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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
投稿者: QHE
ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
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一幅非常温馨的画面 Aug 7, 2017

QHE wrote:

    Frederick Morgan - Which Do You Love Best

Which Do You Love Best? Needless to say, all of them! Perhaps, I have more grandchildren to love and have received more love from my grandchildren than the fisherman in the picture.

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:59
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Love of the kindest kind Aug 7, 2017

ysun wrote:
See Frederick Morgan - Which Do You Love Best

Needless to say, all of them! Perhaps, I have more grandchildren to love and have received more love from my grandchildren than the fisherman in the picture.

The Kindest of kind Love,
Comes from the generation above.
If you love your grandchildren more than your son!
You are not the first one. 😊

Local time: 00:59
英語 から 中国語
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Aug 8, 2017

David Shen wrote:



上面那幅 Frederick Morgan 的画,画面上那位老人的眼神,好像切实能够令人感受到老人家默默的欣喜和深藏的慈爱与仁厚。这种“戏剧性”的效果,几乎是在西方油画中才能感受到。我觉得国画的意境往往很深邃,真正体会作品的意蕴有时并不容易。

[Edited at 2017-08-08 03:47 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
英語 から 中国語
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True Aug 8, 2017

David Shen wrote:

The Kindest of kind Love,
Comes from the generation above.
If you love your grandchildren more than your son!
You are not the first one. 😊

Very soon, you would become the next one!

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:59
英語 から 中国語
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Verisimilitude vs Allegorical Aug 8, 2017

QHE wrote:

上面那幅 Frederick Morgan 的画,画面上那位老人的眼神,好像切实能够令人感受到老人家默默的欣喜和深藏的慈爱与仁厚。这种“戏剧性”的效果,几乎是在西方油画中才能感受到。我觉得国画的意境往往很深邃,真正体会作品的意蕴有时并不容易。




David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:59
英語 から 中国語
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Hahaha Aug 8, 2017

ysun wrote:
Very soon, you would become the next one!

Well, now it's not up to me.
We have to wait and see.
Both you and I have sailed across the sea,
Leaving behind whatever we had had,
Paddling hard in our respective boats,
To this 'Land of Opportunity,"
Starting from scratch, facing all kinds of situations
And great uncertainty.
Once onshore, it's up to the younger generation
To decide what and where they want to be.

[Edited at 2017-08-08 18:10 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
英語 から 中国語
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老天自有安排 Aug 8, 2017

David Shen wrote:

Well, now it's not up to me.
We have to wait and see.
Both you and I have sailed across the sea,
Leaving behind whatever we had had,
Paddling hard in our respective boats,
To this 'Land of Opportunity,"
Starting from scratch, facing all kinds of situations
And great uncertainty.
Once onshore, it's up to the younger generation
To decide what and where they want to be.


你的话就像是一首诗,令我十分感慨。是的,我们只是给孩子们创造了一个良好的条件,他们的路到底怎么走,还得靠他们自己。当年,我小儿子考大学时,我们还住在洛杉矶。加大有两所分校录取了他,而且还提供了奖学金。最后,他却选择了 Univ. of Wisconsin -Madison,因为他想离我们远些。他说,他要 Freedom! 我们尊重了他的意愿,结果还算不错。

我的两位亲戚,其女儿女婿都是所谓“丁克族“(DINK, Double Incomes No Kids),而且还是“铁丁”。这下可愁坏了老两口,怎么劝说都白费劲儿。那年他们来美,看见我的孙子孙女,喜欢得不得了,却又只好“望洋兴叹”。不过,他们回国后不久就传来喜讯。原来他们的女儿女婿出于孝道,终于回心转意。如今,小宝宝已经一岁多。看来,老天自有安排!

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:59
英語 から 中国語
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听天由命 Aug 8, 2017

ysun wrote:


August 8, is a special day for me and I have to post something in commemoration. 乐音 and QHE, excuse me for a temporary change of topic here:

On August 8, 1967, factional strives during the Cultural Revolution reached its height. Farmers on one side of a ridiculous factional tension were attempting to attack the Zhejiang Silk Factory No. One where nearly 2,000 unsuspecting silk workers, most of them females were at work. My father, who was a boiler responsible for heating up the hot water supply to the entire silk reeling factory, happened to climb up onto the water towers to check on them. When high up there, he spotted the movement of an army of farmers, almost all men. Armed with hoes, shoulder poles and all sorts of farming tools, they were silently encroaching upon the walled factory from all sides. Without any hesitation, my father pulled the steam-whistle alarm (which was routinely used as a wake-up call in early morning for workers to commute to work). This time, it acted as an advance emergency warning. The entire factory was immediately informed of the approaching army and the workers gained enough time to get ready for defense. The women were gathered and assembled to be moved into safer and huge warehouses while the men reinforced their key points of defense along the entire parameters of the factory and armed themselves accordingly. The entrances and bridges were heavily guarded by the strongest men among the workers. After hours of attack, the army of farmers was not able to penetrate any of the defense lines. As darkness fell, it became more difficult for the attackers because the workers had strong spot lights which could blind the attackers. Among the workers who fought off the attackers, about a dozen were heavily injured, but only one life was lost---a temporary male worker who got scared and tried to flee into the countryside by jumping over the wall, only to be chased, beaten and thrown into a small river in which the poor injured man was never able to climb out of alive......

On this occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 8.8 Incident (as it has been locally known), I am paying a solemn salute to my father for a heroic role and deed he had performed. He worked diligently and unassumingly all his life, he never claimed to be a hero, but I think he was one.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
中国語 から 英語
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RIP, Glen Campbell Aug 8, 2017

Gentle on My Mind (Glen Campbell)

It's knowin' that your door is always open and your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleepin' bag rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it's knowin' I'm not shackled by forgotten words and bonds and ink stains that have dried upon some line
That kee
... See more

Gentle on My Mind (Glen Campbell)

It's knowin' that your door is always open and your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleepin' bag rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it's knowin' I'm not shackled by forgotten words and bonds and ink stains that have dried upon some line
That keeps you on the backroads by the rivers of my mem'ry that keeps you ever gentle on my mind

And it's not clingin' to the rocks and ivy planted on their columns now that bind me
Or something that somebody said because they thought we fit together walkin'
It's just knowing that the world will not be cursing or forgiving when I walk along some railroad track and find
That you're movin' on the backroads by the rivers of my mem'ry, and for hours you're just gentle on my mind

Or I may dip my cup of soup back from a gurglin’, cracklin' caldron in some train yard
With my beard a-roughening, coal pile, and a dirty hat pulled low across my face
Well I still might run in silence, tears of joy might stain my face, and the summer sun might burn me 'til I'm blind
But not to where I cannot see you walkin' on the backroads by the rivers flowin' gentle on my mind

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
中国語 から 英語
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Campbell's Signature Song Aug 8, 2017

Rhinestone Cowboy (Glen Campbell)

I've been walkin' these streets so long
Singin' some good old song
Why, I know every crack in the dirty sidewalks of Broadway
Where hustle's the name of the game
And nice guys get washed away like the snow and the rain
There's been a load of compro
... See more

Rhinestone Cowboy (Glen Campbell)

I've been walkin' these streets so long
Singin' some good old song
Why, I know every crack in the dirty sidewalks of Broadway
Where hustle's the name of the game
And nice guys get washed away like the snow and the rain
There's been a load of compromisin'
On the road to my horizon
But I'm gonna be where the light is shinin' on me

Like a rhinestone cowboy
Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo
Like a rhinestone cowboy
Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know
And offers comin' over the phone

Well, I really don't mind the rain
And a smile can hide all your pain
But you're down when you're ridin' the train that's takin' the long way
But I’ll dream of the things I'll do
With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside my shoe
There'll be a load of compromisin'
On the road to your horizon
Why not be where the light is shinin' on me?

Like a rhinestone cowboy
Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo
Like a rhinestone cowboy
Gettin' cards and letters from people I don't even know
And offers comin' over the phone

[Edited at 2017-08-09 10:34 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
中国語 から 英語
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CBS Sunday Morning, Feb 12, 2012 Aug 9, 2017

Glen Campbell’s Final Tour

Glen Campbell honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2012 Grammys

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
英語 から 中国語
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A real hero Aug 9, 2017

David Shen wrote:

On this occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 8.8 Incident (as it has been locally known), I am paying a solemn salute to my father for a heroic role and deed he had performed. He worked diligently and unassumingly all his life, he never claimed to be a hero, but I think he was one.


Your father saved lives of a lot of innocent people. He is truly a hero. I also solemnly salute to him!

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:59
英語 から 中国語
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炼句 Learning to write and seeking better expressions Aug 9, 2017

ysun wrote:

Your father saved lives of a lot of innocent people. He is truly a hero. I also solemnly salute to him!


Thank you for your kind words!

Returning to what I wrote yesterday, I found quite a few expressions that clearly indicate that my Chinese English is at work:

1__"Among the workers who fought off the attackers, about a dozen were heavily injured, ..."

2__"a temporary change of topic"


Heavily injured is typical Chinglish that comes from “严重受伤.” I should have used "seriously wounded" here. Although I have lived in an English speaking country for almost 30 years, with no difficulty in daily conversation, writing correctly and speaking colloquially still requires effort or at least second thoughts.

@ wherestip:


Please come in and give your critique of my choice of words and expressions. Your input would be greatly valued!

In another example, in response to the oil painting Yueyin posted of the fisherman and his grandchildren, I was trying to comment that the love from a grandparent is the kindest there is, because I was lucky enough to experience that kind of love during my childhood. But now as I read my four lines, I found that they can be interpreted differently from what I meant to say.

First, it is not clear which generation I am talking about in the case of the second line:"Comes from the generation above." (Are we talking about the parents or the grandparents generation.)

Then, there is the question of the third line:
"If you love your grandchildren more than your son!"
It could also be interpreted as "the grandpa loves the kids more than their father does," while what I was trying to get to is that some grandparents love their grandchildren more than their own sons, which is especially true among the Chinese. So, while I was trying to make my line rhyme, there is a lot of ambiguity here if not totally wrong grammatically.

Finally, I am not sure how comfortable Yueyin felt when he read the last line: "You are not the first one." A different choice of words could yield a much better tone, such as:

"You are not the only one."

Comments from other ProZians are also greatly appreciated.


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
中国語 から 英語
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Excellent prose Aug 9, 2017


That was a well-written, thoughtful, and admirable tribute to your father and his key involvement in the incident that happened 50 years ago. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I think your choice of words and use of expressions were excellent.

Since you asked, I did notice a couple of typos: "factional strifes", "entire perimeter". I would also suggest changing the term "boiler" to "boiler attendant". But these are all minor points; they certainly d
... See more

That was a well-written, thoughtful, and admirable tribute to your father and his key involvement in the incident that happened 50 years ago. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I think your choice of words and use of expressions were excellent.

Since you asked, I did notice a couple of typos: "factional strifes", "entire perimeter". I would also suggest changing the term "boiler" to "boiler attendant". But these are all minor points; they certainly don't detract from the overall integrity of the whole passage.  

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:59
英語 から 中国語
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No worries Aug 10, 2017

David Shen wrote:

Then, there is the question of the third line:
"If you love your grandchildren more than your son!"
It could also be interpreted as "the grandpa loves the kids more than their father does," while what I was trying to get to is that some grandparents love their grandchildren more than their own sons, which is especially true among the Chinese. So, while I was trying to make my line rhyme, there is a lot of ambiguity here if not totally wrong grammatically.

Finally, I am not sure how comfortable Yueyin felt when he read the last line: "You are not the first one." A different choice of words could yield a much better tone, such as:

"You are not the only one."


I totally agree with Steve in that what you wrote above is an excellent piece of prose. You are very modest, but your English is in fact much better than mine. As to the third line "If you love your grandchildren more than your son", I think it could be interpreted either way as you indicated above and both are very true in the Chinese traditions. So, I could regard it as 双关语. As to the last line "You are not the first one", I don’t feel uncomfortable at all since it is a fact.

So, don’t worry about it. Your story about your father reminded me of the chaotic and horrible years. I’ve also remembered a sad story you told us nearly ten years ago about one of your colleagues who suffered a great deal just because he wrote a slogan “赶走老毛子”(指沙俄) on one of his paintings.



By the way, the Frederick Morgan’s oil painting was first posted by QHE. I just borrowed from her.

[Edited at 2017-08-10 04:29 GMT]

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