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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
投稿者: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:19
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Light of a clear blue morning Nov 6, 2020

Light of a Clear Blue Morning (Dolly Parton)

It's been a long dark night
And I've been waiting for the morning
It's been a long hard fight
But I see a brand new day a-dawning
I’ve been looking for the sunshine
'Cause I ain't seen it in so long
Everything's gonna work out just fine
Everything's gonna be all right
That’s been all wrong

'Cause I can see the light of a clear blue morning
I can see the light of a brand new day
I can see the light of a clear blue morning
Everything's gonna be all right
It’s gonna be okay

It's been a long, long time
Since I've known the taste of freedom
And those clinging vines
That had me bound, well I don't need 'em
’Cause I am strong and I can prove it
And I got my dreams to see me through
It’s just a mountain; I can move it
And with faith and love, there’s nothing I can’t do

And I can see the light of a clear blue morning
I can see the light of a brand new day
I can see the light of a clear blue morning
Everything's gonna be all right
It's gonna be okay

Local time: 01:19
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立冬 Nov 7, 2020



唐 • 李白





[Edited at 2020-11-07 16:35 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:19
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The 2020 Election at a glance Nov 7, 2020




[Edited at 2020-11-07 16:33 GMT]
p.s. 见 PK兄 果敢出帖,不妨再补一句:

... See more



[Edited at 2020-11-07 16:33 GMT]
p.s. 见 PK兄 果敢出帖,不妨再补一句:


2020.1107.a @ 9:15 PST 改稿于西雅图荒郊

Link to interactive map: Results Election 2020
Biden=264 vs. Trump=214 as of "Last Update: 11/7/2020, 8:00:39 AM PST | Source: AP"

以下图片以 2020.1107上午8点为截止日期:

Update 7 November 2020

[Edited at 2020-11-07 17:50 GMT]

Local time: 01:19
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别有天地 Nov 7, 2020

David Shen wrote:

几年前翻的那篇文章是研究黄山对中国艺术之影响的论文,作者是齐皎瀚(J. Chaves)教授。齐教授任教于乔治•华盛顿大学,本人就是翻译家,尤精中国古诗文之英译。大约是组织方的意思,他把自己写的文章的白话部分留给了我来翻成中文,大约认为我中文会说得比他好一些吧。可惜该文已经出版,无法再追回修改了,不然我会选用“亚凯迪亚——人间乐园”。论文较长,节录如下;以供同好: (下面紫色粗体英文诗词部分全是 Prof. Jonathan Chaves 的译作,原诗是以咏黄山而著称的清代诗人曹贞吉的作品。)


That the painting and the religiosity of this place are closely linked becomes apparent when we read a marvelous poem of the “lyric” ci 词type by one of the most important and probably most prolific of the Yellow Mountain poets, Cao Zhenji (1634–1698). It is one that he wrote for inscription upon a painting by Gong Xian (also known as Banqian), today apparently lost (the poem, like the others by Cao below, are here translated for the first time)2


Inscribed on a Painting by Gong Banqian

[To the tune] Die lian hua, “Butterflies Love the Flowers”

Bones of rock, jutting upwards,
startling as they surge from ground
A thousand feet of twisting vines,
Coiling cliffs with force of writhing dragons!
Half a thatched hut, left standing after battering by wind
Inside must be a recluse sleeping.

Outside the gate now
flies not one speck of dust
New reeds grow, tender green—
And dark mist hides a sense of river, lake.
May I move to live inside this painting,
A plot within the realm of Never Care



Until the final two lines, there is a verbal presentation of the contents of the painting. Nature here is wild, untamed, and even “romantic,” and it is dark, with a brooding, blackish tonality characteristic of many of Gong’s finest works. Perhaps the mood of sadness at the recent crisis in China’s fate has somehow found its reflection in nature. At the same time, this is not “uninhabited” nature. No people are shown, but there is a hut, threatened by brutal winds, that most likely houses one of those contemporary recluses who had withdrawn from the chaos of the world. Then unexpectedly, in the last two lines, the poet speaks in his personal voice, expressing a desire to enter the painting and to live there! For all the forbidding aspects of the landscape, it is in fact the realm of an ancient mythical ruler named Never Care, whose reign was so humane and harmonious that his citizens had nary a care in the world. That is, the painting shows us what was known in the West as Arcadia, an idyllic ancient regime which, although not completely free of conflict and tension, was, by comparison with today’s troubled society, an earthly paradise, free even of “one speck of dust.” (Virgil’s Eclogues provide a perfect example from Roman literature.) In the world of Gong’s painting, as experienced by Cao Zhenji, antiquity and the contemporary world have become one; time has been collapsed or transcended, and a spiritual victory has been grasped from the jaws of defeat, a victory in which the truths of Confucian teaching have again proved their perduring power against human suffering. And yet the poet is still on this side of the realm depicted in the painting. He leaves us with his “prayer” for access to that world.

诗词前面几行我们看到的只是诗人对画中内容的描述,画所描绘的是荒山僻壤,犹如混沌初开之时,整幅画面笼罩在一片阴森森、黑乎乎的气氛之中,昏昏沉沉却又有几分浪漫。龚贤作品的精彩之处也往往在于此。可到了末尾这两行话题却突然一转。也许画家是触景生情,从某种程度上画出了他当时的心境:国难虽已过,心绪仍未平。但这种荒凉并没有到“荒无人烟”的地步,虽没画人物却有茅屋一间,顶着狂风,里面很可能住着某个隐士,为避乱世,遁迹山林,面临狂风又何足道哉...... 描绘至此,诗人在末尾这两句突然笔锋一转,道出了自己的心声;他想:“移家来画里”。尽管从画中情形看,此地做为宅居极为不宜,诗人却把它比作远古神话中无怀氏管辖的封地,她抚世安邦,其民生乐而无忧。那就是说,画中描绘的相当于西方人说的阿卡迪亚——是人间乐园,里面虽然不是没有争执、没有矛盾,但跟当今之社会相比,它则是人间天堂了,而且“一尘不染。”(语出古罗马诗人维吉尔的《牧歌集》)在龚贤的画中曹贞吉看到了古今的融合、时空的超越、精神的升华:山河虽破,志不可夺。儒家文人面对人间历难时信奉的处世真谛在此又一次得到了证实。然而在现实中诗人却仍然身处画外,只能望画兴叹,希望能够有进入那个画境之路。


Source: A collection of essays for the Exhibition of Art of the Mountain, 2017-18, works by China's top landscape photographers 《中国名山大川摄影展》, New York 2017-18


David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:19
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The charm of Dolly Parton Nov 7, 2020


Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton - The Greatest Gift Of All

初到 LA 有人请,圣诞期间座上宾。
... See more

Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton - The Greatest Gift Of All

初到 LA 有人请,圣诞期间座上宾。


*好莱坞的碗= Hollywood Bowl amphitheater, Los Angeles

*肯尼·罗杰= I was privileged to be there at this holiday concert: Kenny Rogers "Christmas in America" 1989

Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90068

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:19
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From Sea to Shining Sea Nov 7, 2020

America the Beautiful (Ray Charles)

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain

Well now wait a minute
I'm talking about ...
America, sweet America
You know, God done shed His grace on thee
He crowned thy good, yes He did, in brotherhood
From sea to shining sea

You know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this
(America, America, God shed His grace on thee)
America, I love you America
You see, my God, He done shed His grace on thee

Oh Lord, oh Lord
I thank you Lord
(Shining sea)

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:19
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In Memoriam of "Jeopardy!" Host Alex Trebek Nov 8, 2020

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:19
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Courageous TV legend was hard-working and much-beloved Nov 8, 2020

[Edited at 2020-11-09 00:41 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:19
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Cold front brings back fond memories Nov 9, 2020


... See more



Snow-covered cattle on Iverson's Montana ranch,, Oct. 26, 2020 © Justin Iverson

The temperature around Seattle suddenly dropped, more than 10 degrees below normal around this time of the year. However, this is nothing compared to the blizzards that often strike inland states like Minnesota, Montana and the Dakotas. The cold waves in Colorado and New England are harsh too, but brief. It reminds me of how cold it can get in the north.


*Source="A Montana rancher's yearly battle against the elements" (article and video) By Adriana Navarro, AccuWeather staff writer, updated Nov. 8, 2020 7:58 AM


1. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain (原文)

2. Running for Governor by Mark Twain(原文)

[Edited at 2020-11-10 06:08 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:19
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More on Calaveras County, Arcadia, Route 66 and big riches Nov 12, 2020

David Shen wrote:

1. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain (原文)《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》


将马克·吐温的 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 翻译成 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》 无可非议。这样的直译当然忠实原文,但是估计许多人一见题目也没啥感觉,或以为是幼儿读物童话之类。因为不知道“卡拉维拉斯县”(Calaveras Co.)在那个年代意味着什么。

如果国人一听“贵州茅台镇”就闻到了酒味,那么当时的美国人一听 Calaveras 可能就会想象出“幽灵出没,金银满地”的情景。这对美东那些向往大好河山并充满激情的年轻人来说一听就有召唤力,足以让他们朝着这个三块馒头(Sacramento)以东“到处是金银的矿区”挺进了。

加州的大部分老地名都是西班牙语的,因为1840年代以前那里是西班牙殖民者的地盘。三块馒头附近的许多地名本身就诉说着历史:从 Sierra Nevada 山脉上下来的溪流纵横,绝大多数溪水清澈,冲刷出万年存积,千年历史,也冲洗出金、银、铜、锡。听说 Calaveras 是“头盖骨”的意思,因为早期的西班牙探险者在那一带的溪沟沟里发现沿溪有不少头骨。(要是这些头骨是在山洞里找到的,可能也会被称为“山顶洞人”了。)1849年有人在三块馒头东南面的 Sutter Creek 真的挖出了金子,各路英雄蜂拥而来。其实早在淘金热之前,那一带的西班牙语地名中就有 El Dorado 这个词了 (即“黄金”)。

三句不离本行,回到翻译上,对中文读者,马克·吐温的 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 这样的文学作品我觉得还是以意译为上。我会译成《发财靠跳蛙》。当然,我这么说丝毫没有对前人的翻译有不敬之意,而且原文题目本身也没有点明该文最终的用意——即别把发财想得那么容易,一股风地随大流。原文是需要读者一段段看下去才觉得越看越好笑,细心的人会恍然大悟。要是像我一样文章没开头就把话挑明了,这个地方就没人来了。

上世纪的二、三十年代,中国有‘四大家族’之说法,而再早大约半个世纪(1870-90年代)的美国西部也有‘四大家族’(the Big Four)即: 1. C. P. Huntington (亨廷顿)、2. Leland Stanford (斯坦福)、3. Mark Hopkins (霍普金斯)、 4. E. B. Crocker (克罗克)。如果说‘四大家族’对今天的中国人已经没什么关系了,那相比之下美国的 Big Four 在当今社会还起着相当显著的作用。别的不说,光听北加州的‘斯坦福’你就知道个大概了;至于亨廷顿家族,除了他们在南加的图书馆和 Huntington Beach 都是让人流连忘返的地方,大部分加州居民每天的日常生活也离不开他们开办的 PG&E即太平洋煤气电力公司。

Local time: 01:19
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Allusions Nov 13, 2020

David Shen wrote:

David Shen wrote:

1. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain (原文)《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》

三句不离本行,回到翻译上,对中文读者,马克·吐温的 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 这样的文学作品我觉得还是以意译为上。我会译成《发财靠跳蛙》。当然,我这么说丝毫没有对前人的翻译有不敬之意,而且原文题目本身也没有点明该文最终的用意——即别把发财想得那么容易,一股风地随大流。原文是需要读者一段段看下去才觉得越看越好笑,细心的人会恍然大悟。要是像我一样文章没开头就把话挑明了,这个地方就没人来了。

马克•吐温在故事里有意将小斗犬和青蛙分别取名为 Andrew Jackson Daniel Webster ,其中隐喻深刻、针砭时弊;不同读者对这个层面的解读一定会有差异。把握好意译也挺难的。我试译为:《蜚声淘金之乡的跳蛙》

[Edited at 2020-11-13 20:43 GMT]

David Shen
Local time: 01:19
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In Memory of Alex Trebek - The Legendary Host Nov 15, 2020

Alex Trebek set a Guinness World Record in 2014 for "most game show episodes hosted by the same presenter",
with 6,829 episodes. By the time of his passing, Trebek had hosted more than 8,000 Jeopardy! episodes.

Reach for the Top (French-English)
1978 CBC Radio Canada

Alex Trebek's Game Show Openings

Jeopardy! (February 16, 2011)
Featuring IBM's Watson, Ken Jennings, and Brad Rutter

[Edited at 2020-11-15 18:07 GMT]

Local time: 01:19
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Acquired Taste Nov 21, 2020

《斗茶图》( Tea Competition ) 清人摹本, 仿前蜀 李昇(传)
注: 裝茶的「席囊」像雨傘一樣

普洱茶是一個江湖 - 張靜紅*

[Edited at 2020-11-21 14:51 GMT]

Local time: 01:19
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On September 28, 1789, just before leaving for recess, the first Federal Congress passed a resolution asking that the President of the United States recommend to the nation a day of thanksgiving. A few days later, President George Washington issued a proclamation naming Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin" - the first time Thanksgiving was celebrated under the new Constitution. Subsequent presidents issued Thanksgiving Proclamations, but the dates and even months of the ... See more
On September 28, 1789, just before leaving for recess, the first Federal Congress passed a resolution asking that the President of the United States recommend to the nation a day of thanksgiving. A few days later, President George Washington issued a proclamation naming Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin" - the first time Thanksgiving was celebrated under the new Constitution. Subsequent presidents issued Thanksgiving Proclamations, but the dates and even months of the celebrations varied. It wasn't until President Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Proclamation that Thanksgiving was regularly commemorated each year on the last Thursday of November.

In 1939, however, the last Thursday in November fell on the last day of the month. Concerned that the shortened Christmas shopping season might dampen the economic recovery, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a Presidential Proclamation moving Thanksgiving to the second to last Thursday of November. As a result of the proclamation, 32 states issued similar proclamations while 16 states refused to accept the change and proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the last Thursday in November. For two years two days were celebrated as Thanksgiving - the President and part of the nation celebrated it on the second to last Thursday in November, while the rest of the country celebrated it the following week.

To end the confusion, Congress decided to set a fixed-date for the holiday. On October 6, 1941, the House passed a joint resolution declaring the last Thursday in November to be the legal Thanksgiving Day. The Senate, however, amended the resolution establishing the holiday as the fourth Thursday, which would take into account those years when November has five Thursdays. The House agreed to the amendment, and President Roosevelt signed the resolution on December 26, 1941, thus establishing the fourth Thursday in November as the Federal Thanksgiving Day holiday. (NATIONAL ARCHIVES)

Daaviid Woong
Daaviid Woong
El Dorado Nov 25, 2020

David Shen wrote:

David Shen wrote:

1. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain (原文)《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》



...其实早在淘金热之前,那一带的西班牙语地名中就有 El Dorado 这个词了 (即“黄金”)。


New Oxford English Dictionary:
El Dorado: pl. -os 1. the name of a fictitious country or city abounding in gold, formerly believed to exist somewhere in the region of the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers 2. [as noun an El Dorado or eldorado] pl. -os a place of great abundance

Encyclopædia Britannica 2005:
(Spanish: “The Golden”) Legendary golden city sought by Spanish explorers in the New World. / It was the fabulously wealthy land of a king who was said to have been covered with gold dust so many times that he was permanently gilded. Many Spanish and English expeditions in the Americas were sent in search of El Dorado. In 1540 Francisco Vazquez de Coronado ventured as far north as Kansas seeking the Seven Golden Cities of Cibola. Walter Raleigh searched for El Dorado in vain in South America, leading an expedition up the Orinoco River in 1595.

所以,小的陋见以为El Dorado解作“黄金国”、“黄金城”或“富庶之地”较妥。

David Shen
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