel is impossible, it is important that we understand why it is impossible.”




前两天刚好看了PBS 重播的自转性记录片 Hawking 。 Stephen Hawking 不仅是杰出的理论物理学家 , 他 与自身疾病的顽强抗横也是个医学的 奇迹 。 看了之 后 , 除了对 Hawking radiation and quantum effects 有了更多的了解 外 , 感受最深的是他异乎寻常的意志力。

BTW, 要是在北京,人家会称你为亮姐的。才知道”同志“的新内涵,回想起来,估计曾在国内无意”重伤“到一些人士。下次回去改用英语称呼了。

Local time: 01:08
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时光旅程 May 10, 2014

David Lin wrote:

看到 PK 的临别中华之四合院 ‘时间囊’ 旅游体验,让我想起这个名句:

There is meaning in every journey that is unknown to the traveler.


David, 你怎么老留这么难的作业啊?

我想我们先要明确这个 traveler 的思考水平是在那个层次。另外,traveler 最终是自己意识到了 unknown meaning 呢,还是已经默默融入( unknown )了个人体验之中? Unknown meaning 来源于哪里呢?

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:08
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不是作业 May 10, 2014

QHE wrote:

David Lin wrote:

看到 PK 的临别中华之四合院 ‘时间囊’ 旅游体验,让我想起这个名句:

There is meaning in every journey that is unknown to the traveler.


David, 你怎么老留这么难的作业啊?

我想我们先要明确这个 traveler 的思考水平是在那个层次。另外,traveler 最终是自己意识到了 unknown meaning 呢,还是已经默默融入( unknown )了个人体验之中? Unknown meaning 来源于哪里呢?

Q ,这个不是作业,只是 “你一段来他一段儿 那一壶酽茶围一圈儿” :)。看完 PK 参观完四合院的感受,突然想到这个与 traveler 有关的名言。这句话看起来好像很难,其实不难,因为你已经理解对了。 traveler 已经意识到了 unknown meaning 在他身上/思想上的影响,而且已经默默融入了个人体验之中,才会有感而发,说出这个名言。

同时,这句也显出作者谦虚达人及自省的情怀。他了解到很多旅程的意义,要知道的或者已经都很多,但是其实是很难 ’完全‘ 了解透切的。


David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:08
英語 から 中国語
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值得推荐! May 10, 2014

QHE wrote:

Watch the Universe Evolve Over 13 Billion Years

A new computer simulation, called Illustris, can take you on an epic journey through space and time
By Mohi Kumar May 8, 2014

Now, we can see time-lapse imagery of the universe evolving—13 billion years of cosmic evolution, all within a cube 350 million light-years on a side—shrunk to the screen of our computers. The video above weaves us through time and space as gas heats, stars explode, galaxies form, black holes devour and the universe expands. We see the vast expanses of space mapped as dark matter, as gas temperature, as heavy metals, as visible light—data that overlaps and overlays through 12 billion 3-D pixels.

"Until now, no single simulation was able to reproduce the universe on both large and small scales simultaneously," says Mark Vogelsberger of the MIT/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Vogelsberger, along with researchers in Germany, the U.K., and other institutions in the U.S., unveiled their simulation yesterday in Nature.

This virtual but realistic universe was built with a computer program called Illustris, which employed complex code to build the universe from its infancy, some 12 million years after the Big Bang.


Cool. Highly recommended!

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